Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1559: the holiday is over

The night breeze is slightly cool, and the tranquil beach is full of all kinds of wine and meat, mixed with the smell of the sea, which is indescribable.

Under the starry sky, Yang Cheng and Luo Yue walked along the coastline arm in arm. Lin Ximan had already gone back to the room to sleep. He didn't sleep well last night. After another day of activities today, he couldn't hold it any longer.

Unlike Yang and Cheng, they still have the energy to make it to the end, but they should take a walk under the romantic night sky, because this disgusting taste makes them lose their emotions.

Luo Yue covered his nose and mouth and frowned, "This smell is too unpleasant."

Yang Cheng pointed to the corner in front, "It's fine after passing there."

Luo Yue held the heart-shaped stone that Yang Cheng gave her, and suddenly looked up and said, "What do you think those supermodels will look like when they get old?"

Yang Cheng was slightly startled, "Huh? Why do you suddenly ask?"

Luo Yue looked at his body in distress, "It's nothing, just sighed for a while, worried about getting old."

This question lingers in almost every woman's heart, worrying about getting wrinkled and getting out of shape when she gets old. Yang Cheng has no good way to comfort her, "Don't worry, everyone has a day of getting old."

Luo Yue curled his lips, "Of course you don't worry anymore, men can still find young and beautiful girls when they are old."

Yang Cheng shut up immediately, saying everything was wrong on this issue.

So after the silence, I changed the subject wisely, "I heard that you asked for the charity fund information before, how did you look?"

As they walked, they came to the southernmost tip of the island unknowingly, completely avoiding the beach where the party was held, and the taste became fresh again. Fortunately, it was not downwind, otherwise they would not be able to avoid it.

Luo Yue moved into Yang Cheng's arms and said, "I find that doing charity is not an easy task. How to ensure the safety of funds and use them in charitable activities is enough for people to spend their energy."

"Yes, the problem of fund supervision of charitable foundations is the same as cancer. It is difficult to have a perfect solution.

But as long as you do it patiently, you can still achieve good results. "

Yang Cheng very much hopes that Luo Yue can take care of the charity. This is also the responsibility that the hostess of the Yang family must bear. Just like Liu Yun, after breaking her reputation in the fashion circle, she is also responsible for all the charity of the Yang family. Activities, both.

With such a role model, Luo Yue's pressure is really not small.

She nodded her head, "I will try my best. I can't hold you back."

Yang Cheng rubbed her little head with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense~"

. . .

This island party was both successful and unsuccessful. The point of success is that, except for the host, almost all the guests expressed their feelings when they left. I hope that there will be more such activities in the future.

And the place of failure is naturally Yang Cheng and William, who are the masters, not having enough fun.

But Yang Cheng is accompanied by his fiancee anyway, and William is like an affair, not daring to blatantly exchange life with the supermodel, and don't mention it when he is aggrieved, so that at the airport, before preparing to return, he held Yang Cheng's hand. Stop complaining.

"Jason, you have to pay me~"

Yang Cheng shivered. This resentful woman was really disgusting.

"Stop, stop, don't worry, there will be opportunities in the future, good things are hard to come by."

William looked into the distance with a bitter sigh, as if he was going back to hell, his tone was miserable, "While not getting married, take advantage of the little free time left in the house, brother, this is the only advice I can give you. "

Although Yang Cheng wanted to laugh, she still endured a few words to defend Luo Yue, "Don't worry, our family does not have as many rules as yours, Luo Yue and Kate are not the same."

William opened his mouth and finally sighed, "Anyway, I remind you, you can figure it out."

After speaking, she turned to the special plane, Yang Cheng touched her head, stood on the gangway, and looked at Luo Yue who was chatting with Lin Ximan not far away, with a gentle flash in her eyes.

The short vacation was fleeting, and after returning to the United States, Yang Cheng plunged into the ocean of documents.

By the middle of the year, when each subsidiary reached the harvest, the half-year financial report was submitted. In the second half of the year, whether to eat meat or soil, it depends on this tremor.

Yang Cheng sat in the office, Susu and Liu Junyu held notebooks and kept recording Yang Cheng's requests.

"In the second quarter of MS Short Video, profits fell by 12% without external influence. Let the person in charge explain why~" Yang Orange lowered his head, and no emotional voice floated out.

Liu Junyu shuddered unconsciously. It was not the first time she saw her cousin's state at work, but it was the first time she saw her cousin so coldly.

Compared to her, Susu is already quite familiar, and can even analyze his mood at this time from Yang Orange's tone.

Obviously, the performance decline of MS short video made Yang Cheng quite dissatisfied, but it was not to the point of anger, otherwise he would not give the person in charge a chance to explain, just order rectification directly.

It’s almost that their quick recording pen just Yang Cheng said again, "The new headquarters construction plan submitted by CW TV station, I didn’t pass it. Call it back and let them think about how to increase the ratings, don’t All these are useless. If the construction of the new headquarters can return more investment from advertisers, I would have built a building early."

Liu Junyu asked Susu with his eyes vaguely, "Is he usually so poisonous?"

Susu's eyes twitched, and at the same time he nodded slightly. The answer was yes.

Liu Junyu surreptitiously stuck out his tongue and said in his heart, "Cousin is really domineering~"

Yang Cheng didn't know that Liu Junyu had given him the name of an overbearing president, and still lowered his head and said, "Erickson Schuberg is outside?"

Liu Junyu was a little distracted, so he didn't follow Yang Cheng's words, but Susu had already developed the ability to do two things with one mind, and immediately responded, "Yes, Mr. Schuberg made an appointment a week in advance. You have already pushed once. "

Yang Cheng said, "Let him in, Jun Yu will grind two cups of coffee."

After Liu Junyu completely joined Yang Cheng’s secretary team, he was considered to have taken over Susu’s usual role as a barista. Not to mention, this cousin has a talent for making coffee. Although she took over for a short period of time, she made a lot of work. The taste of coffee is not inferior to vegetarian.

Soon, Susu, who had left, brought in Shuberg.

"Boss~" Eriksson Schuberg called respectfully.

Yang Orange still didn't look up, but emptied the seat in front of the table, "Sit down first, I'll finish reading this paper~"

Without letting the other party wait too much, when Liu Junyu brought the coffee, Yang Cheng finally raised his head and looked at Eriksson Schuberg, who was more energetic than when they first met, and smiled and said, "You do a good job and officially become a new one. Is the CEO of Time Cultural Tourism ready?"


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