Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1569: Green Ridge State

   Vermont is not only the smallest state in the United States, but also the state with the worst economic strength. Of course, it also scores compared to which place, even if the GDP ranks first in the United States, it is better than some countries in Africa.

But the poor return to the poor. Vermont is not a remote country as imagined. On the contrary, it is located in the New England region of the northeastern United States, with Massachusetts to the south, New York to the west, Quebec, Canada to the north, and New Hampshire to the Connecticut River to the east. Vermont, also known as the "Green Ridge State", is known for its beautiful scenery, dairy products, maple syrup and radical ZZ, and is a ski mecca on the East Coast of the Americas.

   The four seasons of Vermont are very characteristic. Spring is short and rainy, summer is cool, autumn is colorful, and winter is very cold, especially in the north, which is often about ten degrees lower than the southern part of the same state.

About 77% of the whole state is forest. The most common ones are pine, spruce, hemlock and fir trees. Maple, birch and elm are more common among deciduous trees. Therefore, autumn in Vermont is the most beautiful time of the year. The sugar maple leaves are dyed red, orange, and gold, and the viewer is dazzled, but unconsciously immersed in it.

   In the fall, photography enthusiasts from all over the world will gather in Vermont, flooding into those ancient and quiet towns in the state, staying for a few months, if it is not too cold in winter, it is estimated that they will stay there.

  The beautiful town surrounded by mountains and green waters, with the red leaves in the golden autumn season, the autumn of Vermont can make all the lifelessness become alive.

Many people who wandered in big cities when they were young would choose to go to Vermont for retirement in their later years. People here have independent thinking and friendly spirit, love and passion for sports, and natural scenery, which is almost perfect for retirement. place.

No wonder Bonisantander, as long as he can still move, has to drive back to Vermont for more than 5 hours and enjoy a leisurely life. Of course, it is also possible that it is in the state of green ridges that he can pursue the vitality and add to his later life. A touch of color.

   After Yang Cheng talked to Santander on the phone, he went straight home and took a Bentley Continental GT sports car of his mother, and went all the way north along Highway 7, starting a trip to Vermont.

   Like this kind of interstate long-distance driving, a GT sports car is undoubtedly the most suitable tool. If you drive a Ferrari, it is estimated that your waist will break before you reach Vermont.

Burlington, five hours after leaving New York, a navy blue Bentley Continental with an elegant posture comparable to that of a medieval knight entered this picturesque Lake Champlain and the majestic Adirondack Mountains. The largest city in Vermont.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, this city is truly a city of nature. When you come here, whether you want to go boating on the pure lake surface, or to enjoy the scenery on foot among the verdant mountains, you can enjoy the great One of the most intimate and intimate contact between nature.

   Entering the waterfront area, Yang Cheng looked through the car window and saw the beautiful landscape outside, the city scenery here is also full of vitality.

   On the prosperous and noisy dining street, in the interplay of artificial rainbow shadows and sparkling, you can feel the perfect fusion of modernity and nature, but this is not his destination, so he didn't stay too much.

Lake Champlain, drove along the lakeside road to Burlington Harbor, and then took the connecting speedboat to the central area of ​​Lake Champlain. A white sailboat with sails was quietly moored on the water. Nisantander, dressed in summer cowboy costume, is throwing his hook into the water.

   As the evening approaches, the setting sun shines red on the water surface, the silver fish hook flashes across the sky with a dazzling light, and an arc falls into the water. If the picture freezes, it will undoubtedly be a photographic work that can win countless admirations.

   The connecting speedboat turned off the engine and approached the sailboat along its inertia. Soon the crew on both sides pulled closer through the towing ropes so that Yang Cheng could step onto the sailboat in one step.

   This is an 8-meter inner lake sailing boat. Except for Bonisantander, there is only one crew member on board.

   "Hey, you are finally here~" Pony set up the fishing rod and walked over to hug Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng was a little tired, "It's too far, I knew I was flying."

   Bonny smiled, "Would you like to try fresh lake fish?"

   Yang Cheng was hungry, "It couldn't be better, do you want to cook by yourself?"

   Boni shrugged, "Of course, there is no Michelin-starred chef here~"

   The old man often cooks at home at first glance. Although his movements are slow, he is methodical and does not like to panic at all.

   In the cabin, Yang Cheng looked at the warm decoration and couldn't help but said, "Is this your own yacht?"

   Bonny nodded, "A wedding anniversary gift for the wife, but I use more."

  Don’t think that yachts are expensive. In the United States, this kind of inner lake sailing is only several hundred thousand dollars.

   With Bonisantard’s income, raising a small sailboat will not degrade his quality of life.

   In the specially built kitchen, Bonnie washed the fresh fish and cut it into strips, then wrapped it in a frying pan. Is this to make fish sticks?

   Boni said while frying the This is my favorite dish to eat on the boat, but unfortunately you are late. If it is lunch, it will be more delicious. "

   paused and added another sentence, "Of course, it's not bad now~"

   Yang Cheng laughed, "It's hard to imagine you have such a side."

   Pony’s hands kept moving, "I have always admired the rural life, but I have inherited the radical ZZ style of Vermont, so I don’t know which side is me, or both?"

   Soon, a plate of steaming fish sticks came out of the pot, and Bonnelli squeezed ketchup and mayonnaise on both ends of the plate. "Try it, I have eaten it for most of my life, and I haven’t had enough yet~"

   Of course Yang Cheng would not be polite. In fact, he was really hungry and had little taste. He swallowed casually, grinning with hot teeth.

   Bonny, "Slow down, there's more~"

   Yang Cheng nodded, and leaned on the table with his plate, and said, "What do you think of the Asian Subdivision Act?"

   Bonny was startled, "Is it here for this?"

   Yang Cheng forks the fish sticks and puts them in the mouth, nodding, "I need some advice~"

Bonnie shook his head, "I can’t give you any advice. First of all, I represent the Donkey Party. Although I am an independent person, I belong to the Donkey Party in name. Secondly, the Asian Subdivision Act is a policy recommended by the Donkey Party. You should also know the meaning, you can’t change it alone by me;

  Finally, the ultimate goal of the bill is to expand this time. If you want to do something, don't wait for all the dust to settle at this time, and then you can think of ways to promote reform. "


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