Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1614: Good news and bad news

He slept until the afternoon and was awakened by Carson.

"American call, from Ms. Demien~"

Yang Cheng's sleepy eyes were originally drowsy, and as a clever awake immediately, Demien's phone number seemed to him to be the sender of money~

"Give me the phone, you go out first, don't let people come in and disturb me~"

Carson looked straight, "Yes~"

After quickly exiting the room, Yang Cheng took the opportunity to organize his thoughts and said to the phone, "Good afternoon, Ms. Demien~"

Demien was as cold as ever, "It's morning~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "It's all the same, let's talk about it, I can't wait to hear the good news~"

Demien played with taste, "Actually I have a good news and a bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Yang Cheng didn't even think about it, "Listen to the bad first, I like the bitter first and then the sweet~"

But Demien said naughty, "Well, let's tell the good news first, I found the tank you want~"

Yang Cheng rolled his eyes halfway, and was dazzled by the good news, "Jesus Christ Buddha Maria, I love you Demien~"

Demien said lightly, "You can love me again when I finish telling the bad news~"

"What do you mean?"

"The bad news is that the chief officer of the army does not agree to update the equipment, so..."

Yang Cheng was furious, "fk, he's meowing, who is this person? Fuck him, find him black material, send him to the military court, Demien, don't forget, this profit has your share~"

Demien was speechless, God knows why Yang Cheng was so angry.

Nonsense, blocking people's money is like killing a parent. He didn't send Hansen to punish the Nine Races. It was already an expression of his civilization and politeness.

"Calm down, I suggest you go to the chief officer to talk in person, maybe you can gain something. You know that my position is more sensitive and I can’t directly order the other person. I can easily get caught. So what I can do is So far, whether you can earn this money or not depends on your performance."

"Damn, I'm vacationing in Italy~"

"Italy? Don't worry, he is not far from you, in Poland~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "What? Poland? I thought it was a garrison in Germany~"

Yes, according to the terms of defeat in World War II, there are two American garrisons in Germany, that is, the 170&172 brigade. He thought that the tank that Demien found was in the hands of these two troops who were about to be abolished, but was it actually in Poland?

Wait, when did the United States send its troops to Poland?

Yang Cheng doesn't like the feeling of news blocking very much, it seems that the whole world knows it, only he doesn't know, like a fool~

"What's the situation? There is still a garrison in Poland?"

Demien said, "Just sent over~"

Obviously, she didn't want to delve too much into this topic. She only told Yang Cheng the contact information and address of the chief officer of the unit, and then hung up the phone without saying anything more.

Yang Orange was full of resentment. After thinking for a long time, he decided to call Leiden to ask about the situation. He should know more about it.

Sure enough, the phone was connected, and when he heard Yang Cheng’s question, Leiden immediately said, “Between 2012 and 2016, a certain unit of the US Cavalry First Division deployed to Eastern Europe twice, but both were short-term deployments to appease Eastern Europe. The collective panic and disappointment caused by polar bears annexation of Crimea and the inaction of NATO’s core countries to prevent these countries’ fear of polar bears from spreading further.

If I remember correctly, the third armored brigade of the First Cavalry Division should be deployed in Poland. "

"Who is the brigade commander?" He doesn't care about the troop number, the important thing is the troop chief officer.

This time Leiden thought for a moment, "It should be General McCoff~"

Yang Cheng feels sorrowful, "General?"

If it is a general, I am afraid it is really difficult to deal with, no wonder Demien throws the problem to himself, and no one wants to be an enemy of a powerful general.

Fortunately, Leiden said, "Uh~ should be the brigadier general~"

The brigadier general of the U.S. military is literally, roughly equivalent to a domestic colonel, but it is actually half a rank higher than the colonel, between the colonel and the major general, but it can still be called a general!

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. If it is a brigadier general, it's okay, but it must also consider the future. If it is a potential general, it will not be easy to offend.

"Do you know this person? Very difficult to deal with?"

Leiden seemed to guess something, "Could it be that our target tank is under the command of General McCoff?"

"Yes, but now it seems to have encountered his obstacles, all we need to do public relations~"

Leiden thought for a long time, "Boss, let alone General McCoff, considering the strategic needs alone, this batch of tanks may be difficult to get out."

Yang Cheng frowned, "How do you say?"

"Boss, first of all, after the 2012 Ukraine crisis and NATO's eastward expansion of the sword approached the western border of the Polar Bear, the strength of the Western Polar Bear Military Region increased substantially.

As far as I know, the Polar Bears deployed two army groups in the west and rebuilt a tank army, with a total of 150,000 marine troops, nearly 1,000 main battle tanks, 1,400 self-propelled artillery, 1,000 rocket launchers, and 400 Tactical missiles.

In addition to the fact that the air force's combat power is obviously inferior to NATO, the ground forces have a 4 to 1 personnel advantage over NATO, and the ground firepower advantage has reached 6 to 1. From now on, the polar bear's ground superiority and NATO's air superiority cancel each other out, forming However, once we remove this batch of equipment, NATO’s disadvantages on the ground will be further magnified, and the balance will be broken, which will definitely attract the attention of the Pentagon. We will not be able to tell at that time. "

Yang Cheng grabbed his hair hard after hearing this. He didn't understand military affairs, but his understanding ability was not bad. As soon as Leiden finished speaking, he realized that this matter was not easy, but Demien would not harm him. This is necessary, after all, she also has to seek profit.

So why did she lock her target in such a delicate area?

Leiden added, "Moreover, compared to air superiority, the polar bear’s steel torrent is undoubtedly more aggressive on the European continent. Even if the polar bear has not yet recovered to its peak combat power decades ago, once a ground battle begins, the polar bear’s armored force will definitely Sweeping through Eastern Europe like a broken bamboo, the first to bear the brunt is the three Baltic countries located at the throat of the polar bear. The young soldiers of NATO are not opponents at all, so it would be nice not to run.

Counting on them to withstand the invasion of the torrent with significantly less equipment than the other party is something that I would never dream of. Therefore, it would be good not to continue to send more troops. I don't believe that they dare to exchange money with the guys from the Three Armored Brigade. "

Leiden said swearly, Yang Cheng also began to waver, is it really impossible?

But he obviously believed one thing more, and that was that Demien would not make jokes about such things.

Rubbing his temples, Yang Cheng suddenly asked, "Wait, is the United States really willing to open a stand with polar bears for the Baltic Sea?"

Leiden's originally determined tone changed abruptly, and he muttered, "Uh~boss, what do you mean?"

Yang Cheng said excitedly, "If you think about the status quo of NATO, it is simply an empty shelf. Its military function continues to its functions are infinitely expanded, internal intrigue, and a pan of loose sand. If you leave the United States Support, it is estimated that it will be a breath away from the name.

Under such circumstances, even if NATO intends to reopen the cold war with the polar bears, it would be more than enough. It is estimated that it is just a matter of internal thinking in the army. Go back to your hometown to take care of yourself.

The United States is unable to support it, not to mention the other core countries. They have no money to develop in their own country. How can they have the surplus to support the white-eyed wolves in the Baltic Sea?

Don’t forget, the three Baltic countries used to be the little brothers of the polar bears. They surrendered to the yin power of the polar bears for 40 years. The penetration of the ZZ culture into these countries is not meant to be wiped out. It can be easily erased.

Think about it, once the fight really starts, the polar bears invade fiercely, and NATO lacks practical defense capabilities, what will the three Baltic states do?

I think the Pentagon has also seen through this point. It didn't even want to protect them as an umbrella. It just sent out an organic ground force to appease a few anti-skeletal cubs out of superficial effort.

If it were based on this idea, it would be impossible for the Ground Three Armored Brigade to be stationed for a long time. Maybe it would only be stationed for a period of time. When it was almost done, the other little brothers could not say anything. "

Leiden's words were stuck in his throat and couldn't come out. He had to admit that Yang Cheng, an iron layman, had some truth in his analysis.

Yang Cheng is more confident. Based on her trust in Demien, since the'good news' is reported, there must be room for manipulation, otherwise she will never waste this time calling, just to make Yang Cheng play. !


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