Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1593: The problem is quite serious

"Jason is right. Facing the problems of the general environment, no one can solve the problems in a few words. As practitioners, we can only find answers to the problems ourselves."

Zhang Xuan’s words are quite pleasant. At least Yang Cheng, as an investor, is happy to see that investment targets have rational thinking. In a shopping mall, no matter which industry you are in, sensitivity is absolutely essential.

Yang Cheng tasted the fried duck shreds with ginger. The taste is not bad. At least in American Chinese restaurants, the taste is medium to high. A non-mainstream, non-signature dish can achieve this level, which is enough to see the level of this restaurant.

This is also a small ordering skill. If you want to see the level of a restaurant, don’t order the signature dishes. Start from the end of the menu and order a dish that is not complicated in craftsmanship. If it tastes good, then the restaurant must be at the level. Above.

The simplest truth is, if you can't do basic skills like potato shreds and egg fried rice, what good dishes do you expect them to make?

The couple who can make the "Qingcheng" restaurant to the present level naturally understand this truth, so they did not strongly recommend their own signature dishes.

Seeing that Yang Cheng's expression was fairly satisfied, Zhang Xuan unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. For many years, she hadn't felt the nervousness of attending an interview, and occasionally aftertaste, let alone, it was quite exciting.

Yang Cheng took a few bites and put down his chopsticks. Compared with duck silk, jelly was obviously more to his appetite. The cool and spicy taste was very addictive.

Continuing the previous topic, "I also have a friend who runs a Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles. He said that I think it makes sense. Whether a restaurant is successful or not, taste is naturally the key, but there is definitely a core external factor, that is location!

There is a golden saying about buying and selling a house in the United States, location! position! position! Whether you open a restaurant or do other physical businesses, location is also the most important!

It's just that the location of a restaurant doesn't have to be prosperous, it depends on the crowd. Some restaurants are clearly on the same street, but there is a huge difference between the south and the north.

Nowadays, many newcomers see a store fire, and immediately open a new store next to it, often ending in failure. "

Zhang Xuan gave a thumbs up, "That's right, we have experienced the same thing. When Allure first started, several competitors appeared immediately. They were all nearby, and even had the same type, the same signature, the same dish, and the same cuisine. The price. For a while, even the wok used by the back kitchen came from the same store. At most, there were 5 stores. When the business was good at the beginning, it was estimated that the monthly income was 70-80,000 US dollars, but later for various reasons. , And gradually closed down, leaving us alone."

Wang Yiming added, “The past few years have been fine. When we first entered the catering business, we were catching up with the economic crisis in those years. Companies that developed commercial real estate created too many commercial stores, most of which were vacant. They tried their best to attract investment. For example, find restaurants to enter first.

At that time, a developer approached us and gave us an absolutely tempting offer, which was to give you a brand new restaurant without paying a penny. Of course, the rent was still to be paid. I was very moved when I heard that, I went home with Zhang Xuan. After discussing for several days, and also making several secret inspections, in the end Zhang Xuan was more determined, refused the temptation, and said no to the other party~"

Speaking of the sweet eyes between the couple, it can be seen the depth of their relationship.

"Because of that area, although it faces a major traffic road, it is very busy and very prosperous.

But there is an important issue-not residential areas.

There are more than 30,000 workers working in the surrounding area. Long-distance truck stops, warehouses, and cargo depots seem to be crowded with people, but they are deadly silent on weekends.

At that time, we ran a restaurant specializing in lunch hours. If you cut off the prime time of the weekend, no matter how cost-saving is, there will be no future. Even if you have long queues at noon on weekdays, you will be useless.

Because the overall consumption power is not enough, each person only spends a few dollars at most, which is not enough to pay the rent, let alone make money.

Facts have proved that we made the right decision.

Later, another couple did not resist the temptation and was shut down after less than three years of suffering.

We analyzed it. Although we don’t need to pay any upfront investment and only bear all kinds of dead expenses such as employee wages and rent, we always have to buy pots and pans. After three years of work, we found that not only did not make money, but also lost part of it. The shop has changed owners several times, and the main meals have also changed from Chinese to Vietnamese noodles, and then to Thai food. Until recently, the signature was changed to Western-style pastries. The result is estimated to be the same. "

Yang Cheng opened her mouth, without saying the last word, and turned into a sigh. The overall environment is like this. In fact, not only Chinese restaurants, but all catering industries are the same.

But as an outsider in this country, the problems faced by Chinese restaurants are undoubtedly the most serious.

Zhang Xuan poured a cup of tea for Yang Cheng, "We haven't made up our minds to open a branch in Los Angeles before. Another reason is that it is difficult to get a good chef."

Yang Cheng took a sip of tea and nodded slightly. It is painful for good restaurants to rely on the chef, especially Chinese restaurants.

A high-level chef, even if he has a skill, has a big temper, and a boss will definitely have a headache.

Restaurants like Qingcheng that take the mid-to-high-end route have higher requirements for chefs. In the past, the situation of casually finding a pig-killing dish from their hometown in China is gone. You must have a chef who can get on the countertop, at least for For your high-end ingredients, you have to make a suitable taste.

Can't give you an abalone, but it tastes like mushrooms?

Of course, if you can make it at least as a gimmick, you are afraid of making four different things and chewing like rubber, which is depressed.

Wang Yiming shook his head and said with emotion, "A few years ago, it was still a problem with cooks. Now even the waiters are not so good. There are a lot of people who have stepped off the plane from China and came to the United States to work in search of gold, regardless of who introduced them. They all plunged into Chinese restaurants, but they asked for more money and wanted to work less.

Nowadays, the migrant workers from China have very poor professional training and professional ethics.

They have a strong sense of class struggle. They believe that it is correct to unite to deal with the boss. It is a sin to work hard to get a salary. Just like this group of people, what good meals do you expect them to provide and what good service attitude? "

Yang Cheng only smiled bitterly. Nowadays, many domestic tourists who travel to the United States look for the taste of their hometown in Chinese restaurants, but they can only face the ugly faces of the waiters.

Many people think that they look down on their compatriots. Some people are, some people are purely grieving and feel ashamed of this job. They don't even regard this job as a career at all. They are just a springboard left, but those who can jump out will never Hesitate.

Wang Yiming now completely treats Yang Orange as a tree hole, vomiting bitterness, "It is difficult for Chinese people to wait, then please call Lao Mo? Jason, as you know, most chefs and waiters in Panda Restaurant are Lao Mo.

Not to mention that this group of old inks are really not them well, if they are given a full salary, the level is not bad, at least it meets the requirements of fast food restaurants, but even higher is difficult, after all, they can’t be fired. The authentic taste of Country Z, so this road will not work for us. "

Drinking a sip of tea to moisturize the throat, and continue to vomit, "We have thought about the trick we should think about anyway. Once I used a chef from Dinwan, I didn’t know the craftsmanship, at least among the chefs I have seen. I can rank in the top three. When I do it seriously, I think they have the level of winning prizes in international competitions. The taste is really fragrant.

Moreover, I have a lot of goods and knowledge. It is said that when I was young, I wandered all over the world, regardless of what region or material it came from, I could immediately come up with a decent dish, which could be sold on the stage after running in.

It sounds good so far, right? "

Wang Yiming also played a quiz game.

Yang Cheng nodded in cooperation, which indeed sounded very good.

But he knew that the turning point was coming soon.

"But we can't afford this kind of people. Not only are they asking for an outrageous price, they definitely don't try their best to you all the time. As soon as the guests line up and there are more orders, I will pick you up immediately, and plausibly, he is more like a boss than your boss. , The most important thing is that he is not willing to help you train an apprentice.

Sometimes it depends on Qian's face and a few words to Er Chu, whether you can comprehend it all depends on Er Chu himself.

That's all, for these few words, we all have to be grateful for Dade's flattery.

The same situation is true. One thing that many customers often complain about is that this shop was obviously delicious the first time they went, but the next time they go, it will be over. The reason is very simple. The chef changed. Up! "


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