Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1572: White Russia is not white

   The little Ukrainian girl is in a state of sorrow. She doesn’t feel irritable about Yang Cheng’s words from the left ear to the right ear, because Yang Cheng’s behavior has not yet become annoying.

   It is inevitable to be hit up in a bar, the most annoying is the kind of people who always look arrogant.


   Just when Yang Cheng was about to retreat, the little beauty said faintly.

   Yang Cheng was overjoyed when he heard the words, and finally caught up with him, "It's a great honor to meet you on this night. What a beautiful name, Yulika, if I guess right, are you from Ukraine?"

   Yu Lika pinned a strand of hair behind her ears, turned her head and looked at Yang Cheng with those azure blue eyes, and shook her head gently, "No, I'm from Belarus~"

   Yang Cheng was taken aback. Although it was not Ukraine, he didn't guess wrong. It was all in that area. Speaking of Belarus, the origin of the name is not because the people of this country have white skin. This understanding is too superficial.

   Belarusian and polar bears belong to the Slavic species, and the Slavic name was named in Roman times.

   At that time, there were three major ethnic groups in Europe. In order to facilitate management, Rome gave them names. They were Germanic, Celtic, and Slav. If Slavic translated into Chinese, it means "good".

   Later, the Slavic tribes were divided into three branches: West, East, and South;

  The western branch is today's Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks, while the southern branch is now Serbians, Montenegrin, Croats, Slovenians, Macedonians, and Bulgarians;

  East branch is a polar bear, Belarusian, Ukrainian.

   Therefore, in the process of changes in the Slavs, Belarus and Russia are closely related.

But Yang Cheng doesn’t care where Eureka is from. The most important thing is that the two of them get in touch. This is the beginning of a good night, so Yang Cheng is ready to show off some knowledge, and she has to arouse her interest no matter what. It would be a heinous sin if the beauties that only appeared in fairy tales could not be caught.

  Although he used to hate people who show off for no reason the most, but for the sake of beautiful women, he can't take care of so many, and he has to use all the tricks he can use!

   looked at Yulika in surprise, "Are you from Belarus? It is really a beautiful country. I regret that I have never been there, but do you know the origin of your country's name?"

   Yu Lika really took the bait. She looked at Yang Cheng subconsciously, and her face was dull. "I once read a historical record that the Slavs living in Belarus and Russia today mainly live by boating and fishing.

   In the Roman Byzantine era, the mainstream people used Greek.

   If you translate ‘boating’ in Greek, it’s pronounced Rus, which means Ross.

   At that time, there was no country name. The Byzantine dynasty used the term "Land of Ross" to refer to today's Russia and other places.

   Because of translation, prefixes and other reasons, the Slavs living in today's Russia began to call themselves Russia and gradually became a national name.

   From the 9th to 11th centuries, the Kingdom of Kievan Rus was established on the lands of Russia and Belarus. At that time, there was no distinction between Russia and Belarus. It was not until the 14th century that the name Belarus appeared in history. "

I have to say that foreigners generally fail in the history class, let alone Belarusians. Even if you ask an American to ask about the history of his country, I can’t tell you one, two or three. At most, you know that your country is in. Make a big war fortune at one stop.

   Not to mention this girl who seems to be less than 20 years old, with that awkward look, she has lived so old to realize that her country's name has evolved from Greek?

As for the origin of the name Belarus, Yulika is even more ignorant, but she did raise her interest. This is a bar and a place to talk about the beautiful scenery. She didn’t expect to be able to take history lessons. Of course, if it’s the history of other countries, especially Rika certainly has no interest in a dime, but she still wants to learn about the history of her country.

   Anyway, there is nothing left or right, chatting with this handsome Asian can also divert attention.

   There is no way, anyone who is sold to the United States by a loved one will be heartbroken.

   Yang Cheng drank a mojito. The refreshing taste was like a fuel additive, fueling his desire to speak!

"There is no fixed explanation for the name of Belarus, but a few legends are quite reliable. For example, the people of Belarus believe that they have a purer ancient Slav bloodline than Russia and Ukraine, and they feel that they are'pure Russians. ', that is to say, white has the meaning of pure white and pure;

   There are the ancient Belarusians who like to wear bleached linen clothes and white leggings, so the ethnic group is changed to Belarus.

   In addition, the Belarusians were liberated from the rule of the Tatars. "White" means freedom or liberation.

   These statements are actually very reasonable and meaningful, but no matter what, the name of Belarus is to tell everyone that it is different from Russia and is a different branch of the same ethnic group. The two cannot be compared. "

Yulika suddenly realized, speaking in a strange tone of English, "Thank you, this is the first time I know that my country’s name has so many Yang Cheng raises a glass, "It’s nothing, I like to understand. The different cultures of different countries will enrich my experience. In fact, I have a good impression of Belarus. This is a beautiful country, and only such a country can give birth to beautiful women like you. "

It’s not the first time Eureka has been praised for being beautiful. She has been exaggerated since she was a child, and she is almost immune. But Yang Cheng’s praise still makes her feel different, "Are you Chinese? It’s the first time I have met such a personality. Open Chinese."

   Yang Cheng shrugged, "It's a pity that you didn't know me sooner~"

   "It's not too late~" Unexpectedly, Eureka was still very talkative, and Yang Cheng felt that she was more confident.

   talked on this topic for another ten minutes, and the two of them drank the wine in their glasses. Yang Cheng tentatively said, "One more drink? It counts mine~"

   Yulika hesitated and nodded slightly. She came to the bar to have a drink. This is just a cocktail, nowhere~

   "Thank you~"

   Yang Cheng snapped his fingers, "Here, two cups of Black Russia~"

   ‘Black Russia’ is also a cocktail. Its characteristic is that although it has a high alcohol content, it is easy to drink. It is based on vodka, and it is named after its cola-like color.

The recipe is also very simple. Use vodka as the base wine. Add mannose coffee liqueur and coffee syrup to the second layer. The bartender first puts ice cubes, then vodka, and then slowly pour the mannose coffee liqueur , And then add coffee syrup to ease the spiciness and shake it.

   Soon, two glasses of cocktails like ice-cola were placed in front of them.



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