Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1570: Rules of election

  Pony’s three paragraphs are very relevant.

   Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "Minorities will never get fair treatment in the United States."

   Pony didn’t have any better words to comfort him. He could only say, “The only way for minorities to change the status quo is to participate in Zheng~”

Yang Cheng sneered at this, "Don't be kidding, take part? Then, in order to show his fairness, he is more strict with his compatriots, and even hesitates to prove his innocence by ruthless hands. Believe me, this will be inevitable. ."

   "If I can get on stage, maybe I can do something~" Pony pondered for a moment and said such a sentence.

   Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, is this figured out?

Pony smiled bitterly, “Don’t look at me like that. I’m not a cliché. The things everyone is persuading must make sense. I’ve been thinking about it these days since I came back from New York. I think you’re right. My idea must be realized in that position."

   Yang Cheng did not expect to come this time, unexpectedly happy, "It's great that you can think so, Bonnie, I will be your most powerful supporter."

   "This matter is not urgent. It will not be until at least four years before I have the opportunity to re-attach."

   Thinking of Don Lad's unpredictable behavior, Yang Cheng felt that these four years were not difficult.

"Anyway, the layout must start from now. Are you still a senator from Vertmont?" Yang Cheng looked a little excited, eating fish sticks like French fries, constantly dipping sauce into his mouth. Stuffed~

   Yang Cheng is also not clear about the process of a senator's campaign for general tong, and he is uncertain whether he needs to resign.

   Pony nodded affirmatively, "Of course, you should get to know it well~"

   was criticized, Yang Cheng seemed very humble, "Isn't this just trying to get to know you?"

Pony fried another plate of fish sticks, took out a plate of fruit salad from the refrigerator and placed it on the table, and pointed, "Sit down and say slowly. In fact, a senator’s eyes formally aimed at Bai Gong. From the moment you are seated, you must know that your next campaign path is much more restricted than those of general candidates who are not senators.

   Like your misunderstanding just now, I often encounter it. "

   Yang Cheng ate the fish sticks and made a gesture of listening to the story, amused Pony, "Are you going to listen to gossip?"

   "No, no, I'm studying!" Yang Cheng joked solemnly.

   "In general, the Senate Ethics Committee has drawn up a detailed manual for senators who are interested in participating in the general competition, setting out strict rules for the senators’ competition activities.

   In the words of their staff, this is a rule book similar to the ‘cliff’ style, ‘jump or not jump off the cliff’ and the senators can figure it out by themselves.

   To sum up, the core point is that senators must distinguish clearly between their senator roles and the roles of general candidates.

For example, a senator cannot conduct any kind of competition in the building of the Senate or any federal ZF agency, including that the senator cannot publicly discuss in the Senate why voters should vote for him, and it also includes that they cannot conduct publicity in any form. Funding activities also include that senators cannot raise funds and accept donations within the approximately 290 acres covered by Capitol Hill.

   The only exception is that if a media reporter happens to ask Senator Jingxuan about Jingxuan in the Senate building, the senator can answer. "

   Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Is the area specified?"

   Pony was also helpless, "Yes, and the senator’s assistants are not allowed to work for Jingxuan in the Senate office, and even discussing related topics is not allowed."

This is understandable. As we all know, compared with the limited staff in every office of the House of Representatives, every senator in the Senate has many assistants. The more committees a senator is on, the more assistants are equipped. Some of them are in the Senate. Congressmen work in the offices of Capitol Hill, and some work in the states where the senators are located.

  "According to the regulations of the Senate Ethics Committee, senators cannot use any resources in the Senate office for competitive activities. These resources include Senate equipment, office rooms, and office assistants.

Of course, the exception is that the staff in the Senate and Jingxuan’s office responsible for drawing up the senator’s timetable can communicate with each other. At the same time, the senator’s press secretary can occasionally reply to Jingxuan-related questions, but cannot conduct relevant issues in the Senate’s office. Jingxuan's news interview. "

   Yang Cheng quickly finished a plate of fish sticks, and the quantity was not much.

Upon seeing this, Pony simply contributed his plate. "Whenever a senator participates in the general competition, there will be senator’s assistants who hope to contribute to the competition. In this way, if the senator wins the competition, A person can also be upgraded from a senator’s assistant to a general tong assistant.

  Soaring status!

   However, the Senate Ethics Committee stipulates that senator assistants cannot use their working time for campaign-related work, and can only use their spare time or transfer to full-time competitive staff.

If an assistant wants to reduce his working time in the Senate and increase his spare time for competitive then he must also work for the Senate at least one full day a week, as well as the Senate’s salary Will be reduced accordingly.

   Of course, the most interesting rule is that assistants can contribute to Jingxuan, but they must not contribute money, and they must not donate to their senator Jingxuan in any form.

   One of my assistants has a lot of money in his family. After I decided to run, he asked for ZZ donation for me, but I stopped him. This was not helping me but harming me. "

Bonnie’s fish sticks contributed to Yang Cheng, and he could only eat fruit salad. “By the way, the Senate Manual also stipulates that radio and television records related to the work of the Senate shall not be carried out in any form for the purpose of ZZ competition. That is to say, if a senator candidate wants to use a section of his previous speech in the Senate as a campaign advertisement, he can only repeat the speech at that time, but not the speech at that time Cut into his own campaign advertisement.

  You also know that attending hearings and making public speeches in Congress are the most important part of every senator's work. Many speeches can be reused, but unfortunately, it is absolutely not allowed in the competition. "

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Is that all?"

Pony thought for a while, "There are some small things, for example, the senator’s office can send mail through the United States Postal Service without paying postage, but this privilege will be taken back when the senator participates in the general competition, because It is necessary to avoid the senator’s office from seeking votes from the Xuan Minda wholesale letter at the stage when the large xuan is about to vote."



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