Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1615: Go to Poland

According to Yang Cheng's thinking, once the Third Armored Brigade is only stationed in Poland for a period of time for training, then after they leave, weapons and equipment will certainly not be able to go with the plane like people, so there is room for operation.

Yang Cheng secretly guessed that this might be Demien’s plan, but didn’t know what was going on, and was stopped by the brigadier named McCoff. To be honest, there shouldn’t be too many people called McCoff in the US military. It's like a natural soldier after taking this name. It's a miraculous phenomenon, and the explanation is not clear.

Leiden was completely speechless and could only ask, "Boss, then what are we going to do?"

"Go to Poland~ I will meet Brigadier General McCoff for a while and visit the military base by the way~"

"Poland?" Leiden smiled bitterly. Since following Yang Cheng, he seems to have turned the world around.

"Yes, we have Demien's formalities. Don't worry. You can book your flight as soon as possible. When you arrive in Poland, you will let me know. I will go straight from Italy."

"OK, I will make arrangements~"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Cheng walked out of the room, and Carson was guarding not far away, "I'm going to Poland tomorrow, Luo Yue and others will stay here for vacation, you take care of it~"

"This is my job~"

. . .

The advantage of having a private jet is that you don’t have to go through the trouble of connecting flights, as long as there is a landing near the target area, it is enough to run, and it is very convenient to apply for routes in Europe. After Yang Cheng arranged the travel plan, the crew quickly applied for the flight. Route to the Green Mountains of Lubusz, Poland.

This time his goal was very clear, that is, Brigadier General McCoff stationed at the Zagan base in western Poland, and he was not prepared to waste too much time in Poland, so he did not fly to Warsaw.

Arrived in Green Mountain, an important town in western Poland, and met Leiden who had arrived earlier, got on the SUV he rented, and ran all the way to the Zagan base.

Since the third armored brigade of the US Army entered Poland this year, the Zagan military base in Lubusz, western Poland, has become famous. It is even known as one of Poland’s most famous places in the world. To the capital Warsaw.

This time, it is the 3rd Armored Brigade of the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division of the US Army who is leading the station in Poland, and the command is located at the Zagan military base. The purpose is naturally to strengthen NATO's eastern defense line.

This mission is called "Operation Atlantic Determination." At present, there are about 3,500 US soldiers carrying 1,300 various vehicles, including 87 Abrams tanks (that is, M1A2), 18 howitzers, 400 Hummer vehicles and 144 Bradley armored infantry fighting vehicles were stationed at Zagan and several nearby military bases. After that, these US soldiers were gradually dispersed and deployed from Poland to the three Baltic countries and Romania and several other nearby NATO members.

It is estimated that by next year, about 7,000 soldiers of the multinational force, including the US military, will be stationed in Poland.

Zagan military base is one of the largest training grounds in Eastern Europe.

Many Western European powers, including the Dutch or German armies, often conduct confrontation exercises at the Zagan military base. Of course, the training ground is not free and not expensive. About 2,000 officers and soldiers are around 15,000 euros. For Western European countries, this is a small amount of money. It's not enough for them to spend a day on the march, it's very cheap.

Leiden rented three Hummers. After receiving Yang Cheng and them, he handed over the posture to Andrew, and he sat in the co-pilot, while Hansen was protected by Yang Cheng.

At a military base, who knows how many spies are hidden nearby, everything is better to be careful.

"Boss, I sent an appointment request for the meeting with General McCoff's assistant in advance, and the other party also agreed to this meeting, but the general is going to inspect the troops today. We may have to wait a little longer."

Yang Cheng put away his mobile phone, and he informed Demien just now, telling the other party that he has arrived in Zagan, and has not yet responded.

"It doesn't matter, you can meet in person, just wait, it just happens that I haven't seen the military base yet, he wouldn't stop us from visiting, right?"

Leiden shook his head. "That shouldn't be the case. The US military base often accepts interviews with reporters, and we have a warrant, as long as it is not a secret restricted area, there should be no one to stop it."

Hansen smiled, "If you meet someone with a good personality, you might be able to enter the cockpit of the tank."

Yang Cheng's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Actually, there is nothing to look at, it's all machines, it's not interesting to be cold~" Leiden was tired of watching it a long time ago, so naturally he didn't have much interest.

Everyone chatted all the way, and soon arrived at Zagan base. When they arrived, Yang Cheng obviously felt that the road was not so good. She didn't dare to say one step at a time. At least every distance, there are patrol posts to stop cars and check. Can feel the atmosphere of killing in the military base.

However, when the car really entered the gate of the base, Yang Cheng felt that the murderous aura suddenly disappeared, and replaced by a sense of life, can you believe it?

On the tank barrel about a kilometer away, there are sheets hanging on it. This is probably the most expensive drying rack in the world, right?

Seeing Yang Cheng's surprised gaze, Leiden couldn't help but blush. He hadn't left the army for a long time and still maintained a sense of pride in the army. As a result, the reality scene was a real face.

But Hansen was very calm, "Don't be surprised by the boss. In the movie Pearl Harbor, before the bombing of the RI military plane, the scenes of warm life are not all fictional."

Yang Cheng couldn't help sighing that art really comes from life. According to Leiden, Zagan's history as an exercise field can be traced back to the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

The open space between Zagan and Svitoszow is a natural military training square, which covers an area of ​​5,000 hectares as early as 100 years ago.

In the 1930s, after Uncle Xi came to power, the Zagan training ground was expanded and it was once the largest exercise ground in Germany.

During the war, it was used as a training ground for infantry, artillery, and engineers. It was also a training base for the Luftwaffe, the escort, and the former German military intelligence agency Abbeville. Of course, the only thing here is a prisoner-of-war camp. God knows that year. How many people have been imprisoned here in Germany, and how many people have been killed.

After the end of World War II, the former Soviet Union took over the area as a permanent base of armored forces provided an important strategic fulcrum role for the western defense of the former Soviet Union. Until the 1950s, Polish talents finally took possession of Back to the right to use the Zagan military base, the training ground has also conducted war exercises.

In addition, few people know that just more than two years ago, researchers found 35 mass graves near the Zagan military base, and found the remains of 123 Napoleon soldiers and 4 women.

No one knows the reason, and over time it has become an unsolved mystery, which is often circulated among the locals.

In short, compared to the previous year, today’s military base covers Zagan in Lubska Province and the surrounding area of ​​Boleslawiec in Lower Silesia Province. The total area is as much as 34,000 hectares, and it can hold tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Various drills including shooting.

There are soldiers’ hotels near the training grounds, as well as canteens, military clubs, garages, warehouses and training rooms. There may be a new batch of military camps dedicated to serving American soldiers. Everyone knows that American soldiers like to enjoy life and living environment. Dissatisfied, it is absolutely impossible to stay long.

And in order to protect the lives of the soldiers, every day the American soldiers stationed in Zagan will airlift the food from their hometown. In addition, they also have their own clinics and military doctors, and have their own shops. The products inside are exclusively from the United States. The Poles are also very helpless about this. I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone to face this kind of distrust, but there is no way. If you want to ask others, just be a grandson~

Of course, soldiers are tired of the food in their hometown. When there is no training, they can also walk out of the barracks, take a walk in the nearby towns, and taste the Polish sausage and bread.


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