Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1594: Money investment

This year, everyone who has three melons and two dates in their hands wants to open a restaurant to make a lot of money, so in this society, catering is undoubtedly a low-end business with no technical content at all.

Don't believe it, look at the small restaurants that have sprung up on the street. I guess the boss would dare to open a stir-fry restaurant if he didn't even know where the door of the old western cooking school was open?

Blame it for not losing money!

Of course, compared with the pressure of domestic competition, cooking Chinese food overseas, as long as it is not too unpleasant, can make money at the beginning. Anyone who carries a small amount of savings and relocates to a foreign country with a family is regarded as an investment immigration. Simply set it up, you can open the door and make money with a frying spoon.

This type of boss used to be GD, but in recent years there are many FJs.

FJ people are particularly keen to open a buffet restaurant, but they don’t know that it’s not 20 years ago. The buffet restaurant now has extremely high operating costs and is the most difficult to maintain. Two things can kill him: one man, one ingredient!

In the past, the cost of ingredients was negligible. Chicken, beef, and lamb were all cheap.

In recent years, the price of ingredients has increased year by year, and the cafeteria has to fill up all the dishes, and the passenger flow is not enough. At night, the work is stopped and dumped into the trash can. What is wasted is not food, but all that is thrown away is money.

In terms of labor, it is impossible to employ fewer people in this form. There is a carrot and a pit at the front desk of the kitchen.

Labor is the big head. Now the United States is clamoring for the minimum wage. Some cafeterias are not paid, and they are reported. Whenever one is caught, how many people dare to break the law?

Especially when the pressure of competition is so high, many people don't want to improve the standard of dishes. They are looking for competitor's illicit materials all over the world to get evidence. As long as a phone call, a fine is in jail.

As for the whistleblower, one less competitor will make more profit. If he kills all his competitors, he will make a mess of shit, and customers will have to bite their teeth, right?

Speaking of the buffet, Zhang Xuan shook her head and said, "Just downstairs in my house, a cafeteria was opened with great momentum in the past few years. The FJ people did it. When it opened, we invited our neighbors to dinner. Wang Yiming and I went in. Yes, a cafeteria is stunned to have the effect of the Louvre. It is said that the decoration alone cost more than 1 million US dollars. The welts of the floor are all high-quality materials shipped from France by air. We don’t understand it. .

What surprised us even more was the entire menu, which was not only self-serviceable, but also à la carte. The variety of dishes was all-encompassing.

Basically, you can think of the classic dishes in the three meals of China, Japan, and Korea, including many dishes that are not very well-known, and maybe many people have never heard of them in their lives. This is a big taboo.

Anyone doing a shop business has a position for customers.

What level of customers do you want to attract? What is the income of the most people around you?

If you don't care about it and just ask for a full seat, the consequences can be imagined. "

Yang Cheng echoed, "Not only in the catering industry, but for all novices in the real industry, greed and greed are inevitable problems. They do not understand management techniques or the psychology of customers, and want to please everyone. In fact, you have offended everyone, because you have lost your characteristics and quality."

Wang Yiming did not hesitate to ridicule, "Understandably, many novices who enter the market rashly have no educational background.

Many owners who open large restaurants as soon as they come up have heard that even elementary school is not necessary, but they have the life to make a fortune. Some things are really unclear. "

Zhang Xuan slapped her husband and groaned, "Don't talk nonsense, we'll be fine? We haven't been fooled all the way."

Wang Yiming chuckled, looking at his expression, it was obvious that what he said just now was not sincere, it was just a momentary anger.

Zhang Xuan said sternly, "In short, we are also people who have experienced various problems and have made full preparations for the opening of the branch. The introduction of investors is also the conclusion we have reached after thinking for a long time.

So jason, please trust our sincerity and determination. We are serious about opening a branch. "

Yang Cheng nodded silently. Before he could express his opinion, Wang Yiming couldn't wait to say, "Jason, you are more successful than us in business. Operators can't just draw money in their pockets and don't want to pay. We are a restaurant, we must be right. The reasonable requirements of the guests should be satisfied, and we should not be too harsh, and thus lose the customer base, that is what we deserve.

This principle also applies to our cooperation. From the initial desire to eat alone to the active search for investment, you can also see the change in our philosophy. I personally think this is a positive side.

As for whether there will be good results, no one knows. All we can do is try our best. "

Since the other party used the restaurant as an example, Yang Cheng also used the same example to say, "You are right, the basis of cooperation is honesty. You are a restaurant, and you are not willing to throw away the unfresh ingredients and mix them together. Mixing with meals is also a taboo.

You have to know that guests are the smartest, and what you think is bad, can't others eat it?

Occasionally, it is inevitable. If this is the case, which fool goes to your house to pay for food?

The same is true for cooperation. You have taken the initiative to show your sincerity. I am very pleased. To say it emotionally, it is my honor. Taking into account my own wishes, it is not a problem to implement this cooperation.

I also believe that if you can do a good job at the Allure Restaurant, your character must not be a problem.

But I must emphasize that cooperation must face a test, that is, internal disputes.

Conflicting opinions are inevitable. At that time, everyone believed that it was right to hold their own opinions. They did not give in, let alone that we were outsiders with no blood relationship.

Many husbands and wives have bought shares or cooperated with brothers, and their opinions are inconsistent, leading to parting ways and closing down business.

I hope that in such a situation, we can do it, calmly put forward our own views, and objectively choose which plan is most beneficial to the restaurant to implement. Aside from the so-called face and power, we have only one purpose, which is to let The restaurant is better, the only way to make money is not? "

After a pause, after the husband and wife had digested what they had said, they said, "I still said that, investing in you is not to make money, but to fulfill a small wish when I was young.

So you don’t have to worry that I will be too involved in the operation of the restaurant, this is your right, I have nothing to say.

Of course, in order to ensure that our cooperation is based on the principle of fairness, I will send financial personnel to supervise the financial situation of the restaurant ~ ~ I hope you can understand this. "

After the couple looked at each other, Zhang Xuan quickly said, "This is what it should be, and we have no opinion."

Yang Cheng nodded with a smile, and tried to say, "In addition, I have an immature proposal here. If I invest in only one restaurant, the situation will be a bit small.

How about this, you set up a catering group, put all the restaurants under your name, and then I invest in you as an angel investor.

This operation has two advantages: one is that the cooperation becomes more formal; the other is that it will not have an impact on your shares, because my investment will not be as simple as a hundred thousand dollars. "

The couple obviously didn't expect Yang Cheng to have this idea. At first they only wanted Yang Cheng to invest in the Los Angeles branch.

However, they can also understand that as Yang Cheng, just buying a share in a branch is too low.

This is what they want to make a difference. Yang Cheng really didn't consider the issue of price reduction. She was purely optimistic about the couple's idea of ​​operating a restaurant. He himself is also investing in cultural tourism projects, and restaurants can also be seen as part of this big project.

Having fulfilled my wish, but also beneficial to my overall layout, why not do it.

Of course, he will not force it. It is too difficult to make a lot of money in the catering industry. Yang Cheng will not invest too much energy in this area, and the main purpose is to fulfill his wish.

If the couple are too scrupulous and disagree, Yang Cheng does not matter, he will respect each other's choice.

It's just that the other party's quick decision was beyond his expectation.

I thought the couple had to go back and think about it before giving the answer~

Who would have thought that after only a few dozen seconds, Zhang Xuan would give an affirmative answer on behalf of the couple.


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