Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1603: The plot of the old family

"No matter how you can persuade Messi to join, it is beyond the expectation of most people. Everyone thinks that Messi will die in Barcelona~"

Yang Cheng smiled modestly, "In fact, I also spent a lot of money~"

Moratti laughed and said, "I was rated as the least expensive boss by the media, so are you sure you want to say that? Because to me, this is a mockery, not a modest~"

Everyone knew it was a joke, and the few guests who stayed to listen in burst out laughing.

"Mr. Moratti, I think you should understand the virtues of the media for so many years. Listening to the wind is rain, and one sentence leads to countless meanings, although I am also involved in the media industry." Yang Cheng did not hesitate to conceal himself.

Beatrice suddenly said with a cold face, pretending to be angrily, "Jason, I have been a reporter before, you can't kill everyone with one shot."

Yang Cheng raised her hand, "Well, it's my fault~"

The Italians have the same low-level sense of humor as the British. It is clearly not a funny thing, but they laugh happily.

Moratti laughed and asked instead, "Jason, I need to communicate with you about something. The newly appointed chairman of the board may send a transfer application to Liverpool. I hope you can agree to it as appropriate."

Yang Cheng raised her brows, "Who do you see?"


Yang Cheng was taken aback, thinking he was interested in Coutinho, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then questioned, "Inter Milan's striker lineup really needs reinforcement, but Benteke~"

He didn't finish his words. If the player's ability is not good, he seems to be hitting himself in the face, but he has to say that his ability, Benteke, who bought tens of millions of pounds from Vera last year to supplement the bench lineup, didn't show up. Performance.

The Belgian seems to have lost his shooting boots at Aston Villa.

However, Moratti said, "The country Z consortium that we are negotiating with also has a team in their own country. It seems that they are going to operate Benteke to country Z in this way. You can talk about the specific direction yourself. I'm only responsible for spreading the word. , I also hope to do something for the team before leaving."

Yang Cheng suddenly, this is not surprising, thinking about next season, the team seems to have no position in Benteke, it is not impossible to sell it back for some money.

However, in order to show respect for the team management and coaching team, I immediately called Ian Al.

Knowing that Benteke is not Loew’s not for sale, he directly said, "You can inform Benteke that he is ready to leave the team. I have found a next home for him. How about Inter Milan? He shouldn't refuse, right? "

Ian Ayre doesn’t know how the boss is related to Inter Milan, but for Benteke himself, there will be no psychological gap from Liverpool to Inter. On the contrary, being able to be valued by Inter is enough to make up for him last season. The trauma I have suffered in Liverpool.

"Of course he will not refuse. The team found a near-perfect back path for him. He should be grateful."

Yang Cheng said, "That's good~"

I'm going to hang up after talking, Ian El hastily said, "Boss, please wait a moment, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

Yang Orange hesitated, pointed at Moratti to the phone, apologized and left the hall, found a place where no one was there and said, "Okay, you can talk about it~"

"Messi has been training with the team for a month. I think it's time to hold a welcome ceremony for him and announce his official joining to Liverpool fans."

"These are things that have already been set, don't they? I need to be present?"

"It's best if you can attend~"

Yang Cheng said in deep thought, "I am now in Milan, you have a good time to inform Carson."

"Understand, it is expected that one week before the start of the season, the Anfield stand capping project has not yet ended."

"Okay, I get it~"

. . .

Moratti didn't stay at the party for too long. It was already a face to Beckham to show up.

Yang Cheng originally wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but Beatrice saved him.

The two of them came outdoors and stepped on the soft lawn. Yang Cheng asked intimately, "Should I help carry the skirt? There is dew on the lawn."

Beatrice did not refuse Yang Cheng's kindness, and she also kicked off her high heels and bent over to carry it. Yang Cheng simply snatched it over and carried it in her own hands, "You have a gentleman by your side who can do this for you. "

"Thank you, gentleman~" Beatrice joked, covering her mouth and smiling.

The two of them paced slowly on the lawn, looking at the thousands of lights on the other side like fireflies, Yang Cheng asked, "What do you want to say?"

"The Borromeo family has always wanted to go out~" Beatrice said without a word.

Yang Cheng listened quietly without speaking.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, America is the center of gravity in today's world~"

As if afraid that Yang Cheng would be uncomfortable, he added, "At least in the Western world."

"If you want to maintain the prosperity of the family, you can't stop the pace of development, but there is no room for development in Europe."

Yang Cheng suddenly asked, "Have you never invested in the United States before?"

Beatrice shook his head, "It's just through the Americas branch of the bank to spread its influence a little bit."

"So now you are ready to enter the United States in a big way? Wait, I remember you still have an older brother? Isn't this something he should think about?"

Beatrice tilted her Maybe I am a woman? There are some things women show up, and the effect is more obvious. "

These remarks, coupled with the atmosphere at this time, were somewhat ambiguous, and Yang Cheng joked, "Unfortunately you are married, otherwise the effect will be more significant~"

If it were to be changed personally, Beatrice would never mind letting the other party taste the price of insulting a king and concubine, even the small country of Monaco.

But Yang Cheng is definitely an exception. Sometimes women are like this. What jokes can't be made with familiar people? Unfamiliar people look at you more than it takes a lot of effort.

Beatrice also responded with a joke, "I'm not going to use beauty tricks on you~"

Yang Cheng chuckled, "So, Beatrice, is this the real reason you met me in various ways?"

Beatrice stretched out her arms, hugged the dark lake, and whispered softly, "How do you say, everyone in our family has different contacts. I have known you through Andre, and many of my friends say Having heard of your name, if you help, the Borromeo family will enter the United States more easily."

Yang Cheng was horrified. The Borromeo family's plot was not small. The four golden flowers in the family and a male direct heir separately made contact with people who could help them enter the United States. This plan is not'arrogant', but It's worthy of their family status.

Becoming a **** on someone else's chessboard again, even if it is a veteran, it is just a **** pinched in the palm of his hand. This tastes so bad that no one will like it.

Especially when he had just gotten out of the spotlight, thinking that he finally didn't need to be manipulated, but found that there were more powerful characters waiting for him just a few steps away, and he was aggrieved in his heart.


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