Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1595: Como Town

"That's how we set up jason. We will register the group company in the past few days. You can have financial staff stationed at any time for review. We will determine the investment ratio after no problem."

Zhang Xuan simply, Yang Cheng did not grind, "This time I will invest in a private name, and the investment amount is tentatively set at 1 million US dollars. I only need 45% of the shares and relevant supervision rights.

You and your wife discuss the remaining shares on your own. Are they equally divided? It is okay to concentrate the shares under one person's name, and I will not restrict it. "

This is equivalent to limiting the value of the restaurant under the name of the husband and wife to $2.2 million, which is actually a lot more, and he will not take advantage of each other.

The couple looked at each other silently, and it was obvious that Yang Cheng presented them with a small problem.

Without waiting for them to respond too much, Yang Cheng stood up, habitually buttoned his suit and leaned back with a polite smile, "Then I will go first, and someone will contact the two of you later, goodbye~"

. . .

At the beginning of August, the northern hemisphere is in the hot summer, and it is also the most congested season in the sky of the year. The richest people all over the world are flying in the sky. Various summer resorts are crowded with people. Yang Cheng is no exception. Landed at the Milan airport, took the Rolls Royce arranged by the old Carson, and prepared to go to the shore of Lake Como to enjoy the cool rest.

Old Carson personally drove along the A9 highway. About an hour's drive, the elegant figure of Rolls Royce drove into the small town of Como.

It's around 6 in the morning, Italy time, in time for the summer tourist season. Only in the early morning can you find the tranquility of Como.

The mist shrouded the small town of Como like a wisp, so that they didn't even know the most important scenic spot in the center of Como just now.

Still, Carson deliberately slowed down and reminded, "Master, the green domed building on the lake we just passed by is Como Cathedral."

Yang Cheng sat in the passenger seat, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan in the back row, and the two girlfriends slept all the way from the United States to Italy. At this moment, they didn't feel sleepy at all. Hearing Carson's introduction, Luo Yue quickly said, "We can Turn around and have a look? I want to take pictures~"

Carson asked Yang Cheng's opinion with his eyes calmly, and when she saw Yang Cheng nodded in agreement, Carson said immediately, "Of course, Madam, as you wish~"

It stands to reason that Luo Yue hasn't officially married Yang Cheng, so he shouldn't be called his wife as a formal name, but the marriage of the two has been firmly established, and Yang Cheng specifically asked Carson to treat Luo Yue with the exclusive title of the hostess.

The Cathedral of Como is located in the very center of the small town of Como and is very eye-catching throughout the city.

If the mist hadn't covered its face, it should be visible as soon as it entered the town.

Rolls-Royce stopped on the side of the road nearby, Yang Cheng got out of the car and the two Land Rover cars were on the front and back. The next group of bodyguards huffed around, and Hansen and Andrew surrounded them at the fastest speed.

This time they are going to live on Lake Como for about a month. Just before they came, they heard that someone in Rome was targeting Chinese descent. Not long ago, an international student was killed. Considering the safety issue, Hansen specially applied for an extra security team. Yang Cheng cherishes his life the most and naturally will not refuse.

Under the protection of the bodyguards, the three people came to the church square. At this time, the square was empty and there was no one. There were a few local residents in the alley not far away, wearing traditional costumes. A curious look came.

I walked closer and touched the weather-beaten marble on the exterior of the church. It is estimated to be hundreds of years old, and it should have undergone several renovations in history. This is the case. This church also retains the glory of Italy as the center of Europe in the past. memory.

The church has an octagonal high dome, and the entire architectural style combines Gothic, Romanesque and Renaissance styles.

Because it's still early, it is estimated that the pastors are still sleeping with their wives at home, and the church door is not open, so they cannot enter the interior.

I took dozens of beautiful photos of Luo Yue and Lin Ximan's girlfriends, and returned to the car with a trace of regret. Yang Cheng said, "We will be here in the afternoon. Anyway, we are going to stay here for a month. We will always have the opportunity to visit."

Luo Yue returned with a sweet smile, and turned around to discuss the deep processing technology of photos with his girlfriends, commonly known as PS. Yang Cheng had a boring discussion and simply chatted with old Carson.

"I want you to come over this time, the family has arranged it?"

"Yes, sir, all arrangements have been made at home."

"What about here?"

"I sent someone to clean up half a month in advance. After I arrived the day before yesterday, I personally supervised the servants to come for a cleanup."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "I've always been at ease with your work."

Carson was silent for a while, then suddenly spoke again, "Master, Mr. David Beckham sent an invitation yesterday, saying that there will be a party in his villa tonight, and I hope you will attend."

It is not new for Beckham to have a villa on the shore of Lake Como. Yang Cheng is not surprised, "I see, I'll watch it at night. If I'm not tired, I'll go around. It shouldn't be far away?"

Carson replied in the affirmative, "It's on the corner of Bella, less than 10 minutes' drive~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Carson said again, "In addition, Prince Harry and his girlfriend Meghan, accepted the invitation of Mr. George Clooney, were on vacation at his villa, and they arrived only yesterday."

Before getting married, Harry had the status of a royal family but no noble title. This is a system regulation and no one can change it. Only the eldest son has the right to inherit the noble title, so to some extent, Harry is also a commoner.

Of course, as the third heir to the throne, a veritable prince, he still has the treatment he deserves.

It's just that you can't be called a duke before being awarded the title.

Carson calls him a prince, which is also a respect for his identity.

Yang Cheng asked in surprise, "Harry is here too? Where is William?"

"His Royal Highness and Duchess are going to attend a charity event and are currently staying in London."

Yang Cheng pondered for a moment. William always hoped that Yang Cheng could help persuade Harry and give up Meghan’s woman who might corrupt the royal family’s reputation. However, Yang Cheng has been using no chance as an excuse to shirk her. In fact, she didn’t want to participate in other family affairs. If you are careless, you will be complained by Her Majesty the Queen. He will not do this stupid thing if you do not please.

But now it is a good opportunity to create a chance for them to meet, and it is more appropriate for William to say in person.

Regardless of whether they are brothers or a family, but everyone has their own lives and jobs, and no one will be free to meet every Send an official invitation to William and invite him and his wife to our lake King Manor is on vacation, and you remind him that Harry is also there. "

Carson answered immediately~

Rolls-Royce gradually drove away from the center of the town and entered a private road. This is the only way to the Lake District. By the side of this road, there are manors covering an area of ​​several thousand square meters. In the past, it was also the residence of Italian nobles. The environment is extremely quiet.

After driving along the deserted road for about 10 minutes, Carson pointed to a wrought iron fence on the side of the road, "This is Mr. George Clooney's lake view villa~"

Yang Cheng and the others looked over. A stone fence covered with vines was erected from the edge of the road. Behind the stone fence, a three-story milky white villa was hidden among the branches and leaves of the old mulberry tree. There was also an older outbuilding outside the villa. I don’t know how many springs, summers, autumns and winters have gone through, and how much time and history have passed.

Starting from the private road, it entered the area of ​​Lario Town, including Yang Cheng’s villa and George Clooney’s villa, all under the jurisdiction of Lario Town.

Compared with the names of Cape Bella and Varenna, the small town of Lario undoubtedly lacks a lot of fame, but for the residents of the town, it is also less hustle and bustle.

This lakeside villa presented to Luo Yue by Yang Cheng is located on the edge of the small town of Lario. It enjoys a small peninsula by the lake. The villa occupies more than 9,000 square meters of land in the middle of the mountain, surrounded by greenery, except for a private path and facing In the vast lake area of ​​the Alps, there is no third way to go in and out, so safety and privacy can be guaranteed.

In the early morning, thick water vapor accumulated into clouds and floated in the mountains, adding a mysterious atmosphere to Lake Como.


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