Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1602: Moratti

Sometimes deep love only requires a simple encounter.

This is what Moratti himself said. After entering the living room, someone took the initiative to get up and let out the sofa seat.

Moratti pointed to the single sofa aside and said to Yang Cheng, "Sit down, let's talk casually?"

Yang Cheng was disrespectful, "I was born in the United States, where there is no football atmosphere. On the contrary, American football is the love of the locals."

Moratti nodded and said, "This is certain. People's preferences will always change with the shift of the environment.

I was born in Milan and grew up in Milan. I still remember that it was in 1949. My father took me to watch Inter Milan's game for the first time at the age of 4. Since then, my life has been occupied by the rich blue and black. "

Yang Cheng could feel Moratti's deep love for blue.

"I still remember when I was 18, when Inter Milan was invincible in the UEFA Champions League. Because my father didn't send me a car, I rode my bike alone and crossed most of Milan to the stadium to watch Inter Milan's UEFA Champions League match.

It was also because of that game that ignited the blue and black blood in my body, but it's a pity that my physical talent is standing on the green field and I can't personally play for the team. "

Yang Cheng echoed, "I have seen this kind of love in a Liverpool fan, but he is incapable of making more contributions to the team, but he has come to cheer every game and has never missed one. Home court."

Moratti smiled emotionally, but broke out a news that caused everyone's uproar, "Yes, but maybe, it's time to say goodbye now."


"Mr. Moratti is joking?"

"Inter Milan is going to change hands?"

. . .

For a time, the entire hall was caught in a weird panic. For those rich in Milan who love Inter Milan, the news was explosive.

Why did Moratti sell Inter Milan? Financial crisis? Or did the Inter fans break his heart again?

Will he suddenly decide to change hands the love of his life?

No one knows how much pressure Moratti was under in the purchase of Inter Milan. His brother and even the entire family sneered at this money-burning behavior. Only he stubbornly insisted on his ideals and even invested personal assets.

A close friend of Moratti persuaded him behind him, "Massimo, today is not April Fool's Day, this joke is not funny at all, think about your decisiveness when you acquired it~"

Hearing this, Moratti smiled very lightly. "When I took over the idea of ​​Inter Milan, no one in the family agreed. All my friends were persuading me. Almost everyone said to me: Don’t do that, it’s a mess. You will suffer because of this, but I still did it. This is also a use of wealth: to buy love.

And now, I choose to change hands of Inter Milan for the same reason-love! "

In 1995, Moratti entered the football circle with a strong posture. He bought the shares of Inter Milan Club 69 from Pellegrini. At that time, Inter Milan was ranked 14th among the 18 teams in the league. The century-old giants are on the verge of relegation.

At that time, Moratti did not counter-offer at all. It is said that the money was as high as 40 million US dollars.

Such a handwriting is just a microcosm of Moratti's Inter Milan career, for his beloved team, he has spent 1.2 billion euros for the team.

This means that Massimo spends 69.45 million euros for the team almost every year to increase the team's strength and fill the team's financial deficit.

Don't mention other local bosses such as Abramovich, and don't mention the Abu Dhabi consortium. You must know that Massimo Moratti is not the richest man in the family at all. Even in Italy, his wealth is only around 100.

But it was this little rich man with a personal wealth of only 2 billion euros at his peak who resolutely exhausted more than half of the team's assets.

As his brother Gian Marco described it: Massimo is not a shrewd businessman, he is more like an idealist.

In the face of difficult reality, it is natural to be an idealist like Moratti who has experienced pain.

But for such an idealist, he actually chose to let go?

This is how people who know that period of history can't believe it.

This is not a concept from his resignation as the chairman of Inter Milan 10 years ago. It was not only because of the team’s poor results, but also because of the banners of the fans "Go away, Moratti, stop harming Inter Milan", which deeply stabbed him. Xin's doubts made him choose to stand behind the scenes.

But even so, he did not choose to give up, just like a late old man, standing quietly behind, watching his children move forward with weight, only when the children need him, he is willing to give all of his help.

From the family’s incomprehension and lack of support, to the fans’ abuse and the team’s stalling, to the media’s sarcasm and ridicule, the curse of “you never want to win the championship by spending money” even made Moratti continue Insomnia for a week, Moratti’s career at Inter seems to always be painful.

Until the completion of the triple crown and the achievement of its own great international era, the media will still send a sentence: "You have finally taken off the label of'the chairman who only spends money without winning', what do you think?"

What does Moratti think?

Of course, continue to endure the pain silently, watching the Grand International dominate Milan and shine the world!

Is it such a person who chooses to quit when everyone did not expect it?

God knows how broken the people who heard him are at this moment?

"Then, who do you give Inter Milan to?" someone asked.

Moratti smiled at Yang Cheng, "It's your compatriot~"

Yang Cheng knew who it was, but he had forgotten about it before, and didn't think of it at all. Of course, it had nothing to do with this matter. Even if he knew that Inter Milan was going to change hands, it would have no effect on him.

However, he continued, "My compatriot made a shrewd decision~"

Someone nearby smiled and applauded, apparently satisfied with Yang Cheng's response.

These Westerners are sometimes annoyingly proud.

"The transfer procedures are being implemented step by step. I believe you will soon be able to see relevant news on TV and newspapers. At that time, I will say goodbye to all friends who like and love Inter Milan."

No matter what vicious curses or comments have been made to Moratti in the past, the moment he leaves, it should be turned into a blessing.

The news was strong enough, but I couldn’t keep talking. Soon, the people around dispersed, Beatrice still took Moratti’s arm, and said strangely, "You scared everyone~"

Moratti played with the taste, "Oh? How do I think Mr. Yang is not surprised~"

Yang Cheng felt a little in his heart, and UU read secretly, "As expected of an old fox, this eye dog thief~"

He said faintly, "Just call me jason. I did hear some wind, so I didn't feel surprised, but I didn't expect it to be so fast. I thought it would not be confirmed until next year at the earliest."

Moratti said that, "The other party is very sincere, and the price given is hard to refuse~"

He seems to be deliberately showing the profit-seeking side of capitalists.

Beatrice immediately exposed, "Don't say that, no one can question your love for Inter Milan~"

Moratti said again, "I haven't congratulated Liverpool yet, for winning the first championship trophy since the restructuring of the Premier League. This is something to celebrate."

Although it has been almost three months, Yang Cheng still can't hide his excitement. After all, his name is also on the credit list. "Thank you, it's as exciting as Inter Milan's triple crown."

"The Premier League next season will be very intense~"

Having said this, Moratti leaned forward and wondered, "By the way, how did you convince Messi to join? I remember that when the Middle Easterners entered Manchester City with ambitions, they offered Messi over £200 million. The sky-high transfer fee and the contract that doubled Cristiano’s annual salary failed in the end."

Yang Cheng opened his hands and said, "The timing, Messi was at the peak at that time. Although he has not fallen from the peak now, he has also lost his original passion. Taking him to the Premier League can help him find the long-lost passion. This is where he is most attracted.

The media have been questioning him for not daring to leave La Liga for so many years, and saying that he will fall from the altar when he arrives in the Premier League. Leo also suffocates in his heart and wants to slap the media hard~"


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