Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1575: Human dart

Jin Zhixun has a total of 24 theaters in the United States with 120 screens. Last year, a single screen output was 420,000 US dollars. The annual total revenue was almost 50 million, and the net profit was less than 1 million US dollars. However, the revenue performance did maintain steady Growth, which is among the best in all small theaters in the United States.


More than 100 screens are not a lot. If all of them are used to show "Travel to Busan", it will be larger than the small-scale screenings of many literary films. Coupled with the distribution channels of the New Era Film Industry, the guarantee is 300-500 With large-scale screenings, the box office revenue of "Travel to Busan" in the United States is not much lower.


Looking at it this way, Jin Zhixun’s theaters can really play a decisive role. After all, his theaters are located in Koreatown, where a large number of Koreans gather. As he said, Koreans need to rely on cultural products from the motherland when overseas. Increase cohesion. In this regard, Koreans do even better than RB people.


   Yang Cheng read the report roughly, put it aside, and muttered, "Well, the Hollywood remake of "Travel to Busan" can give you an investment opportunity."


Jin Zhixun sighed. What he wanted was to trade alone, but looking at Yang Cheng's meaning, he was obviously not ready to let go. What he said was just a word in CY Entertainment, and there was no room for negotiation. This was the best condition he could win. Up.


   Raised the glass, "Then I would like to thank Mr. Yang~"


   Yang Cheng smiled and clinked glasses, "Thank you Jin Yingmin, I also care about his face~"


   This is forcing a favor, and whether Kim Young-min wants it or not, he has to continue. Although his favor is not worth a lot of money, maybe it can be used in the future?


   With the mentality that the thief will not go empty, Yang Cheng can be considered a wave of precautions.


   After talking about the business, the atmosphere of the dinner became relaxed, especially when a few young and beautiful little beauties joined, and the two old men were also in the spring, and experienced a dream of returning to youth.


   As for Yang Cheng, she has been playing Tai Chi with Park Shanying, neither alienating nor close, chatting and entertainment will do anything, it is completely impossible to go further.


   After lunch, Yang Cheng called Andrew over and drove. He sat in the co-pilot of Continental, and regretfully said to Park Sunying who had gone out to see him off, "Let’s do this today, I’ll see you another day, let’s go out and play alone~"


   This kind of polite remark is really not sincere, and I didn’t even leave a phone number. How to find someone?


  In the crowded Manhattan, the European Union could not run at all, which made Andrew very depressed.


  Yang Cheng hiccuped and joked, "Do you know how hard your boss has been in these days? It's 1000 kilometers round trip, and it's been a long time since I drove such a long distance. I was almost exhausted~"


   Andrew thief laughed, "Boss, I think that car was too powerful last night, did you scare you?"


Yang Cheng glared at the second dumbfoundedly, "Your boss, I am an old driver, what car hasn't been driven? The 16-cylinder Bugatti Veyron can't be easily conquered by me? A Volga from Belarus. , Count as a fart~"


I didn’t drank less at noon. I was really drunk at the moment, so Yang Cheng couldn’t keep the door when talking. She was unscrupulous and discussed with Andrew who drove more cars. Of course, this car is not the other car. When the discussion came to Xing, Yang Cheng really had some desires, and regretted not leaving Park Shanying’s phone number. This girl dressed up for herself, but she did not personally inspect the goods in the end, regretting it! ! !


   But Murphy's law is really accurate. What do you want? No, Xiao Li called Yang Cheng, who was about to go home to sleep and sober up, to the yacht. Quentin Tarantino was also there.


Flying directly to the high seas by helicopter, the 68-meter private yacht owned by the owner of the Washington Redskins was quietly moored on the sea, and Yang Cheng could hear the noise from the yacht through the noise of helicopter propellers. The party is very lively.


A little drunk, walked down the helicopter and quickly entered the cabin under the cover of the crew. He soon saw that Xiao Li was recreating his classic scene in "The Wolf of Wall Street", using the dwarf as a physical dart and hitting it directly. The padded target was in the middle, and the girls in cool bikinis all around cheered for joy, because Xiao Li had thrown a lot of money out of excitement.


   Yang Cheng saw a black-haired beauty who greeted the banknotes with her huge peaks and valleys. She kept her hands and grabbed no less than $1,000 in a short while and was stuffed into one of the few places where she could save money.


   After the little plum spread the money, he happened to see Yang Cheng coming down the stairs. He hurriedly separated from the crowd and walked over, holding Yang Cheng and said, "Go, go and say hello to Dan Snyder. He has been waiting for you for a long time."


   Yang Cheng was surprised, "Wait for me?"


   "Yes, I heard that I am going to talk to you about the topic of super yachts, you local tyrants, I will send you over and not participate."


Bringing Yang Cheng to a private box, after closing the door, the noise outside was instantly isolated, and the round sofa in the box was surrounded by people. Yang Cheng glanced at it and recognized Quentin Talun. Tino, as well as the owner of the NFL Washington Redskins, is also the owner of this yacht, Dan Snyder, and another gray-haired old man seems to be the owner of the Dallas Cowboys, Jerry Jones, and Yang Cheng does not recognize the others.


   Dan Snyder immediately sent out a warm welcome when he saw Yang Cheng, "n, finally see you, welcome to join the NFL family~"


   Yang Cheng couldn’t hold back the other party’s could only hug him helplessly, and once touched, "Thank you for your invitation. This is a perfect yacht."


This yacht is undoubtedly his pride. Dan Snyder couldn't help being proud, but he pretended to be humble and said, "This is nothing. I just placed an order for a superyacht with the Dutch Phidistar. For a yacht nearly 100 meters long, I have a great idea. I am going to move the IMAX theater to the yacht. This will be the world’s first offshore IMAX theater. How about this? This is my idea. ."


   Yang Cheng was really amazing. This idea is quite good. "It's great. I also have a yacht built in Holland. Would you like to copy your idea."


  Dan Snyder deliberately put on the appearance of an old hen protecting her baby, "no, this is my exclusive idea. I am preparing to apply for a patent. If you want to use it, you must pay a patent fee~"


   pretending to be thinking, and muttered, "Just 100 dollars~"


   Everyone laughed, and Yang Cheng also said cooperatively, "Then I will give you 1000~"


   Xiao Lizi also joked, "That is, it costs 1,000 for everything. Everyone is not short on money. When the theater is built, Quentin and I can premiere the new movie at sea. This gimmick should be unmatched."


   Quentin, the devil director's eyes lit up, "Leon, I have to say, when you are not hilarious, your brain is definitely enough!"


  :. :

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