Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1597: My girlfriend wants to buy a house

Just at noon, Luo Yue and Lin Ximan were woken up by Yang Cheng. The weather was just right at this time. It would be too extravagant to stay at home. It is better to go out for a tour. Carson has already purchased an Inner Lake yacht from a yacht dealer.

The open series yacht produced by a local Italian brand is 13.3 meters long and has a sun deck, a bedroom and a bathroom. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it is certainly not as good as a super yacht, but it is used for travel and fishing in Lake Como It is enough for both leisure and use.

The silver-white color of the whole body is particularly dazzling in the sun, melted among the green trees and mountains, and it is a shining existence like a gem.

Yang Cheng personally drove the yacht, and behind Andrew drove a special fishing boat left by the original owner with bodyguards and Carson following behind.

Two speedboats, known for their speed, drove into the middle of the lake at a high speed. The surrounding mountains were surrounded by layers of forest. In the distance, the clouds were misty and mysterious. The lake was calm. Looking up, you could see the steep cliffs on the shore.

These lakes and mountains are like a paradise on earth. No wonder Lake Como has the reputation of "European Garden". The delicately carved towns are like countless pearls scattered on the lakeside, and the group of antique villas are decorated with the beauty of the mountain city.

No wonder celebrities and artists like to come here to find inspiration. Even famous films choose here as the shooting location. Perhaps it is God’s preference that makes Lake Como full of detached paradise charm.

The Hungarian composer Liszt once said, "Lake Como is obviously the most beautiful place in the world I have seen." As the one who often orders the top ten most beautiful lakes in the world, the grand lake is majestic, magnificent, profound and strange. , You can only feel it when you are in it.

Compared with the glimpse when I first arrived in the small town in the morning, I was once again attracted by the magnificent scenery in front of me, and a detached and ethereal state of mind emerged spontaneously.

The majestic mountains undulate, like countless open arms embracing the blue sky, wearing a rich green gown, winding the white clouds above the head, the vast lake is deep and wide, embracing the melting snow and ice of the Alps. When the gentle breeze drifted by slowly, the surging ripples were clear and crystal clear, and no one could wake up at this moment of intoxication.

At this time, Yang Cheng drove the yacht happily on the lake, sometimes accelerating to bring up the light mist, and the cool water droplets hit his face, like snowflakes on the Alps;

Sometimes the engine was turned off, and the lake was allowed to drift freely with the speedboat. Luo Yue and Lin Ximan kept taking pictures, and their mobile phones were almost out of power, which could not stop their enthusiasm.

Yang Cheng didn't want to disturb their playful mood, turned on the stereo to play soft music, and walked to the front deck on her own, lying on the soft leather cushion.

Andrew drove a speedboat around slowly, accompanied by the aroused blossoming waves, Yang Cheng almost entered a dream, beautiful sounds of nature surround his ears, pictures of beautiful landscapes were all made up, and a few swans shot from a distance The water took off and soon landed on the water, playing leisurely in the water, adding mystery and aura to the secluded lake, and the paradise on earth originated from the gift of nature.

I don't know how long it took, Luo Yue came to Yang Cheng barefoot, lay down on his side, and scratched Yang Cheng's nostrils with the tips of his hair.

"Finish?" Yang Cheng stretched lazily.

Yang Cheng didn't sneeze, Luo Yue felt that the prank had failed, and pouted uncomfortably, "Yeah~ Tired?"

"Not tired~"

"All fell asleep~"

Yang Cheng was completely unaware, and looked back at Lin Ximan, who was still taking pictures with her phone, "This girl really loves taking pictures~"

Luo Yue hugged his knees, stretched out the hair that he had eaten in his mouth, and smiled, "Manman said that when the order is closed, he will use the money to buy a small house on the shore of Lake Como, and come to live when he is okay. time."

Yang Cheng was slightly startled, "Buy a house? It's hard to find a house by Lake Como, and the price is generally more expensive than others."

Luo Yue smiled lightly, "Who knows, let's do the calculations, after you have paid the design money, in addition to leaving the necessary operating funds, we can take out 1 million US dollars in dividends, plus her design fees and The salary should be divided into about 300,000 US dollars, which should be enough to buy a good house here, right?"

Yang Cheng also didn't know, and beckoned to the fishing boat parked in the distance, then turned back to the driver's seat and took out the intercom and said, "Carson, come here~"

Soon the fishing boat approached, and Carson boarded Yang Cheng’s yacht, "Master~"

He was still wearing a life jacket, and he seemed to have no small fear of water.

Pointing to Lin Ximan, "Miss Lin wants to invest in a property on the shores of Lake Como. Do you have any good suggestions?"

His problem is definitely making things difficult for ordinary housekeepers, but as a senior housekeeper trained by the British royal family, Carson has unique insights into real estate investment, and he does not usually study it.

Without thinking about it, “Italy is very well-known in Europe and even the world, especially in the fields of history, art, culture, fashion, science, medicine, etc. It has important influence, and it is a country that many people yearn for.

Moreover, as the cradle of European culture, Italy has outstanding advantages in education. It attaches great importance to education, and education is not developed as a for-profit industry.

Because of this, Italy has very rich educational resources. There are 88 universities in the country, which seem to be few but the teaching quality is extremely high. Many majors such as art, architecture, design, music, economics, business administration and so on rank in the forefront of the world, representing the world's advanced level. .

With such a foundation, it has directly affected the Italian real estate market. The most basic housing quality is very good and higher than the EU standards. It is green and environmentally friendly. It is still a freehold property that can be passed on from generation to generation.

This gives real estate investors great confidence. Because of the economic crisis in the past few years, Italy’s housing prices have fallen to the low point in 2004, with high transparency, strong rigid demand, and meeting the demand for value preservation and appreciation. Very good timing for bargaining.

In addition, after ZF in Italy abolished foreigners’ house purchases in 2014, the annual real estate holding cost tax has made investment costs lower. Coupled with the recent overall economic stability, the Italian real estate market will show a prosperous development trend for a long time to come. .

By the way, the Milan Expo successfully held last year also indirectly promoted the development of the Italian real estate market.

So my personal opinion is that the Italian real estate market has the basic conditions for investment. "

Hearing Carson's analysis, Lin Ximan's bright eyes seemed to be incarnate as symbols of small money. Luo Yue looked like a money fan and couldn't stand it anymore, so he patted her angrily.

Yang Orange smiled without saying a word, and continued to ask, "What else? For example, restrictions on foreign investment?"

This time Carson pondered for a moment before he said, "I remember that Italy once announced a decree in 2011. I don’t remember exactly what I need to go back to check the information, but probably the content is that foreigners are allowed to stay selectively, but the decree is only for the whole family. In the case of immigration, just investment should not be a big problem. As long as the property value you hold is not less than 300,000 euros, you can get a visa for long-term residence in Italy.

In my opinion, this is the golden age for investing in Italy. "

Yang Orange nodded and looked at Lin Ximan, "Have you heard? Carson's research on the real estate market is no less than an expert in investment companies. He is professional in this respect, and you can trust his judgment.

Whether you buy a house for self-occupation or investment, you can't lose money anyway. "

Lin Ximan looked at Yang Cheng embarrassedly, "I just got on a whim. I saw the beauty of Lake Como and wanted to buy a holiday property. I didn't want to be so solemn, let alone the question of investment income."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "You are Luo Yue's best friend. I can't watch you suffer. After all, it's not a small money. You can't go wrong after careful consideration."

Lin Ximan nodded gratefully, holding Luo Yue's hand and looking at Carson, "Then please help Mr. Carson to help me choose a suitable property with a budget of around 500,000 Euros."

Carson said immediately, "Thank Miss Lin for her trust. I receive recommendation advertisements from different real estate agencies every day. There is a good choice. The information is in the ipad. I will find out and send it to you when I go back. Now I probably say Here is the situation.

This villa is located in the south of Lake Como. It is a 15-minute drive to the province of Como. The living facilities nearby are complete. You can also see the The neighborhood is not bad.

The villa has two floors. The first floor has a kitchen, a living room with a stone fireplace, a bedroom, a bathroom and a large garden. The garden has a fountain and barbecue area on three sides. The second floor is the master bedroom with a loft and an open-air balcony. The villa has a garden and private The swimming pool covers a total area of ​​600 square meters and the main building area is 160 square meters.

The villa is decorated in European pastoral style, solid wood furniture, and the bathroom is also decorated in traditional European style. It is spacious and bright. Because it is an independent private garden, it is necessary to hire a professional gardener for care.

The only drawback is that the villa is located on a high ground, some distance from the lake. Although you can clearly appreciate the magnificent landscape and the view from the distance from the villa, there is no private dock. If you want to experience the fun of fishing and playing You can drive to the public dock in the small town under the mountain to rent a berth.

In terms of price, you can purchase it with the master’s VIP qualification. After the discount, the price is about 600,000 euros including tax. The specific figures need to be discussed in person. "

Yang Cheng and Luo Yue were also listening carefully, and the voice fell off. Yang Cheng said to Lin Ximan, "It sounds good. Go back and check the pictures or videos. If you think it is possible, immediately ask Carson to contact the intermediary company to decide. Don't hesitate, there are very few vacant houses on Lake Como, especially such small villa estates with private gardens.

If you think about it for a long time, you will definitely be taken first. "

Lin Ximan believes that Yang Cheng will not cheat herself, otherwise, how can Luo Yue be caught in the middle?

Although some of Yang Cheng’s actions are sometimes annoying, there is absolutely no doubt about his commercial achievements. His vision has been proven countless times and is trustworthy.

The property he thinks is good, it is worth winning!


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