Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1583: Is it another order?

Judging from Yang Cheng's experience, everything that says'it's not a question of money' is often related to money in the end.

So for Zhang Xuan's words, he didn't take it to heart.

Originally, Yang Cheng was called to understand the surrounding area. Yang Sen quickly found a reason to retreat. Otherwise, he would drink with a group of drunks, and it would not be finished until the next morning.

Everyone came out and put the Yang family father and son in the car until they drove out of an intersection, and they could still see in the rearview mirror that the crowd had not dispersed.

Yang Cheng couldn't help but curiously asked, "Who are these people?"

Yang Sen burped alcohol, and his drunkenness caused him to speak uncomfortably. He said with a big tongue, "New immigrants from the country and the country~"

"Then how did you meet you?"

"One of them was introduced by a domestic partner. It is said that he is a speaker in a village and he has good strength."

"Please help?"

"That's not right~ not for the time being."

Yang Cheng didn’t speak any more. If it’s something innocuous and elegant, it will help if you look at the face of your compatriots. I’m afraid it’s just licking my face to ask for money. These few things have caused Yang Cheng to feel very emotional. unhappy.

"By the way, how did you deal with the group of people from the Texas Chinese Association last time?"

Yang Sen rubbed his forehead, thought for a long time, and finally said, "Your grandfather is mad, and I will scold that group of people when I go back."

Yang Orange laughed and said, "Farring? I haven't seen Grandpa furious for many years."

"The rabbit bites when it's anxious. The group of guys from the Chinese American Association just owes it."

Yang Sen, who had drunk, didn't have the demeanor of the Confucian businessmen in the past. He opened his mouth and shut up and killed a few. Yang Cheng thought it was funny, so he recorded it with his mobile phone and sent a copy to his grandfather and grandpa. Of course, his mother was indispensable.

As soon as the father and son entered the house, they saw their mother holding a feather duster in her hand, sitting on the armrest of the sofa with Erlang's legs tilted up, preparing to stage a modern version of "Three Spring Training Fu".

As the initiator, Yang Chengchong's mother winked and ran back to the room.

After a while, I heard from downstairs, "ding~dang~dang~dang~" the whole allegro.

Yang Cheng was cheating upstairs. Yang Sen was pouring blood mold downstairs, and finally went out for a drink. His wife caught the women's singles.

The servant on duty was stunned to hide in the special kitchen and did not dare to go out, for fear of being involved.

That night, I fell asleep amidst the screams of my father.

. . .

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng yawned and walked out of the room. According to the usual habit, he must continue to sleep if he can't get enough sleep. How can I go to work if I don't get enough energy?

But today, in order to witness my dad’s miserable appearance, it’s rare to wake up early, sitting at the table with coffee and morning tea. They are all refreshing things. They suppressed the sleepiness, and waited until dad stared at the couple. Dark circles come out.

It made Yang Cheng very disappointed. Show me this when I take off my pants?

Looking behind his father, "Where is my mother?"

Yang Sen scratched his messy hair, "I fell asleep in the room, I slept late last night."

Yang Cheng smiled meaningfully. It seemed that he hadn't been exposed yet. He resolved the breakfast three times and five times, and patted the crumbs on his hands, "Yes, you eat, I packed up and went out~"

Yang Sen waved his hand and sat down to deal with the hot milk.

. . .

Two hours later, Yang Cheng was sitting in the office doing official business. Yang Sen's phone came after him, "Good boy, did you cheat me?"

Yang Sen suffocated his smile, just put the phone aside, and didn't turn on the hands-free. Let dad have a mouthful, and then talk about it after cursing.

As a result, I forgot the time of this release. After more than half an hour, I remembered to look at the phone and found that my father had hung up long ago.

Yang Cheng folded her hands in a false manner and bowed, "Don't blame me, Dad, I'm just for entertainment."

I was praying to my dad from the air, when the phone rang suddenly, and he was shocked. Then he looked at the screen unhappily, Leiden's phone, and answered the channel depressedly, "Your call is really not at the right time~"

The opposite Leiden obviously didn't know the cause and effect, and the explanation was bitter, and he thought it delayed Yang Cheng's major event, "I'm sorry boss, I didn't mean it..."

"Forget it, let's talk, what's the matter?"

"That's right, I just received the news that the Omani Jun side is preparing to replace the main battle tank and is issuing bid invitations to global tank manufacturers."

Yang Cheng frowned. Although this is good news, if he goes the other way, he will not be competitive at all.

"Has it been determined?"

Leiden snickered, "That's why I called. They haven't determined yet. We still have a chance to stop the beast."

Yang Cheng was overjoyed, patted the table and said, "Very well, as long as there is a slight possibility, I can't give up."

"It's the boss, and I received news that Iota has also sent high-level officials to Oman to prepare for public relations with the Oman jun party."

Yang Orange was taken aback, "Iota? They also received the news?"

As soon as the voice fell, he patted his forehead, "That's right, it's strange that I didn't receive the news. It seems that the competition pressure this time is not small."

Leiden said again, "I also got a rumor, I don’t know if it's seems to be the first news that South Korea has received. They didn’t start in advance and sold their new main station tank to Oman— -K2, it is said that the Oman Jun side has several real-power military guans and they are more recognized."

Yang Cheng laughed when she heard it, K2? That's a joke, claiming to be able to beat 7 99 Types in one shot, and don't make a draft before bragging. Your M1A2 dare not brag about it.

Really think that you don't need to pay taxes?

The most funny thing is that such a powerful tank can't even turn over a concrete pier. The guns that join your house can only fire on the spot?

Of course, Yang Cheng keeps the words of the great man in mind, he must despise the enemy strategically, and attach importance to the enemy tactically. No matter what the level of tanks, South Korea is very experienced when it is a small PR country. You must be vigilant and not overturn the ship in the gutter. , That is the biggest joke.

"How many cars does Oman plan to buy?" Yang Cheng asked with concern. He had to calculate how big the order was and whether it was worth his personal trip.

"From the current news, there should be no less than 70 vehicles."

Yang Cheng smiled contentedly, "70 three-generation main battle tanks are enough to make a fortune."

"Okay, you are fully responsible. When I need to go out in person, remember to call. We can't miss this list. By the way, you have to keep an eye on the Oman jun side and never let them take the bidding route of the guan side. We also do it for them. save money."

I have been with Yang Cheng for a while. Whether he saw it with his own eyes or heard it from Hansen, it was enough for him to understand Yang Cheng's personality.

Regarding the character of the young boss, Leiden knew it, and immediately said, "Boss, don't worry, this alone can't run. Whoever blocks us to make money is the enemy!"


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