Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1584: K two blown out

The subordinates show their determination to the boss, and the boss naturally wants to encourage him, "Do it hard, if this order is completed, you will have the bonus."

Leiden was just waiting for these words. As soon as he heard the bonus, his appetite was immediately hungry and thirsty, and he wished to rush outside to kill a cow.

"Boss, just wait for my good news."

She was about to hang up when she finished speaking, Yang Cheng hurriedly stopped. He still wanted more information.

"Wait, you tell me about the current situation of Oman Lu Jun. They purchased 70 main battle tanks at once, can they afford it?"

Leiden searched the information in his mind and organized the language to say, "As far as I know, Oman Lujun currently has a total of 118 main battle tanks in active service. Compared to the area of ​​Oman, it can be regarded as a relatively powerful one. Armor.

However, Oman Lujun only owns 38'Challenger 2'main battle tanks purchased from the United Kingdom, and the remaining 80 are all American M60A3'Ultimate Patton' main battle tanks born in the 1970s. Their performance is better. The third-generation main battle tanks in active service have a large gap, and the equipment is relatively backward, and the modification potential has long been tapped.

Considering that the neighbor Saudi Arabia just purchased a batch of M1A2, it is reasonable for Oman to be anxious. "

Yang Cheng rubbed his chin and muttered, "If I remember correctly, the performance of'Challenger 2'is at an advanced level internationally, and its service life is relatively short, so it should not be replaced in the short term."

Leiden affirmed, "Yes, so this time Oman Lujun intends to purchase main battle tanks. It should be planned to replace the old M60A3 main battle tanks. This can also be confirmed by the number of orders."

"Replace 80'Ultimate Buttons' with 70 third-generation tanks?"

"Yes, in fact, their Challenger 2 has been in use for some years. I deliberately checked the information. Oman Lujun ordered a total of 38 Challenger 2 main battle tanks from the United Kingdom twice in the 1990s.

It has been in service for 20 years so far, but according to their plan, they are preparing to serve Challenger 2 until 2035. "

Yang Cheng was speechless, "It's been so long? Can it still be used?"

He doesn't understand that tanks have been in service for a long time. Pishna cao is a characteristic of tanks. Didn't you see that many small countries are still using old guys who were eliminated after World War II?

Of course, it's a miracle that that kind of old antique can go on the battlefield. Don't expect to show their combat effectiveness. Running half of the nest is the norm.

Leiden replied honestly, "Yes, the M60A3 tank, which has been in the army for nearly half a century, can hardly continue to serve until 2035.

And the Challenger 2 main battle tank has shut down the production line, Oman can only order new main battle tanks from other countries.

but. . . "

"Huh? But what?" Why did he stop talking?

"However, due to the country's economic strength, I think Oman may not be able to afford M1A2. Boss, you also know the price of the tanks we sold to Saudi Arabia~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and shook his head helplessly, almost forgot about it, so he was so excited?

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Leiden said embarrassedly, "I just remembered it too."

Yang Cheng didn't have much to say. The cruel reality is like a chasm. You can't expect to jump over it. Then it's okay to take a detour, right?

Leiden said again, "I think this is also the reason why Oman Jun is optimistic about K2 in South Korea."

Yang Cheng wondered, "Why?"

"It's cheap~"

Yang Cheng laughed, too, although he didn't know the specific price, it should be cheaper than M1A2 anyway.

Open the computer browser and search for the information of the K2 tank.

K2 was originally called "Asian Leopard 2", nicknamed "Black Panther".

This nickname is not groundless, but because the K2 tank is different from the previous generation K1 main battle tank. The design of the K1 is mainly derived from the M1 main battle tank of the United States, while the K2 has obtained a lot of technical support from Germany. Even the main guns, shells and even power packs are imported from the same type as the German Leopard 2.

However, unlike the high export prices of the M1 and Leopard 2 tanks, the export price of the Korean K2 tanks started at only 9 million U.S. dollars. Even if the supporting equipment and ammunition are included, they start at only 10 million U.S. dollars, which is nearly 10 million dollars lower than the M1A2S tank. , Even if they eat too much kimchi and want to increase the price, it is much cheaper than American products.

At this time, Leiden suddenly said after a long silence, "Boss, the email just received, a message from a broker, said that the public relations personnel sent by the South Korean side have already opened the bargaining chip and promised that once the order is fulfilled, The K2 tanks exported to Oman were modified, such as installing new air filters and equipment cooling devices, to adapt to the local hot environment.

Boss, it seems that we cannot underestimate Korean products. At least for Oman, it is attractive enough, not just cheap. Since the development and design of the K2 main battle tank are carried out under the NATO framework, it is in line with the original American system of the Oman army. , British equipment logistics support system can be better integrated, no need to build a new logistics system, which will play a vital role in determining the ownership of the order. "

Yang Cheng sighed. Arms sales have never been a one-shot deal. There are too many factors involved. As Leiden said, logistical support factors definitely occupy a considerable proportion. is impossible to buy. A tank is used up and one is abandoned, right?

If such a prodigal, let alone Oman, Saudi Arabia can't afford it!

However, Yang Cheng didn't give up. It was not his character to give up before the business was discussed. The news that he had seen in the previous life sounded again, and he smiled twice. Don't you have an advantage? Then I'll pour some dirty water for you, and see if you can wash it off.

Enter a string of text on the search engine, and quickly found relevant news. As expected, since the K2 service, the Kimchi media has been boasting that its K2 main battle tank can penetrate 7 Z parked side by side with one shot. The National 99 main battle tank is worthy of being the largest country in the universe. Yang Cheng saw many comments under the news, and the stick netizens really believed it!

It is also understandable that the stick is always self-righteous and never examines the facts. The K2 main battle tank artillery that the Korean media claims can smash everything is not developed by Korea itself, but is a Korean imitation version of the German Rheinmetall artillery!

This kind of **** is not afraid to scare the rigorous German to death. It would be strange if you don't have a few sausages!

Koreans have always liked to hold on to their own little advantages and blow to death. It’s just a matter of blowing imported products. After all, the German artillery is indeed of a certain level, although it is not as exaggerated as one shot through 7 99s. After all Even if you put 7 thick steel plates, it won't be shattered in one shot, let alone the armor of the main station tank?

Niu 13 is about to blow to the sky. If it doesn’t come and punctured by a needle, Yang Cheng is really worried about falling and hitting his head. That would be so wrong~

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