Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1616: Visit base

Entering the base, Leiden got in touch with General McCoff’s assistants. Under the arrangement of the other party, Yang Cheng and the others went to the reception room to rest. Not long after, a young non-commissioned officer in the uniform of the US Army came in and faced him. Yang Cheng in a suit and leather shoes greeted him, "Mr. Yang?"

When Yang Cheng was surprised, she stretched out her hand and shook the other party. There was no roughness at all. It seemed that the other party was mainly engaged in clerical work.

"It's me~"

"It's nice to meet you. You are a distinguished guest. It stands to reason that the general should be personally received. But unfortunately, he is inspecting the training of the troops at the training ground at this time. It is difficult to come back in a short time."

"It's okay, I'm prepared. If you don't mind, can we stroll around the base? Don't worry, we won't enter the restricted area. My brothers are all retired U.S. military officers and soldiers." He specifically pointed out Hansen's identity. It is also to dispel the other's vigilance.

Although he didn't want to do anything, he was always guarded like a spy, and he felt a little unhappy.

The assistant agreed very happily, "Of course, this is also the purpose of my coming. The general specially asked me to lead a few distinguished guests to visit the base."

"Great, thank you very much for the arrangement of the general, let's go now, a rest is enough~"


Under the leadership of their assistants, Yang Cheng and the others walked out of the base building and sat on a military Hummer, the most common in Hollywood blockbusters, but this one was a soft top version and could be disassembled into a convertible at any time.

The assistant drove the car by himself, and Andrew sat in the co-pilot. From the moment he entered the base, he remained serious and nervous.

This is the administrative area of ​​the base, and you can see a lot of civilian officers and soldiers running around. The army has just moved in, and there are many things to do.

After a while, the eyes widened, and the assistant also introduced, "This is the training ground from the beginning. We are now passing through the site of the Fourth Infantry Division, and they are undergoing a physical fitness week training program."

As the car slowed down, Yang Cheng saw through the window of the car a soldier of the unit was doing a sprint back and forth on the playground~

Hansen was familiar with these things, and explained with a smile, "It seems that this group is recruits. They just got off the army, and the 300-yard round-trip sprint is quite average~"

The assistant looked back at Hansen, "This gentleman is right. This is a rookie who just came out of the boot camp and needs more rigorous training."

Then they drove forward. They were all similar scenes. Units composed of squares followed the training plan step by step. To be honest, even if it was a mechanized infantry division, there was nothing new in the content of this training, at least Yang Cheng thought it still The scenes made in the movie are beautiful.

After that, I passed through the soldiers’ living quarters. It was a bit deserted here. Most soldiers were training. The living quarters were few people. It was a temporary base hospital. I saw a few women. There was a little red in the green bushes. It's rare to see how these female soldiers look like. When you look at the women, you immediately feel a lot more cordial.

However, Yang Cheng looked at them with pity.

This look was noticed by Hansen, and his tone was full of helplessness, "Don't be surprised by the bosses, at least depending on their current state, no unpleasant things have happened yet. In military bases, bullets are always the most consumed, followed by'Little Umbrellas.' 'Anyway, as long as the relationship is not compulsory, most bosses choose to ignore it. Of course, even if it is compulsory, most of them will choose to cover up the news."

Hansen was talking about a very terrifying phenomenon within the US military, and it has been repeatedly banned. Like a virus, it is difficult to completely kill it. Over time, a cultural phenomenon unique to the US military is about to form.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the occurrence of xing~qin in the US military is just like "common meal".

It is not that the Pentagon did not make efforts to rectify this chaos, and even established a "Department of National Defense Center for Xing~qin~" organization.

However, all they can do is statistics. The establishment of the center has made the statistics of the number of xing~qin cases within the US military in recent years very clear, and that's it. After all, some things are impossible to prevent, let alone prevent them.

According to data released by the department, in the past five years, the US military has had more than 20,000 accusations of xing~qin~ harm, an average of about 13 per day.

Among them, the Army is a high-incidence area, with as many as 8,000 accusations, and the Navy has nearly 5,000. The Marine Corps has the least, but it is also because they have fewer people, ‘only’ more than 3,000, and the Air Force has a number no less than the Army.

This year has reached its peak, and the proportion of all related cases has risen to an unprecedented peak. Outsiders jokingly said, is it that the American soldiers are in the collective issue period?

The most frightening thing is that the victims who have suffered violations choose to report after the case, but nearly 60% of the victims have been retaliated against. This is what a country that clamors for human rights every day~

The general’s assistant was also a little helpless about this phenomenon, and said while driving, "Speaking of which is a problem left over from history, especially a few decades ago, the military’s culture of se~ sentiment and violence became more and more intense with decades of fermentation. , Even many young soldiers subconsciously think this is part of the army!"

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, agreeing with the assistant's words. As early as World War II or even earlier, the US military had a tradition of "se~ lure" young people to join the army. Many conscription posters were full of beautiful women dressed in sex.

Today, although there are more ways of propaganda, the use of beautiful women to recruit soldiers can still be seen everywhere. Many recruiting videos and promotional films are also full of various se~emotional elements.

It is not difficult to understand that young people who joined the army under the influence of these propaganda made all kinds of extraordinary mistakes after becoming a member of the US military.

In addition, in the US military, soldiers of different services have different levels of cultural accomplishment.

Some military positions require highly educated and highly qualified personnel, while others do not have high requirements for academic qualifications. Even many of those who have been arrested for petty theft before can become an American soldier who "maintains justice". Although these people will be restricted by military regulations after enlisting in the military, their nature cannot be changed. A little laxity and negligence in management have become one of the many unstable factors within the US military.

Of course, the most important thing is that from a short visit, Yang Cheng discovered that the boundaries of gender within the US military are very vague, including living quarters are connected together, except for sleeping and bathing, basically they will be with men. Whether it is training or life entertainment, this has caused many soldiers who still have energy after training to continue to exert their strength, and the crime happened.

In fact, if the high-level leadership were able to guide this phenomenon before it became widespread, it might not evolve into a scene that can be seen everywhere today.

However, in order to maintain the image of the military, or selfishly say, in order to maintain their position, the top U.S. military officials mostly choose to squeeze the mud, and even threaten the victims not to stab things out. This has increased some popularity. Slowly, This kind of thing turned out to be natural.

In the eyes of the perpetrator, if something goes wrong, it is only a small punishment, and the animal desires are vented. As long as they are put in confinement, this kind of crime is low cost and scary. Who wouldn't want to try it?

Especially those brainless young people who have been brainwashed by liberalism and adventurous spirit since childhood~


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