Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1619: Still have to use beauty

Among the vodka with flavor and vanilla extract, the most popular one is cow grass vodka, commonly known as cow grass wine, which is made from selected refined alcohol.

Wine lovers usually value its extraordinary fragrance and taste, because each bottle of wine is added with buffalo grass leaves, which make the color of the wine lighter and make the wine more fragrant and rich.

This grass only grows in the Bialowieski Forest in Poland, so it is only in Poland that you can drink authentic cattle grass wine.

Leiden hiccuped and said excitedly, "Boss, the color of the M1A2 we just saw is very new~"

It looks similar to Yang Cheng, and the tanks are covered with a layer of dust. What color can be seen?

"How do you know?" he asked~

The God of Leiden said mysteriously, "Experience~"

Yang Cheng gave him an angry look, but he didn't ask, the newer the tank, the better.

"Do you think McCoff would agree?"

The character of this bald brigadier general seems a bit rigid. If he is a pure soldier, after calming down, the routine set up by Yang Cheng will be self-defeating, and he will even hate Yang Cheng, which Yang Cheng does not want to see. .

Leiden shook his head, "I don't know him, only from the contacts just now, I think he is a person who loves fame more than money, and he values ​​his military rank very much~"

Yang Cheng raised his eyebrows, "So we can help him get a major general? Wait, no, he just said that he will be transferred. It is estimated that the major general is stable. It is difficult to be promoted to lieutenant general in the short term. We can't do this well. ."

Leiden nodded, "And the boss, you hinted that he can give monetary compensation, he doesn't seem to respond."

"Yes, this person is really difficult~" Yang Cheng took a sip of wine unhappy. No matter who it is, there are always things that he likes and prefers. Either money or a woman or reputation. These years, monks can't be truly pure. Few desires, let alone the masses?

Of course, most people love money, because money can buy a lot of things, so Yang Cheng has tried this trick repeatedly, occasionally hitting a wall, he can quickly find the other party’s weaknesses and give them targeted, but this McCoff is really somewhat The meaning of copper wall and iron wall.

"Would you like to find a woman to seduce him?" Leiden gave a bad idea~

"Before you are sure whether this person is good or not, it is best not to use this trick, it is easy to cause disgust~"

Leiden nodded, "Or we can invite him out for a meal, and then find a beautiful woman to accompany him. Once he likes it, we can also observe it.

Yang Cheng turned the wine glass, "This is a good way~ You go to invite me, Hansen, you go to a hotel, Andrew, you go to a beautiful woman, listen, it is a beautiful woman in the public aesthetic, not your personal Taste~"

He doesn’t think McCoff likes black beauties. Of course, it’s not about racial discrimination, it’s just a matter of personal preference. He has only heard of a country Z woman who went to Africa to be the wife of the chief's 87 house, and never heard of a country Z man marrying black pearls. of.

Zagan is a small town, and you can't expect top hotels here. Hansen can only find a local private restaurant that specializes in ‘games’ (warm reminder, no game) based on the boss’s suggestion.

Because the small town of Zagan is on the edge of the forest, the locals will take shotguns into the forest to hunt in their leisure time. The most are hares. After all, this thing has a strong reproductive capacity. Killing a batch every year can also protect the forest.

Restaurants are easy to find, but it’s hard to find beauties who are willing to come out to take orders. Fortunately, some groups have very rich sources of information. After learning that the US military is stationed in Zagan, the town soon ushered in a group of professional and technical jobs. Beautiful women came to look for job opportunities.

It’s just that ordinary goods can’t be sold. Andrew still spends a lot of money, looking for a leader to temporarily transfer an ace beauty from Warsaw, or a blonde girl from Ukraine, worth 5000 euros a night, MD, really fragrant~

Andrew brought the beauty back, and Yang Cheng personally asked, "Aphrora, help me get things done tonight, and I will give you a double bonus in return, without sharing it with others."

Aphrora is the name of this beautiful Ukrainian girl. She has sunny blonde hair and makes people unable to extricate herself from looking at it. It's a pity that being a lover is better than doing it.

Yang Cheng regretted it for a second.

"Mr. What do you need me to do?" Aphrora, who came out to work very early, is not surprised at the gloom of the world, and knows that some money is not so easy to make, and things beyond the scope of ability, it is best not to pick up~

Yang Cheng pressed his hand, "Don't be nervous, what you have to do is very simple, it is your own job, oh, yes, I will add some acting. Do you like acting?"

Aurora’s eyes were shining with bright stars, "I love theater performances and once dreamed of being on the big screen~"

Yang Orange smiled, "That's good. Although I can't take you to Hollywood, I can make you fulfill your dream of an actor. If you perform well, you will never be paid less. What you just promised will be twice as long. Do exactly what I said, I will give you 5 times, no, 6 times the bonus!

Of course, after taking the money, you must be tight-lipped and never reveal a word, you know the consequences. "

This kind of threatening method is a bit vulgar, but it is really easy to use!

Aurora is very nervous and excited, 6 times? How much is that? 30000? Can he get an extra €30,000 bonus?

This is definitely not a small number in Poland!

Yang Cheng said again, "Don't rush to make a decision, listen to what I want you to do~

Tonight I am going to host a general. You will be there as a staff member next to me. At the dinner table, if the other party expresses interest in you, or even kisses Fangze, then I don’t need to talk about the next thing, right? "

Aphrora nodded fiercely, and naturally the next thing was not necessary to say, it was all her good job.

But Yang Cheng's purpose is obviously more than that, "By the way, you'd better act as if you are being bullied and get the corresponding evidence. Only in this way can you get 6 times the bonus~"

Aphrora nodded again, "I know what to do~"

"So you agreed?"

"Why not? That's 30,000 euros~"

"Very good, I like your character~"

Then he snapped his fingers at Andrew, "I will pay you a deposit of 10,000 euros first, and exchange evidence for the balance afterwards. Is there a problem?"

"No problem~" Aurora stared at a new stack of euros on the table, which seemed to retain the warmth of the ATM~

Yang Cheng is very satisfied with this woman’s attitude, don’t hide your love for money, it’s not ashamed to work to make money~

Pointing upstairs, "The clothes are ready for you. Go upstairs to wash and change clothes, take a break, and call you when you leave~"

After a pause, "I almost forgot to tell the other person is not interested, you should not take any action, understand?"

Aphrora looked at the money hesitantly, "Then this money?"

"Don't worry, I won't want to return the money I gave you. If nothing happens, you will make 10,000 euros in vain and you will not lose money, right?"

"Okay, I got it, then I went up?"


. . .

At night, the small town of Zagan, located on the edge of the forest, is not deserted. It may be because the American soldiers are extremely energetic. They walked out of the base during their breaks and came to the town to spend a rare leisure time in the army.

The bars and nightclubs located in the central square of the town have recently been full every day. The bosses are making a lot of money every day. They are not tired of it. I hope the soldiers will be stationed here for the rest of their lives.

The residential area behind the square looked a bit deserted compared to the bustling in front. The lights were lit from house to house, but there was no movement, except for occasional stray dogs fighting for rations.

However, one of the restaurants with rougher decoration is an exception.

This is a private restaurant. The owner is in charge of hunting and the wife is in charge of cooking. It is a typical mom-and-pop shop.

Today the restaurant was booked by Yang Cheng and others. Downstairs, Yang Cheng’s bodyguard and the guards who accompanied the general to the appointment were dining. A separate table was set upstairs for Yang Cheng and McCoff. Of course, Aphrora was indispensable. To accompany Leiden, Leiden’s job is to drink, not to get the other party drunk, some things are not easy to do.

To Yang Cheng’s surprise, she thought that Aphrora would be nervous. Who would have thought that she was like an excellent actor, dressed in a classic black and white uniform, looked very low-key. From the moment she saw her target, she kept her low-key, unless Someone talked to her, otherwise she would never speak.


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