Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1592: Chinese food dilemma

(Restore 5000 words update, ????ヽ(°▽°)ノ??)

For the card seat in the corner of the restaurant, Zhang Xuan brought the menu and asked Yang Cheng to order it casually, and she treated him.

Yang Cheng was not embarrassed either. The main reason was that he was hot and had no appetite at the moment, so he ordered two refreshing dishes-ginger fried duck shreds and Sichuan flavor jelly.

Putting down the menu, he asked, "I heard that you also have a local Shanghai stock market?"

Zhang Xuan is obviously more talkative than her husband, "Yes, it's on the banks of the Hudson River, called Qingguo~"

Yang Cheng expressed a slightly surprised expression, "Is it your industry too?"

He patted his forehead, and said silently, "I should have thought of Qinguo Qingcheng~ My mother is still a fan of Qinguo Restaurant.

The improved version of crab noodle dumplings, West Lake sweet and sour fish, salted egg yolk rice cakes, paired with unique Vietnamese coffee and fresh meat moon cakes developed by the chef in the shop are my mother's favorites. "

The couple looked at each other and felt proud, "This is our honor."

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "You already have the operating experience of two mature restaurants. It seems that there is no need to bring me in."

As the male host, Wang Yiming finally spoke, "Mr. Yang may rarely pay attention to the current situation of Chinese restaurants in the United States. It can be said that it is only superficially prosperous, but the crisis has come to the top of the head, and it may take people's lives at any time."

Yang Cheng frowned and wondered, "Brother Wang, call me jason just like Sister Zhang. You seem to be serious."

Wang Yiming is also not hypocritical, "Then I will exaggerate. I didn't exaggerate. The reality will only be more serious than I said."

Zhang Xuan also followed, "Yes, business is becoming more and more difficult nowadays, especially for restaurants like us that focus on mid-to-high-end customers. At most, they are struggling not to lose money. As for making money, it is about to become a luxury. Up."

Yang Cheng really didn't think in such a bad direction. Although he knew that the profits of Michelin-starred restaurants would be infinitely compressed in order to maintain the quality, it would be a bit exaggerated to say that they did not make money. It was just a question of earning more and less.

But Zhang Xuan said that making money has become a luxury. How do you understand this?

This restaurant has not seen net profit for at least a few months. It is just trying to maintain balance. Is this an exaggeration?

Yang Cheng didn't think the other party would talk nonsense about this matter, because once the two parties cooperate, careful auditing is a necessary process. By then, they will know everything and there is no need to lie about this kind of matter.

Wang Yiming said again, "I don't know if you have heard that since last year, the large restaurant in Flushing has entered the Warring States Period. There were originally three or four time-honored restaurants, and at least three have been added in the past three years.

Several restaurant owners I know often lament over saturation and difficulty in doing business every time they meet.

Just last month, the two restaurants went out of business one after another, and the masters who were able to get to the stove gradually retire and leave. The younger ones are not good at learning skills, and it is difficult to sustain the heavy duty of the cook, and there are fewer and fewer apprentices. , Young people are unwilling to enter the industry, coupled with the minimum hourly wage and rising shop rents, I am afraid that more restaurants will close in the future.

If it was before, it was not impossible for everyone to report to the group for warmth and spend the cold winter of the catering industry together. After all, they had to experience it every once in a while, and the owners of these old stores have experience.

But now the situation does not allow it. Large restaurants such as Dong Yifeng, Duncheng, Royal Palace, Mingdu, etc., in order to increase the freshness of customers, most of them have changed their names, but in fact they have been in Flushing for more than ten years.

After the opening of 39 Avenue in 2008, Mulan Seafood Restaurant entered, and the decoration has been greatly improved compared to traditional restaurants.

The Sovereign Restaurant opened the year before, and even the magnificent venue and the prime location next to the entrance of the subway station robbed a large number of customers for festive wedding banquets.

Then last year, Dongyunge Seafood Restaurant and Hongdingshanzhuang Grand Restaurant opened one after another. Newcomers entered the market with huge amounts of cash. Regardless of industry rules, they started a price war at the beginning, and even hit a price of 2.5 yuan for large, medium and small points. .

This is no longer a commercial competition. This is self-destructing the Great Wall. The old restaurant has no choice but to fight in order to survive. Therefore, many unknown people think that the Chinese restaurant is very popular, and every day is full of customers, but only us These old people in the industry know that they are just making money at a loss. "

Wang Yiming's heart ached more and more, even with a hint of choking.

Zhang Xuan sighed and continued, "The Hongdingshanzhuang restaurant opened in July last year and is known as the second largest Flushing restaurant.

But today, a year later, not far from closing, in fact there were signs six months ago.

The price war at the beginning was very loud, and it really won a good start. During the first six months of opening, there was a lot of people, working overtime collectively, and diners were still in an endless stream, but most people just wanted to be cheap and the taste was not as good as they thought. After one time, I won't go there again.

In just half a year, when they stopped implementing the low-price strategy, the restaurant business went from bad to worse, and the restaurant was often located all day long. The restaurant was located near Times Square and the monthly rent exceeded $45,000.

You should know that a few years ago, the restaurant and several other small shops were packaged for rent, but it was only 75,000, which shows that the rent has soared.

The owner of the restaurant has also thought about changing hands. Many catering operators have visited the venue. However, due to the high rent of the restaurant, they have retreated. The owner is also holding on. It is estimated that it will be a day or two to close. "

Yang Cheng looked a little dignified. Don’t look at those restaurants’ failures that have nothing to do with him, but talent is the key. Only when his compatriots have a good life, can they be more confident to rely on them and exchange for more ZZ resources. Can't live anymore, and the Chinese have become veritable little races in the United States. Isn't that still a matter of cruelty?

Seeing this, it proves that the pattern of Yang Cheng itself has improved, and it is no longer limited to the one-third acre of land in front of him. This is a positive side, but based on the cruel reality in front of him, such a positive influence seems to be useless.

Of course, this is a problem of the general environment, and it cannot be solved by Yang Cheng's own words. He can only affect matters related to him for the time being, such as whether he is determined to invest in the Allure Restaurant.

One of Wang Yiming’s words just aroused Yang Cheng’s vigilance. He said that large restaurants are becoming more and more difficult to operate. Except for the saturation of Flushing restaurants and the unruly brutal competition of new stores, fewer and fewer young people choose to be The chef is also a big problem.

Yang Cheng also feels that this is the hidden worry for the future of the catering industry.

Regardless of what industry, talent is the key. If people are gone, what industry can continue to do? So what is the point of investing?

In fact, he can also understand There are no statutory holidays in the catering industry. When other people can go on holiday during the holidays, you can only face the cooking fume in the back kitchen. Who is willing to suffer from this? ? The key is that there is not as much money as you think.

Good chefs are getting harder and harder to find. The direct impact is the decline in the quality of the dishes. This is the direct cause that affects the life of a restaurant, and it can even be said to be the only one. After all, having a good chef basically means earning money.

Coupled with the straight increase in operating costs, Yang Cheng can understand what Wang Yiming's dilemma is.

Wang Yiming said, "A friend of mine, he came to the United States in 1975. He said that at that time, he made money by opening any store. Now employees frequently sued the boss for violating labor laws. The cost of renting and manpower has increased. Companies with less than 11 employees in New York City The minimum hourly wage has risen from the earliest US$7 to the current US$11. I heard that it may rise to US$13 next year. It seems that the increase of only US$2 is not much, but the cost of expenditure has increased by 18%.

The more employees there are, the higher the cost. Especially large restaurants are labor-intensive enterprises, and it is harder to afford the soaring cost.

A boss joked that in the future, I am afraid that artificial intelligence will be used to automate and mechanize the catering industry, reduce employment, or simply close the store and change business. "

Yang Cheng reluctantly shook his head, "The increase in the minimum hourly wage is directly related to currency depreciation. Of course, human factors are indispensable. In order to win votes, many congressmen treat raising the minimum hourly wage as a shortcut. It seems that as long as there are related proposals. , They can be selected successfully.

But no matter which factor it is, it is inevitable, and the catering industry can only find another solution. "


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