Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1579: Big stick sweet jujube

"Someone you know?"

The manager is a little confused. He has been working in the club for some years. He has seen many strange guests, but he came up and asked if anyone he knew. How should he answer this? I'm waiting online~

The key is who do you know? Don't know who?

The manager realized in an instant that he might have encountered the most difficult problem in his career, or the VIP customer recommended by Citigroup. If this is not served well, the job can be saved?

But his worries were superfluous, and Yang Cheng also knew the problem in his words, so he added, "I just saw Lbrands' Leslie's car? Is he there?"

The manager didn't have time to think about it, let alone the principle of confidentiality. It was still important to keep his job. He nodded quickly and said, "Yes, Mr. Wixner is meeting with friends."

Yang Cheng smiled and made a request that embarrassed the manager, "You go and notify him that a friend is there, and you want to say hello to him."

I wanted to say a few high-sounding remarks, be restrained, and then go in as if being aggrieved by the power to call people. Unfortunately, although Yang Cheng seemed to be kind, the indisputable light in his eyes made the manager swallow what he wanted to say. , He pondered slightly, "Mr. Yang, please come with me~"

Successfully led Liu Wen into the clubhouse, went up the three-story building, turned left and then left, and came to a room. The manager apologized, "Mr. Yang, wait a moment~"

After speaking, the doorbell rang, and after waiting for about three seconds, the private room door quietly opened a gap. The manager pushed the door in without hesitation and closed the door carefully.

Yang Cheng and Liu Wen were left looking at each other in the dim corridor.

Liu Wen looked a little uneasy. Anyone in such an environment would feel cramped. Yang Cheng had never been to this club before and had never heard of it before, but he was not surprised at the sao operation of high-end clubs. He gently patted the hand on his arm, and calmly said, "It's okay, don't be nervous, you don't have to talk after you go in for a while, let me handle everything."

"Got it~" Liu Wen took a deep breath. This seemingly carefree and open-minded girl occasionally showed a tense and weak side.

Fortunately, they didn't let them wait too long. The manager came out again, opened the door, and with a regained smile, invited them in sideways.

As soon as he entered the box, Yang Cheng found that the interior space was very large and the light was also very good. The huge privacy glass in Liangshan introduced the night into the room.

It cannot be seen from the outside that this box is more than 200 square meters, and it has a bar, a dining table, and a bathroom. A few people talk about things in it, and they can completely avoid going out all day.

And Leslie and Kim Kardashian, sitting on the purple velvet sofa, looked at Yang Cheng with curiosity and a trace of unknown meaning.

"Jason~" Leslie called out Yang Cheng's name with a complicated expression.

Stepping closer, "Leslie, it's been a long time since I saw you, how is your health?"

After all, he is almost 80. It is normal to care about the other person's body.

"Of course, it's as strong as a cow." Leslie patted his chest.

Yang Cheng came uninvited, but he didn't take the liberty to disturb his consciousness. He sat down with an anti-guest attitude, nodded and smiled at Kim Kardashian, "Good evening Ms. Kardashian~"

"Just call me gold, good evening."

The moment she saw Yang Cheng and Liu Wen, she knew the purpose of the two, with defensive expressions, but on the surface the etiquette was very good.

However, Yang Cheng did not plan to communicate with her too much. Leslie took the initiative in the whole matter, and it was impossible for Kim Kardashian to give in for the benefit of the younger sister and the family. In that case, there is no nonsense. Necessary.

"Coincidentally, you are also entertaining in the club?" Leslie tentatively asked.

Yang Cheng said frankly, "No, it's not a coincidence, I came here directly after receiving the news~"

I glanced at Kardashian and chuckled, "Liu Wen is my friend, and I also have invested in her studio, so this year's exclusive wings for Victoria's Secret must have her name."

Leslie frowned. "Must?"

Yang Cheng nodded, "You heard that right, you must! Although I don’t have many Lbrands stocks, it is enough to cause trouble for you. If I take the lead in selling, it’s not certain whether your Victoria’s Secret Show will be held as scheduled. It."

Except for himself, including Liu Wen, no one thought that Yang Cheng was so overbearing and threatened as soon as he came up. Moreover, the basis of his threat was not small. Even Leslie had to be vigilant. The transformation of threats into actual actions is indeed likely to be translated into truth by Yang Cheng.

After speaking, Yang Cheng smiled and remained silent, as if he was a joke, but in fact, the reason why he did not choose a softer way to communicate was also after some consideration. First of all, Leslie This person can still stick to his post when he is nearly 80 years old, which proves that he has extraordinary feelings for LBrands. It can even be described as possessive This is the weakness. If things show too much care, then the "thing" itself will become the person's weakness, because he is afraid that his things will be robbed, and as long as it is not robbed, then everything is easy to say.

It is precisely this mentality that Yang Cheng decides to give a strong medicine, telling the other party directly, either cooperate or resist. The result of cooperation is that there is nothing wrong with the company. The company is still his, at most offending an empty-headed celebrity but no celebrity The Kardashian of strength.

On the contrary, if you choose to resist, maybe Kardashian will read a friendship, but as long as Yang Cheng starts to sell, the market value of Lrands will be seriously tested. In the end, it is hard to say who the company belongs to.

In front of this multiple-choice question, if the brain circuit is normal, I am afraid I will not choose the first one.

Leslie has been in the business world for so many years. I don’t know if there are any quirks, but his mind is absolutely normal. Except for the fact that he can't leave the company, he is a normal old man who can no longer be normal.

Naturally, his choice also met the expectations of the public.

Spreading out his hand, he said helplessly, "It looks like a double choice question, but in fact I only have one choice, right?"

The arc of Yang Cheng's mouth opened wider, and he was also betting that his potion of powerful medicine would have an immediate effect and achieve curative effects, otherwise he really couldn't find a better way.

But in the face of such an old man, he should not be too much, even if it is a stranger, he should give a sweet date with a stick. He should naturally treat Leslie more generously, saying modestly, "Lesley, thank you For your understanding, New Era Media will open a part of the publicity resources to LBrands in the future. I hope you don’t mind my impoliteness just now."


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