Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1591: God cheap

Isn’t it a penalty for breach of contract? You decide and I also decide.

Finally, Yang Cheng pinched his nose and recognized the penalty clause. Of course, Harms didn't get it well, and under Yang Cheng's tough attitude, he also put a shackle on himself.

After the agreement of intent was signed, Yang Cheng had the confidence to take the agreement and ask Demien for a discount.

To this end, he returned to New York overnight and met with Demien.

"What happened to you asking me out in such a hurry?"

Yang Cheng directly put the contract of intent on the table, "Look at the quotation above, can you get this discount?"

Demien took a glance at the contract and shook his head, "Impossible, what Oman needs is the full version of M1A2, which is different from the castrated version sold to Saudi Arabia last time. The price cannot be so low, and it will cause Saudi dissatisfaction and even protest. I need to consider the issue of international pressure. Although we don’t care, if we lose the big dog Saudi Arabia, my opponent will be very happy to kick me from my current position."

Yang Cheng pondered, "What about the castrated version? It is the same model as the Saudi batch."

Demien then shook his head, "You know, we can't take the batch of tanks sold to Saudi Arabia. Selling them at low prices is also to clamp down on neighboring countries. Otherwise, even if it is a castrated version, selling 18 million units is not a problem.

The price of the full version will exceed 20 million. "

Yang Cheng sneered in his heart, God Nima is cheap, who doesn’t know that the purchase price of your US military is only 5 million, even if you take into account the huge profits of arms, it has been doubled by 2-3 times in one breath, it is still castrated, except for those who pay protection fees. Who would be fooled by the local tyrants in the Middle East?

He didn't fight the injustice for Saudi Arabia, but simply expressed his upset at Demien's brazen rhetoric.

"Just tell me how much money you can get, and the castrated version will do."

"15 million, this is the lowest price I can get, and it is guaranteed to be the same model as the Saudi batch." Demien didn't hesitate, obviously she had already calculated it.

Yang Cheng secretly shook his head. The price was high, and Aman would not accept it. Originally, he wanted to try to obtain a batch of first-hand goods for Aman in order to maintain this large customer. Who would have thought that Demien would not give face.

"What about second-hand goods?"

Demien was stunned for a moment, "Used goods?"

Yang Cheng opened his hands, "I heard that this year Lu Jun will continue to shrink the establishment and abolish troops. People can withdraw. What about weapons?"

Demien was speechless. This Yang Cheng was too good at calculating. At first, he was only aiming at the new items in the inventory. Now he has focused his idea on the equipment that is in service. He deserves to be a capitalist and has a pair of eyes for finding money.

But she also had to admire Yang Cheng. This is indeed a good idea. Second-hand goods are also second-hand goods when they are new. Naturally, they cannot be regarded as new ones. The price is bound to be higher.

12 million dollars is not an impossible figure.

Demien squeezed the contract and slapped it, "Oman needs 80 vehicles, which are relatively large. I need to go back and investigate to see which unit's equipment can be sold."

Yang Orange reminded, "It's better to be 90% new."

Demien glared at the black-hearted capitalist, "I know, you are going to be shoddy."

Yang Cheng certainly didn't admit it, "What is shoddy? I'm also lowering the price for Oman in disguise."

"Don't talk, go back and wait for my news, 90% of the new equipment is hard to find."

"I know, 80% is not good, but you have to find someone to deal with it, at least it seems to be new."

This profiteer! Demien looked at Yang Cheng contemptuously and did not speak.

Yang Cheng understands that he doesn't care at all. As the saying goes: No traitor no business!

. . . . . .

Saying goodbye to Demien, Yang Cheng didn’t rush away. She asked the waiter for a cup of iced coffee. She sat in the shop until she drew off and got up. She didn’t know what happened this year. It’s not the hottest time yet. It's almost 30, humid and sultry, sweating easily with a little movement.

This year happens to be the year of the Olympics, and various sports events ended early, which is convenient for athletes to return to China for training, and fortunately to play for the country this summer.

This also led to more than a month before the start of the Olympics, the sports page of the news media was boring, and some sports reporters wanted to switch to Hollywood part-time paparazzi. There is no way, everyone has to survive, and it doesn't matter what status you can make more money.

Yang Cheng thought about seeing good luck in Rio in the past, but when he thought of the unfriendliness he had experienced in Rio, he suddenly put off his thoughts and honestly find a cool place to escape the heat.

Summer vacation in the West is not just a holiday exclusively for students, including now that the economy of country Z is getting better and better, many families with conditions permitting will spend the summer vacation with the whole family overseas to reward their hard work in the first half of the year.

So every year from July to July, the sky starts to jam. Even if you take a business jet, you will encounter air traffic control problems. At this time, you can't wait for your arms to become wings, and you don't have to rely on others for your own business.

Standing at the door of the coffee shop, calling Luo Yue, "Honey, have you thought about where to spend the summer vacation this year?"

Luo Yue is so busy that he is not in the mood to consider this, "Aren't we just coming back from the Philippines?"

"That's different, it's just a party, not a summer vacation."

Luo Yue laughed, "Come on, I'll listen to you anyway."

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "Would you like to go to Milan? We still have a manor on the edge of Lake Como. I gave it to you, remember?"

"Of course, okay, I'll go to Milan. I really want to live on the shores of Lake Como for a while. By the way, can I bring Manman? Otherwise, she won't have a place to go in the summer."

Yang Cheng certainly will not refuse, "You are the hostess, and it is your right to invite guests."

Luo Yue smirked, "I see, let's finish the work quickly, and then set off."

"No hurry, we went to live in Lake Como for a month, so how come we have to finish our work."

"Okay, that's it, I'm going to have a meeting, hang up~"

Listening to the busy tone on the phone, Yang Cheng laughed. This girl is really a workaholic.

Just about to get in the car and return to the company, Zhang Xuan, the owner of the shop who had a fate at the "Qingcheng" restaurant before, called.

"Jason, are you busy? I'm sorry to call."

Yang Cheng smiled, "You're welcome, I'm outside, you can tell me something."

"That's it, don't you know if you remember what we said that day?"

"Of course, it has only been a few days, and my memory is not so bad."

After a pause, he seemed to have guessed what the other person was thinking, "So, are you determined to let me invest in your Los Angeles branch?"

Zhang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that the rich young man would be embarrassed if she just said casually.

"Yes, my husband and I have discussed in depth and decided to develop the second branch of Allure. I also hope to get your strong support from Yang Orange said in deep thought, "Let’s do it, I’ll be a while. Go to your store, let's talk in person. "

Zhang Xuan was overjoyed, "That's what I meant. We are in the store now, and it happens that I invite you to dinner."

Yang Cheng didn't shirk, "Okay, I'll be there later."

. . .

Now that the lunch peak has passed, there are not many customers in the store, and it looks a bit empty. Zhang Xuan and his wife were talking to the staff at the bar at this time. When Yang Cheng came in, they immediately interrupted the conversation.

Yang Cheng looked at the Zhang Ailing poster hanging at the entrance, and asked with a smile, "I didn't interrupt your work, right."

Zhang Xuan came out from the bar, "Why, I hope you come soon, please~"

At this time, her husband also followed, Zhang Xuan quickly said, "Look at me, forgot to introduce, this is my husband Wang Yiming."

Looking at this middle-aged man with a round inch, Yang Cheng reached out and shook the opponent, "You opened a great restaurant."

Wang Yiming hurriedly said modestly, "I dare not, I can't call it great, it's just a hobby of our husband and wife."

"It is worthy of admiration to turn a hobby into a career."

There are still several guests in the store dining. Seeing the two bosses greeted them at the same time, they thought that there was a big man, so they cast their eyes.

A Chinese American recognized Yang Cheng's identity and smiled politely. Someone who didn't know whispered over there, whispering to his companions, who is this young man?

Yang Cheng?


Rich second generation?

Heir to a big family?

The boss of Toutiao app?

In short, the rich are right. . .

Yang Cheng's ears were still bright, and the whispers of the guests were all caught by him keenly. In this regard, what else could he do besides smiling more kindly?


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