Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1574: Add more 2

   After speaking with President Kim, Yu Lika waited for a long time. Seeing that he was no longer interested in chatting, she couldn't help asking, "Have you encountered trouble?"

   Yang Cheng was taken aback and laughed, "No, I'm just thinking about some business matters. By the way, it's you. Seeing you staring in a daze with your phone before, it seemed that something sad happened?"

Eureka looked sad, her picturesquely beautiful face gradually showed a layer of anger, white and red, but very beautiful, "I followed my boyfriend to the United States, but he wanted me to accompany the rich I went to bed in exchange for the opportunity to become a model. I didn’t want to. I had a big fight with him, bought a ticket and ran out.”

   After hearing this, Yang Cheng understood why Yulika was sitting alone in the bar drinking.

   thought for a while and said, "Belarus has many beautiful women who wander overseas in various ways every year. Most of them choose to bow their heads in real life and become the toys of the rich.

   You did a good job, at least you didn't give up hope easily. "

   Yulika shook her head, "I didn't think much about it, but I couldn't accept such a betrayal and wanted to escape quickly."

   "Do you want to be a model?" Yang Cheng asked smoothly.

   Yulika hesitated, "I don't have any specialties. I don't know what to do except being a model."

   Yang Cheng disagrees, "Being beautiful is also a specialty~"

   Yulika’s smile was fleeting, "Thank you~ Thank you for chatting with me, I feel much better."

   "Actually, I have some ways. If you want to develop in the modeling business, maybe I can help you."

   Yulika was slightly surprised, but there was a trace of resistance and suspicion in her eyes.

   Yang Cheng waved his hand, and took out a business card from the inner pocket of his suit and handed it over, “Don’t rush to make a decision. If you don’t worry, you can learn about me through the Internet or friends.”

   He said very frankly. Only then is Eureka willing to pay a little trust. She took the fine-textured business card and looked at it for a while, then frowned slightly, "jasonYang? I've heard the name, Toutiao? Is Toutiao app?"

  'S face was shocked, and his slightly opened mouth looked particularly charming.

Yang Cheng definitely nodded, "It's me, so don't doubt my ability. As for whether I have ulterior motives, I can honestly say that no man can resist your appearance. I don't deny it, but I never force others, especially A beautiful woman is a treasure given to the world by God and cannot be profaned, so don't worry."

With his frankness and his identity, it is easy to win the favor of a simple girl. Although Eureka is not as pure and flawless as she imagined, she has just experienced betrayal by a lie and suddenly received sincere treatment from Yang Cheng, and her mood will always change. of.

   In this way, the beautiful girl from Belarus stepped into the trap created by Yang Cheng, and finally fell.

   Of course, Yang Cheng is not a person who puts on his pants and refuses to accept the account. A wonderful night, in exchange for a bright future, a very cost-effective business, isn’t it?

He introduced Eureka to Liu Wen and asked Liu Wen Studio to sign Eureka’s most youthful and beautiful ten years. This is a look at the lion’s overbearing power. No more.

  . . .

After Yang Cheng returned to New York the next day, instead of going directly to the company, he accepted the invitation of Chairman Jin and his friend to have a face-to-face meeting. Yesterday, some things were unclear on the phone. Yang Cheng had to meet in person. The location was still K restaurant.

Different from President Jin’s typical Bangguo appearance, friends with the same surname Jin are very gentle and elegant. They seem to be around 50 years old, and the aura of a successful person at least looks more comfortable than President Jin. Up.

   In the greeting, Yang Cheng learned that this friend who had a close relationship with Kim Young-min was named Kim Ji-hoon, a name on a bad street in South Korea.

Yesterday’s girl named Park Sunying is still accompanying, but unlike yesterday’s rather mature dress, Park Sunying is wearing a pure white dress, small one-word high-heeled sandals, and her hair casually draped. In the back of my head, even the makeup is extremely light, it seems that even the foundation is useless, there is only a light layer of BB cream, plus a light pink lip gloss, the whole temperament is one word-pure!

   This is Park Shanying's carefully chosen dress after learning that there is still a chance to meet again today. Seeing Yang Cheng's slightly dazed expression, she can't help but secretly rejoice. Last night's efforts were not in vain.

   It's a pity that Yang Cheng just experienced the girl who walked out of Yulika's phone call. She was not interested in Park Shanying, so she wasted her efforts.

   It's all this, Park Sunying doesn't know yet.

Sniffing the faint fruity fragrance from the girl next to him, Yang Cheng said to Jin Zhixun, "Mr. Jin, the project of Busan Tour is one of my most important projects since the acquisition of NEW, and to tell you the truth, the company already has With its serialization plan, the company is very optimistic about the box office of this project.

   And my own company has the most complete distribution channel in the world, and there is no need to help others in overseas promotion.

   Not to mention that New Era Pictures is fully capable of trading the Hollywood remake of "Travel to Busan".

   Therefore, I really can't find a reason to sell you the copyright of the remake ~ even if you have the largest Korean theater in the United States. "

   His straightforward words immediately set the tone of the conversation, so that the three girls hadn't had time to use the active topics that the three girls thought of.

   Jin Zhixun is not surprised by Yang Cheng's attitude. Businessmen and businessmen have to discuss everything. Business is not robbed, but negotiated.

"Mr. Yang is right. I really can’t take any more advantages. But there is one thing that Mr. Yang can’t compare. I understand the preferences of Koreans better. If there is my full promotion, "Travel to Busan" The project can explode tremendous energy among the Korean American community. The ultimate goal of making commercial films is to make money. There is a chance to make more money. I believe no one will refuse."

   Yang Cheng didn't hesitate to think about his own ideas, and nodded honestly, "Of course, it is really good to make money and make more money, but your verbal guarantee alone seems to lack credibility."

Jin Zhixun was well prepared and directly took out a report from his briefcase and handed it to Yang Cheng, "This is a profitable bodyguard of my cinema chain in the past 5 years. You can clearly see me from the graph. The earnings growth of theater chains.

Koreans living in the United States have a large demand for cultural products of the motherland, and with the expansion of the Korean group, the demand has also increased in direct proportion, and our cinema can accurately control the needs of Korean audiences and provide them with Providing film products that meet their tastes has gradually formed brand effectiveness. Whenever a new film is released, everyone will go to the cinema to support it at the first time. Compared with the American audience, Koreans are the most important thing after the launch of Busan Tour in the United States. Audience group~"


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