Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1613: The ultimate goal is to cash out

How much does it cost to build a brand new dedicated football field?

According to Xiaobei’s request, a stadium with no less than 20,000 people, considering the service concept of modern stadiums and the appearance of beautiful effects, is conservatively estimated to be 180 million US dollars. If a top architectural design firm is hired to design, the budget will exceed 2 Billion easily.

So the problem is that Beckham’s team is not his sole property, but as one of the team’s many shareholders, he is responsible for the team’s preparations. In fact, his shares are not much. It stands to reason that the stadium is built. For big things, at least we have to discuss with other shareholders before deciding. Public tender is a fairer way.

But now he almost gave this project to Yang Cheng, which is worth thinking about. You must know that the profit margins of building large buildings are not small.

Before he finished thinking about it, the waiter was also the owner’s wife who served the food personally. This is a special Italian pancake called Piadina, which is a common delicacy in Italian street and alley restaurants. It is a bit like pizza, but not as pizza. Thick, you can hold vegetables, cheese, ham, etc., hot and silky, delicious!

But here, the boss innovated this classic Italian delicacy, using pancakes as the base, adding crispy fried soft shell crabs to make a pizza, adding Korean kimchi in the middle, and finally sprinkling arugula on the top.

The soft shell crab is deep-fried golden and soft, crispy on the outside, tender on the inside, kimchi is hot and sour, and arugula is fragrant and refreshing. Before eating, squeeze a little lemon juice and add the sweet and sour taste, a little bit of the idea of ​​combining East and West. This innovation is worthwhile People try.

Compared with pancakes, Yangcheng loves the soft-shell crabs on top. It is crispy on the outside and delicious on the inside. It is a bit addictive to eat. The more you eat, the more you want to eat.

Compared to his unscrupulous, Xiaobei needs to eat some healthy food to control his body shape. It is not that soft-shell crabs are unhealthy. He just eats as little fried food as possible. Therefore, after eating one piece, Xiaobei hesitated for a long time. Picking up the second piece, he turned his attention to the seafood pasta next to it.

For people who don’t like high-calorie and high-fat foods, seafood pasta is definitely the best choice, and the owner of this shop has always had a unique insight into pasta, and is good at using the natural flavor of seafood to cook delicious Delicacy.

Fresh and plump, firm fleshy mussels, large prawns, squid, small octopus and other seafood ingredients on the pasta are cooked with white wine and secret Napoli meat sauce to create this fragrant and delicious Mediterranean Amorous pasta, let the mystery and beauty of the ocean fully manifest in this pasta.

Looking at it makes people move their index fingers, and Beckham is full of praise.

After Yang Cheng got rid of the fried soft-shell crab, he picked up the golden and soft French toast, which tasted similar to French baguettes, covered with cheese, dreamy pink marshmallows, and orange silk embellishment to make the whole dish refreshing and sweet. The greasy has a hint of sourness, and finally with green apple sauce, it is sour and sweet, which quickly neutralizes the greasy feeling brought by the soft shell crab before.

This all-you-can-eat solution solved the appetite hunger. The two finally got in the mood to return to the topic. Yang Cheng took a sip of coffee and asked, “It’s okay to leave the stadium project to us, but you are sure that the team’s shareholders will not question it. ?"

Beckham also held a cup of coffee, but he didn't drink it, just put it on the palm of his hand, as if to warm his hands.

"This is a joint decision between me and the shareholders. Don't worry, jason, everything is guaranteed by a formal contract." This sounds like buying a mask or disinfectant, rather than discussing a large building worth hundreds of millions of dollars. .

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "I mean, this kind of project will be more convincing to the outside world by bidding."

"No, I can call the shots. Of course, if you have to give me a discount, I have to explain to the shareholders."

"This is not a problem. Even if we take the bidding route, Yuanshan will definitely get the bottom price. I have enough confidence in this regard, because Yuanshan has always been one of the lowest companies in the industry in terms of construction costs. "

After a pause, Yang Cheng asked directly, "But I want to know why you are so obsessed with giving me such a benefit. You know the benefits are not small."

Beckham was startled, shook his head and said, "You think too much jason, this is not an exchange, we are friends, whoever earns this money will earn it, why not let friends earn it?"

It sounds okay at first, as if Beckham is a very loyal person, but Yang Cheng never thinks of people too well. He is a loyal fan of the theory of "human nature is evil".

"Well, let's think about it in another way. If I send you tens of millions of dollars for no reason, what would you think?"

Beckham immediately looked bitter, "Well, if I have to ask you for anything, I just hope to form a strategic partner with Liverpool~"

This time it’s Yang Cheng’s turn to get confused. "What do you mean? How many stars do you want to sign from Liverpool?"

Beckham hurriedly said, "Of course they are not players in their peak period, and they cannot come to the United States for money during their peak period."

Yang Cheng nodded to express understanding of Beckham's meaning, "But do you know that I also have a major league team? And the battle will begin soon."

"I understand that I just need a chance for the player to choose. What if he doesn't want to live in Los Angeles?"

Yang Cheng asked, "Do you think it's possible? Compared to Miami, would anyone willing to give up the flash in Los Angeles?"

Beckham immediately said, "No matter what, I just need a nominal cooperation. As for how the players choose, it is not something we can force, right?"

Yang Cheng's eyes were weird, he always felt that there was something in Beckham's words, and the purpose was definitely not simple, "You should tell the truth, David, or how can I help you? We are friends~"

Beckham struggled for a few seconds, and finally said, "Well, in fact, I am not going to hold the shares of Miami International for a long time. When the team gets on the right track, I am going to sell most of them, leaving only 5% to keep me. The influence in the team is enough."

Suddenly, Yang Cheng finally understood what Beckham's purpose is doing all this now. Speaking of roots, it is still to pack the team as much as possible and sell it for a good price.

"You have no money? I just invested in your and Victoria brand not long ago. You shouldn't be short of money."

"No, no, we are not short of money, but Victoria has a big plan and needs to raise more funds. Judging from the assets in our hands, the easiest thing to realize is team shares."

It turned out to be like this, Yang Cheng said in his heart, "Well, I see, if it's only a nominal cooperation, then there is no problem at I will inform Ian El on this matter, and you will find Let him talk.

By the way, why didn't you find Manchester United and Real Madrid? They are more influential than Liverpool. "

"Already in contact, but whether it can take shape depends on what price I give~"

Yang Cheng smiled, "Then you should leave this stadium project to Florentino, he also started in real estate."

"I know, but I am closer to you, and I am not optimistic about the character of Florentino, so let us see, who knows what will happen next."

For a delicious brunch, Yang Cheng patted his stomach and took a speedboat back to the manor. Luo Yue and Lin Ximan had already gotten up. They were drinking morning tea by the lake. When they saw Yang Cheng’s speedboat from a distance, Luo Yue Was waving to say hello.

Seeing this scene, Yang Cheng's heart fell back. With such enthusiasm, it proved that Luo Yue did not struggle with the things that did not return last night.

Stepping onto the pier trestle, and kissing Luo Yue who came up, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Luo Yue squinted his eyes and nodded, "Very well, it's quiet here. I like it. It's much more comfortable than the noise of Los Angeles."

"That's good, what are your plans today?"

"I'm going to go to Como with Manman~ How about you? Do you want to be together?"

Yang Cheng raised his hands and said, "Please forgive me. I don't have much research on those buildings. I'd better sleep in the room. You know, hangover sequelae, my head is about to explode~"

Luo Yue slapped him both distressed and angry, "I was so reluctant before I went yesterday, but I forgot after playing~"

Yang Cheng rubbed her little head and yawned, "Well, this is my mistake, it won't be like this in the future, you guys eat slowly, I'll take a bath to make up for it~"


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