Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1596: Support the scene?

Since the early morning, the shore of Lake Como has been pattering with light rain, so that it is difficult for the sun to shine through the clouds and fog. Coupled with the air-conditioning from the Alps, the temperature of the lake directly dropped below 20 degrees, and the breeze passed by. Bring up goose bumps.

When getting out of the car, the three of them shuddered unconsciously. Before entering the door, Yang Cheng asked Carson to turn on the air conditioner.

It is similar to other villas in the town. Although the villa that Yang Cheng bought also incorporates the Gothic style, it creates a simple and warm atmosphere.

Including the iron gate that turns into the manor, it is just a simple semicircle, and there is no artistic decoration such as carved statues. The narrow passage can only accommodate a car in and out.

But inside the villa is another surprise. The hall is elegantly furnished and has a homely atmosphere. The huge fabric sofa set grabs everyone's attention. Looking out from the sofa, the arched floor-to-ceiling windows , Is the misty Lake Como, the calm lake is like a huge gem mirror, without any impurities.

An elegant Steinway piano is located in one corner of the hall, seeming to be waiting for someone who understands it to arrive. The blackened fireplace in the other corner is temporarily unused. It is filled with flowers and faintly exudes the fragrance of flowers.

The crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling gives the whole hall a warm yellow hue. Outside the arched floor-to-ceiling windows of the same proportion on the other side, there is a manicured back garden, perfectly symmetrical with the sparkling waves of the lake. It can be said that it is in the living room. In any corner, there are different views to appreciate.

The interior decoration is elegant and generous, and the balcony outside is green and green. The important thing is that it is not hot yet, and the beauty of summer is in front of you. I can’t wait to let the servants make coffee and go to the early morning cold.

Lin Ximan turned around in the hall with his hands back, and finally stopped in front of the piano. According to Carson, this Steinway piano has a history of nearly a hundred years. The brown body has not faded at all. It can be seen that the previous owner has Its maintenance and care.

The slender, white fingers slid across the black and white keys. Suddenly, he turned around and asked, "Can I give it a try?"

Yang Cheng only knows that Luo Yue can play the piano, but his level is not very good, but he was forced to practice for a while by his family as a means to cultivate his temperament.

As for Lin Ximan, he really didn't know that the other party could play the piano. If she said that she could play the electric guitar, it was obviously more in line with her temperament.

He was in a daze, or Luo Yue applauded as the hostess, "Quickly, I can't wait to appreciate it."

After speaking, he pulled Yang Cheng to the piano and introduced, “You don’t know that Manman had the opportunity to enter the Curtis School of Music’s piano performance department, but because of a sudden accident at home, he failed to enroll. Later, I gradually gave up the piano major and turned to study architectural design."

Yang Cheng sighed, "What a talented girl~"

In front of others, people can't accept such exaggeration. Not to mention that Lin Ximan's feelings for Yang Cheng are a bit complicated, and he subconsciously glared at him, "Don't talk nonsense~"

I simply played a set of chords, tried the piano notes, and then without pause, a song "kisstherain" from Korean musician Li Runmin quietly flowed from his fingers.

On this drizzly morning, hearing such a soothing and soft piano music is undoubtedly the most beautiful side in the world.

Unfortunately, I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t played for a long time, and the tune is a bit unfamiliar. Lin Ximan failed to continue the perfect state at the beginning. After only playing for a minute, he blushed and stopped playing and stood up. , "I haven't played it for a long time, I forgot this tune."

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue didn't hesitate to applaud, and clapped their hands while saying, "What a great specialty, it should be picked up. It's a pity that it is abandoned. If you practice hard, you might become a pianist."

"How is it possible~" People who have never played the piano think this is very simple. Only those who have practiced since childhood know the difficulties. To become a well-known pianist, talent is indispensable. Besides, they have to pay different things. It is only with ordinary people's sweat that there is hope to stand out. Most people can't stick to it. After all, the training process is too boring.

The three of them drank coffee and talked about piano and music. The light rain gradually stopped, but the air was still moist, and the mist slowly dissipated as the sun rose. The soft side of Lake Como appeared to people inadvertently. Right now.

"It's so beautiful~" Luo Yue came to the terrace, squinted and opened his arms to the lake.

Lin Ximan also made a similar move, looking intoxicated.

Yang Cheng simply saw more beautiful scenery, except for the amazingness at the beginning, it will be the same after a long time.

Of course, he will not make a disappointing move. He will take the two girls across the arched corridor to the attached entertainment building. They are going to barbecue early in the morning. Otherwise, he really doesn’t know what to do. Able to go back to the room with Luo Yue cheeky and close the door to entertain.

At noon, the three of them ate and drank, lying by the swimming pool and basking in the sun. The breeze was blowing comfortably. When drowsy, Carson walked over quickly and leaned over Yang Cheng’s ear and said, “Master, Baker Mr. Mu is at the door~"

Yang Cheng subconsciously hummed, and suddenly sat up after two seconds, "Who? David? Why did he come suddenly?"

Carson gave an expression he didn't know. Yang Cheng glanced at the two daughters who were already asleep, and got up helplessly, "Put them on a sun umbrella and cover them with a thin blanket."

"I will take care of the two ladies."

Back in the living room, Beckham looked around with a glass of white water. Seeing Yang Cheng coming in, she put down the water glass and gave a hug, "Hey, man, how are you doing?"

Seeing him coming alone, Yang Cheng joked directly, "I'm fine, but you, you were so hilarious when you played in the Philippines before, haven't you been spotted by Victoria when you went back?"

Beckham shrugged, "That's our man's game, isn't it?"

It made a look that a man knew, and he turned to say, "Don't talk about this, are you free tonight? You must come to my party."

Yang Cheng thought it was something, because she was afraid that she would shirk herself, so she came to invite him personally.

But he still didn't give a definite answer, "Look at that time, we just arrived and need to rest~"

Beckham simply said, "Man, you have to come and help me to support the scene, Princess of Monaco, the little princess Beatrice of the Borromeo family will also come."

Yang Cheng couldn't help but twisted his brows. This was the second time he heard this name in recent times. Last time Kardashian tried to invite himself to the other party’s wedding anniversary party, he finally thought about it for a long time and did not join in the fun. .

Now come Is it because you have a relationship with her?

He shook his head speechlessly. Beckham thought he didn't know, and hurriedly told about the history of the Borromeo family, of course, he said it in a very aggressive way.

Yang Cheng had to interrupt Beckham aloud, not crying or laughing, "I know that the Borromeo family is very powerful, but it has nothing to do with me. As for supporting you, as a superstar in the sports world, you should not be shocked when you see anyone. Well, as long as you don't rush to offend the other party."

"Of course I will not take the initiative to offend people. The key is that Beatrice has a higher status and status. I can't find someone with a matching status to attend temporarily. I always feel frustrated. Thank you for coming."

Beckham was out of control in the commercial field, firstly because of his wife's management, and secondly, he himself became more and more smooth.

But Yang Cheng has his own considerations, "Our family is a younger brother in front of the Borromeo family, no different from the nouveau riche. They are real nobles. You can only invite Harry to wait."

Beckham was taken aback, "Who? Harry? You mean Prince Harry?"

Yang Cheng stretched out his hand, "Do you know who else is beside him? He is a guest at George Clooney's villa, and he is also on vacation."

Beckham also spread his hands out, "I really don't know. It would be better if Harry could participate, but you also know that he has a special status, and I can't force it even if I send out an invitation."

"Co-author you can force me?" Yang Cheng joked.

"Of course, you are my friend, and you have nothing to do at night. Take your fiancee to play with you~"

Speaking of this, if you don’t agree, you will lose face, and he sighed, “Let me ask Luo Yue, if she is interested, let’s go together. If I’m not interested, I will go to your place for a stroll. Is this okay?”


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