Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1620: Beast

Aphrola's white glow, the so-called one white covering a hundred ugliness, even if her facial features are not in place, she will not be an eyesore when she looks at it, but she is not ugly at first, and her beautiful face is matched with snow-white skin. The lipstick is amazing and it is absolutely in line with the aesthetics of the oriental people.

At this time, she was wearing an old-style traditional OL outfit, with retro glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her sunny blond hair piercing her head casually, giving people the illusion that a weak woman would feel sorry for her.

Such a dress is very appetizing for those possessive men, and will unconsciously look at her and try to conquer her~

Yang Cheng didn’t know if McCoff was such a person, but from his act of turning his head and looking away when he always pretended to inadvertently glanced at Aphrora, he seemed to be tempted~

Halfway through the dinner, under Leiden’s deliberate persuasion, Brigadier General McCoff, who claimed to be a drunkard, had already shaken his head and spoke louder than before. His tongue was slightly knotted, "Mr. Yang, this beautiful The lady has been sitting for a long time, and you haven't introduced her, why? Are you despising me? Still think I don’t deserve to know her name~"

This is a precursor to drunkenness. Yang Cheng is really not afraid of him drunkenness. She is cheating in her heart and pretending to be horrified. "How is it possible that as General McCoff, who can't get a woman? She is just a small employee under me, not worth mentioning~"

Just like other male creatures, McCoff wants to show his majesty in front of the person he likes, so Yang Cheng becomes a poor foil~

Of course, Yang Cheng is not only not angry, but happy to see it happen.

"How can you say that to a beautiful lady, Mr. Yang, please apologize to this lady~"

I have to say that McCoff, the big-tailed wolf, looks like that, righteously speaking, and people who don’t know think he is a gentleman?

Needless to say, Yang Cheng's acting skills are all high standards honed in daily life. The expression of grievance and embarrassment is just right, which not only satisfies McCoff's overwhelming sense of accomplishment, but also shows his dissatisfaction in a timely manner.

What McCoff wants is this state, otherwise how to bring out his stalwart posture.

At this time, the brain washed by a whole bottle of vodka became chaotic. Under the stimulation of alcohol, he was a superhero for the people, Iron Man, Spiderman, Batman, or Zorro?

In his opinion, Yang Cheng is the big villain he wants to deal with, and he's caught bullying a woman, and he feels complacent.

Yang Cheng now fully feels that people are not in appearance, and some people seem to be honest and humiliated, but at night they can turn into perverted murderers and do a lot of evil;

Some people are very gentlemen in suits during the day, but at night they tore their shirts to pieces and vent their rage on women;

Some people, such as McCoff, are still an iron-blooded soldier who is not driven by money during the day. Didn't he pour some wine on a woman at night?

In short, everyone is a layman, no matter how you pretend, the vulgar in your bones cannot be changed.

And Aphrola is also a good actor, taking the initiative to relieve Yang Cheng, "General, don't blame the boss, shall we have a drink?"

Who would have thought that the more she said this, McCoff became more and more vigorous, slapped the table with a slap, and the plates on the shaking table jumped up and shouted out, "No, he must apologize for his rude behavior."

Yang Cheng was so scolding in her heart. If it weren't for this order, she would have gone to him a long time ago. Is it rude? What are you rude? Are you rude if you don't introduce your subordinates? Do your mother's business?

I muttered a curse in my heart, "I'm acting, all for money~"

He forced a smile and winked at Aphrola, and pretended to bow his head to apologize, "Sorry, it's my mistake~"

McCoff's face turned from cloudy to clear, and he slapped Yang Cheng on the shoulder, "That's right, remember, we are gentlemen."

Yang Cheng should have a smile on her face, but she cursed in her heart, "Grandson, you can say the same thing to me after tonight~"

This meal is the most awkward meal Yang Cheng has eaten in recent years. There is no way. I haven't pretended to be a grandson for a long time. I suddenly found my previous memories.

Satiated with wine and food, even though Yang Cheng didn't drink much, she still pretended to be shaky and greeted McCoff vaguely, "Slow down on the general road, let Aphrola take you back~"

McCoff actually didn’t get much better. He himself drank two bottles of vodka, plus the previous red wine as a primer. At this moment, there was a figure of eight under his feet, but he held on to his body and refused Aphrola. The support, pretending to be sober, said, "You are too poor to drink, and you will practice well in the future, I don't need someone to send it~"

Aphrora knew that it was time for her to play, and 30,000 euros was beckoning to her, but she couldn’t miss it. She held McCoff and comforted McCoff with her unique double gentleness, “General, this is me. You don’t want me to do it hard, right? Let me send you back?"

McCoff pretended to refuse, pretending to be awkward, and said helplessly, "Well, thank you, beautiful lady, you have added a touch of warmth to this cold night."

Yang Cheng was uncomfortable. He almost didn't vomit when he heard this. Is this general still a fake man? The key is to take a good look at the weather forecast when you say this. Now it is at least 22 degrees Celsius! He is hot and wants to undress, cold? Dreaming of going to the North Pole?

Aphrola yelled shyly, "The general is really joking~"

MD, I can’t stand it anymore, Yang Cheng simply "drunk to death" in Hansen's arms, right?

. . . . . .

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng yawned and went downstairs. Hansen and the others were eating breakfast bought outside, various breads and various sausages, and of course the free butter and omelettes presented by the boss.

But their attention was obviously not on the food, but on the woman sitting on the sofa with their backs to the stairs.

Yang Cheng rubbed her eyes, Aphrola? Came back so early?

Seeing Hansen hesitating and hesitating to speak, I was even more curious. I walked over with doubts and saw that Aphrora’s jacket was gone, only one shirt was left. The light and breathable white shirt was difficult to cover. Large bruises on the body.

Especially since her skin was originally so white, the scars are more vivid now!

Frowned and asked, "What's the matter? He hit you?"

The appraisal of McCoff in his mind dropped again, this beast in clothing.

Aphrora was originally in a daze. Hearing Yang Cheng's words, she returned to her senses and smiled bitterly, "I can only say that the play was more intense~"

She did not have the pain she imagined, after all, she was not an ordinary girl.

Yang Cheng did not ask, but expressed his apologies with practical actions. Regardless of the other party’s identity, he was injured in doing things for The care we should have is still necessary, so she handed it over to Afro. The money in the hand is another 10,000 yuan, "The extra, just treat it as medical expenses. I don't care if you buy the medicine yourself or go to the hospital, but this is the end of the matter."

Aphrola nodded calmly, "I understand, thank you for your medical expenses, I have already given the evidence to your bodyguard, and I will leave first if there is nothing wrong~"

Yang Cheng opened his mouth and still didn't keep her. She didn't know what to say when she stayed, so let her go, but he still ordered Andrew to take her home.

After the two left, Hansen returned with the recording pen and handed it to Yang Cheng, "boss~this is evidence~"

Playing with the recorder, "Did you listen?"

"I've heard it, it was the recording last night, McCoff is a bastard~" Hansen cursed outrageously.

Yang Cheng gave a hum, and then returned the recorder to Hansen, "You save it, and then we will wait for him to take the initiative to find the door~"

Hansen hesitated, "Boss, once McCoff finds this is a trap, he can't help us, will he retaliate against Aphrola~"

Yang Cheng was not sure, and thought it was better to be careful, "You call Andrew and ask him to take Aphrora away, go to any country, and give her a family allowance after landing safely~"


At this moment, Leiden came in from outside, and he volunteered to follow McCoff last night.

"Boss, where's Aphrora?"

"Go~" Hansen replied on his behalf.

Leiden said with regret, "We should really thank her, she is a brave girl~"

Hansen said again, "Boss has already thanked her, don't worry."

"What did you find?" Yang Cheng asked, he was very excited when he saw Leiden~


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