Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1578: Heading off work

   "I don't know, it seems to be from China~"

   Yang Cheng frowned subconsciously when he heard the words, and thought, "People from China? Wouldn't it be the autumn wind again?"

   My mother took off the mask and did not forget to tap it to help the essence absorb, "Your grandfather called today and asked when you will return to Xiangjiang."

   "Huh? Grandpa asked me something? Why didn't he call me?"

   "How do I know~"

   Okay, I seemed to have asked a stupid question, Yang Cheng thought speechlessly.

After chatting a few words, I went back to the room and took a shower. I lay on the bed and talked with Luo Yue on the phone. After returning from the Philippines, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan continued to devote themselves to the intense but not busy design work. Since Yang Cheng is sure Once the exterior design plan is established, the next step is to perfect the details and work with top interior designers to come up with an interior decoration plan that is as perfect as possible.

   When the design work is completed one day earlier, the work can be started one day earlier. In Luo Yue's mind, this is her own business, and she can't help but care.

   "Are you going to invest in Xiao Lizi's movie?"

   The two were just chatting, thinking about what to talk about, and learning that Yang Cheng had met with Quentin today, Luo Yue asked about the project.

   "Yes, the investment has been confirmed, and I am waiting to sign the contract."

   Luo Yue smiled lightly, "Then congratulations in advance for the big selling of the movie~"

   "Definitely, I will take you to the premiere when the filming is over."

   "When will I get it~"

   "Just let it go, let's set it down first~"

   The two chatted with each other, and the topic was not nutritious. Even for the boring topic of Luo Yue drinking a few glasses of water today, the two chatted in full swing for more than ten minutes.

  Until Yang Cheng received a call, he hung up reluctantly.

  The call was from Liu Wen. As soon as the call was connected, Liu Wen said anxiously, "Kim Kardashian and Leslie have met."

   Yang Cheng didn't react for a while, "Who?"

   "Leslie Wixner, CEO of LBrands."

   Yang Cheng suddenly said, "Oh, don’t worry, they don’t have to meet for little sister Jin."

   Okay, he didn't believe this after he said this. If it wasn't for Little Sister Jin, would Leslie go to have a meal with the Queen of the topic?

   An old man who is almost 80 years old, can't control Kim Kardashian, and he's not afraid of sitting to death.

Yang Cheng groaned, "Don't worry, it is impossible to set things down with a meal. No matter how powerful Kim Kardashian is, it will not be able to influence the CEO of a company with a market value of 10 billion. "

   Hearing what Yang Cheng said, Liu Wen's rather disturbed mood slowly settled down, too, caring was chaotic, and there was not much to do before, but he was surprised by himself as the end of the world.

   Liu Wen patted his cheek and scolded himself for nothing!

   "Then what shall we do now?" Although the anxiety was soothed, Liu Wen still had no idea and could only act according to Yang Cheng's instructions.

  Yang Cheng stood up, pacing in the room with her mobile phone, before saying, "Sister Jin got her exclusive wings. It's probably a foregone conclusion. Then we can only think of a solution from other people."

An exclusive wing is very likely to determine Liu Wen’s income for the next year, and the impact is not big. Yang Cheng now controls Liu Wen’s studio and has just sent a white Russian beauty with unlimited potential. Ka's devil figure and angel face will soon show up on the runway. At that time, Liu Wen's studio will be a wave of profitable GC. How can Yang Cheng allow problems in the core of the studio.

   There is nothing trivial about making money, and Yang Cheng also had to be cautious, so he said, "Well, where are they meeting now? If you are near me, we might as well go have a chance encounter."

   Liu Wenwen was not stupid, but he was prone to fainting in the game. After hearing Yang Cheng's reminder, he knew what to do next.

   immediately burst out an address, and after an appointment with Yang Cheng 20 minutes later, I saw you, and hung up the phone hurriedly.

Yang Cheng smiled bitterly and shook his head. She just changed her home clothes and was ready to sleep comfortably. It was a good time to play on the yacht in the afternoon. It was the time when tiredness came to the door, but now she still sleeps. If it fails, I still have to play with others, and I can imagine the depressed mood.

   Leslie Wixner, 79, has been leading the LBrands since 1963 and is the longest-time CEO of the S&P 500 index company so far.

   is also him who built Victoria's Secret, TheLimited, and youth apparel brand A&F into a world-renowned chain store, subverting the traditional department store business model by focusing on specialty brands.

   Moreover, Leslie is also the largest shareholder of LBrands, holding more than 13% of the shares.

Originally because of the successful holding of the Victoria's Secret Show for many years, Victoria's Secret was built into the world's largest underwear brand in one fell swoop, and even monopolized the women's underwear market. However, with the rise of more and more underwear brands, as well as the aesthetics and tastes of modern women The market share of Victoria's Secret is slowly decreasing. Cheaper underwear and sports bras have gradually replaced xing styles and become the preference of young girls today.

   The customers of the Victoria's Secret brand are losing a little bit, just like the Arctic iceberg, melting every year. .

   But no matter what, Leslie’s feats can’t be erased. He is still the core of and is also an admirable business elite, even if the hero is late.

Arriving at the private club, Yang Cheng waited for a while at the door, and saw Liu Wen getting off a yellow taxi. After paying the fare, he trot over on high heels. When he saw Yang Cheng he breathed out, "I'm sorry. Bother you so late."

   Yang Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Our interests are bound. This should be done. Let's go. Let's meet the topic queen."

  With Yang Cheng, Liu Wen has the confidence and even more confidence than leaning on Wendy Murdoch in previous years.

   But not long after her confidence rose, the two encountered an embarrassment. This is a very private club. There is no membership information. Bill Lid came and didn’t want to go in. It was just that!

   was blocked by the security guard, Yang Cheng felt a little bit reckless, but all came. Can’t you just retreat because you can’t get in because you don’t have a membership card?

   There is no way but to call Citi’s personal secretary to solve the problem. Facts have proved that having a top black card of a major investment bank in the United States is a very good experience.

   is just a phone call. Within two minutes, the club manager walked out with a smile and welcomed Yang Cheng's arrival.

   "Mr. Yang, our clubhouse provides everything you want, red wine, cigars including..."

   The hidden vocabulary Yang Cheng can guess naturally, but because of Liu Wen's presence, the other party didn't say it clearly.

Yang Cheng came here to create an'encounter', not for entertainment. He didn't say anything directly, "Are there any friends I know here tonight? If so, please tell me. I need to go over and say hello to be polite. "


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