Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1573: All relatives

The brewed black Russian wine has a slightly spicy and sweet taste, with the peculiar spicyness of vodka, but because of the aroma of coffee, it covers the spicy taste and makes the taste warmer. The entrance is not compared to pure vodka. It is difficult to import.


   is very suitable for drinking in the bar, and it is more in line with the taste of women.


   Yang Cheng stretched out his hand and motioned, "Taste it, specially ordered for you, it blends perfectly with your temperament."


   Yulika drank very boldly. She pulled out the straw and drank into the glass, "I like vodka better than sweet wine~"


   Yang Cheng's face changed slightly. This girl is okay, she is indeed a direct descendant of a polar bear. If she wants to drink, she will drink pure vodka, and she will lose if she speeds up the ice.


  Since they are interesting, Yang Cheng naturally can't be disappointed. He pointed to a bottle of vodka in the wine cabinet and said, "Open a bottle of vodka for me~"


   Tonight, he is determined to bring Yu Lika back to the room to get a good understanding of the physical characteristics of Belarusian women~


   But just after opening the bottle, Yang Cheng didn't wait for a few toasts, and the phone rang very shamelessly.


   I didn’t want to answer it, but when I saw it was President Jin’s phone call, he hesitated a bit and connected, "President Jin? Is there anything wrong with calling so late?"


   This tone sounds unpleasant, and President Kim muttered a few words in his heart, "Mr. Yang is not convenient to listen to the phone?"


   Yang Cheng's tone was a little slow, "It's okay, President Kim has something to say straight~"


  Don’t go around the lines, I’m not free~


   "That's it. My friend's son just left the Jing Bureau. Thank you Mr. Yang for raising your hand. My friend intends to host a banquet to apologize, and I also invite Mr. Yang to honor him."


   As soon as I heard that it was just eating, Yang Cheng said, "Forget it, that's the end of this matter, there is no need to eat~"


   I wanted to hang up after speaking, but President Kim hurriedly said, "Mr. Yang, wait a minute. My friend and President Kim Youngmin are cousins."


   Yang Cheng’s cell phone has already left her ears, but she can hear the familiar name and put it back, "Huh? Kim Young Min from S-M Entertainment?"


  President Kim sighed, "Yes, it is President Kim Young-min~ In fact, we are also with distant relatives."


   Yang Cheng's look is a bit weird, the co-authors are all from Lao Jin's?


   But when something happened, why didn't Kim Young-min call to find himself?


   Of course, this is not important. Since the other party used Kim Young Min's relationship with him to keep himself, he must have something to discuss.


   As expected, Chairman Kim said, “My friend is engaged in the promotion of Korean films in the United States. Of course, he occasionally undertakes the activities of Korean idol groups in the United States.


   But he recently took a fancy to a project. . . "


The interest that Yang Cheng just mentioned fell back in an instant. Every month, countless projects are invested in New Era Pictures. Not to mention Yang Cheng, the big boss, the staff responsible for the initial review of the project heard this. There will be no interest. After all, in the United States, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to trade a project. It is really simple to say. The difference is that there are only a handful of projects that can successfully get on the big screen and make money!


   Seeing that the other party is Kim Young-min’s relative, he said routinely, “I will ask the staff of the New Era Film Project Department to contact you and let your friends talk to professionals.”


  It’s not that he holds his own identity. It’s that too many people in Hollywood want to earn tens of millions of dollars with a piece of paper every year. If everyone Yang Cheng takes care of it, do they need to do other things?


Hollywood, which has already become an industrialized assembly line, has its own set of procedures for film projects from initiation to release. For example, President Kim’s friend, "Ding Dong" has an idea, immediately find an 18-line screenwriter and put this together The idea is simply written into an outline, without writing a detailed outline, you can sell it everywhere with a piece of paper.


   If the idea is novel enough that the project outline is bought by a film company or independent producer, then the project will survive.


   Then you can form a team to find more professional screenwriters, producers, directors, actors and all the behind-the-scenes staff.


After the film is shot, the master tape is sent back to the company. The film company and the distribution company sign a patent license transfer agreement. The distribution company decides how many copies to make for the film. Of course, before that, the distribution company is responsible for inviting all movie theaters who are interested. Buyers watch movies. This is the well-known pull conference. There will not be only one movie, but many.


   After that, the buyer and the distribution company started bargaining, including which movie they were willing to release and the details of the rental contract.


   After the release date is determined, the distribution company is responsible for drafting a publicity plan, step-by-step distribution and screening. The screening period can range from one week to several months, depending on the box office trend.


   After the deadline, the movie theater and the distribution company divide the money according to the contract, and finally return the funds to the original initiator of the project. Only at that time will it know whether the project has made any money.


  Of course, this is a general commercial film project management process. If a small-cost independent film is released, some steps can be combined.


The process seems simple, but it is a complicated and long process from project initiation to release to final collection of money. Because of so many years of development, the film company has its own set of mature project approval process. For film companies, there are ten A movie with a profit of 10 million is far more popular than a dark horse movie with a small cost and a big What everyone needs is a long flow of cash inflow, not a one-time miracle.


   Therefore, in Hollywood, the establishment of a project is always the most difficult part. The successful establishment of a project means that there is a high probability of making money, even if a dime is a profit!


   As for the many movies that have failed at the box office that the outside world has seen, they don't actually hurt the film company much. Only ten consecutive failures are the source of bankruptcy!


  President Kim heard Yang Cheng's lack of interest and couldn't help but said, "Mr. Yang, please listen to me. This is a mature project "Busan Tour".


   Yang Cheng is a bit ridiculous, "Go to Busan? Are you sure? That's my company's project and it hasn't been released yet, so is he planning a remake?"


  President Kim affirmed, “Yes, it’s your company’s project. My friend is very optimistic about the prospects of this project. He is going to take a gamble and buy the US remake rights before the project is released.”


   Yang Cheng thought it was a bit interesting, "I remember that "Travel to Busan" will be released in South Korea in mid-July. Now that the overseas copyright has not been sold, your friend wants to buy the remake rights?


   By the way, how did he see the film? "


"Overseas distributors’ watching conferences. By the way, he has a movie theater line all over Koreatown in the United States. He promised that as long as Mr. Yang sells the remake rights to him, he will do his best to promote "Busan Tour" in his theater line! "


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