Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1622: European foot wrap 2

Countries like Poland and South Korea are like two villains. No, no, they are hypocrites. On the surface, they look like a person, but they can do things that don’t have a pi’s eye. They seem to have broad vision, but even their feet. I don't know if I step on shit.

Just as Poland was not worried that Germany would invade it when the war was about to break out. When Germany annexed Austria and the Czech Republic, Poland looked at it like that. It was optimistic that it would not happen to itself. Poor Poles, it seemed. I don't know the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold.

The most terrible thing is that it has no worries about offending the two big countries of the Soviet Union and Germany at the same time. It thinks that it has no scruples about holding the thighs of Britain and France. In fact, Britain and France treat Poland just like Poland treats the Czech Republic and other countries. Same, when it's useful, it's a brother. If it's useless, it's not as good as a dog. Maybe you have to **** your dog food and let you starve to death.

Sometimes the brain circuits of the Poles are exactly the same as those of the sticks. When sharpening their knives in Germany, the weird Poles felt that they didn’t need to prepare or could not prepare for the war. They thought that by doing so, Germany would attack themselves in advance. Yes, at this time. The Poles are also worried about giving Germany a reason for war.

But I never thought that Germany could destroy it without a reason. When Poland realized this, it would be less than five hours before Germany's general attack.

Poland's short-sightedness and selfishness have become a cage that traps itself. When Poland fell again, no one sympathized with them, and no one tried to save Poland. When the war officially began, the small country only survived for 19 days, one more second. Can't survive~

The most tragic thing is that the tens of thousands of Polish elites were all arrested and killed by these countries that wished that the Poles would explode in place. Fortunately, they didn't know the cruel punishment of the Jiu Clan, otherwise the families of these hapless elites would also suffer!

But no matter what, the loss of elite talents almost collapsed Poland’s economy and technology, because elites are the main force supporting the country’s development. If a country’s elite talents are gone, the future of the country’s development can be imagined. Save the country and develop the country?

It’s better to expect Koreans not to eat kimchi~

Wait, what's the relationship between the two?

Well, it doesn't really matter, it's purely complaining!

Anyway, after Germany started the mode of fighting and fighting, Poland, a relatively rogue country, was retributed again and disappeared out of thin air from the map again. In addition to the last disappearance, Poland disappeared for almost 130 years.

To understand why a person dies? It depends on what he did before his death, such as robbery, murder, or showing off his wealth to hate. In short, there must be a reason.

So why did a country perish? It depends on what it did when it was at its strongest. When Poland was in its glory, it offended everyone with great arrogance. It was completely unpopular, but after being lonely, it didn’t focus on development while holding its thigh. On the contrary, he jumped out to be a villain, like a mad dog, who catches who bites who, and has attacked the country Z, which has been unconnected for eight lifetimes, and its destruction is reasonable.

Although Poland has been restored again, it looks good now, but I don’t know if Poland, which has not had a war in 70 years, has learned a lesson from history, learned how to be humble and treat neighbors kindly, but most of them are not. .

From the fact that they are trying their best to station American troops in their home country, it can be seen that the Poles remain unresolved. It is no wonder that if no one is watching a dog, wouldn’t it taste good when eating shit?

Well, after complaining about this magical and weird country, Yang Cheng has already walked out of the train station.

Yes, on this temporary trip to Warsaw, they did not drive, but chose a convenient and comfortable train like a backpacker.

It's just that their group of backpackers is unusual.

Yang Cheng was surrounded by stars and moons. Although a dozen bodyguards were all dressed in plain clothes, they were unsmiling, wearing uniform black sunglasses, walking like a wind, like a spotlight, dressed in white Nike sportswear. Yang Cheng was exposed to pedestrians' sight.

It’s no wonder that Yang Cheng wears a handsome toad goggles, and looks at this rare and modern city in Europe—wide roads, tall buildings, and vehicles coming and going. The bustling flow of people, suddenly, I thought I was in New York or Country Z.

It is totally different from most European cities full of ancient city style!

However, for Poles, this kind of "modern" is really helpless.

As mentioned above, the flames of World War II burned almost every inch of land in Poland. The architectural works carefully carved by skilled craftsmen disappeared in an instant. Numerous ancient European buildings collapsed and the capital Warsaw It was razed to the ground.

After the war ended in 1945, Warsaw was rebuilt. In order to cherish the tragic history, Polish ZF tried to build a modern city while also restoring the old appearance of the old city of Warsaw, thus forming the current layout of the old city and the new city.

Passing through the bustling streets of the new city and entering the old city, the world seemed to be quiet suddenly, slowing down and lightening unconsciously, for fear of disturbing someone's peace.

It is summer, and the Polish climate is also a good choice for summer heat. You can see tourists from all over the world strolling along the gravel roads in the old city, occasionally seeing three or two wild cats running lightly and disappearing into the alleys.

Speaking of it, the origin of the name of Warsaw is quite romantic-it is said to commemorate a pair of lovers who bravely pursued love despite the king's obstruction, so they took part of their names and named the city.

It may also be because of this name that injects romantic genes into the Poles. When God closes a door, he is bound to open a window for you. This is also true of the loving God in the eyes of Westerners. He has endowed his Polish people with wonders. At the same time, the brain circuit has enriched their artistic sentiment. Just think about the most famous piano artist in Poland. God is fair.

Walking up the city wall made of red bricks, you can see a fortification one after another. Walking a few steps, the melodious piano sound is floating in the air with the wind. There is no doubt that Europe has never lacked street performers with artistic talents. No matter what the situation is, they do not hesitate to show their talents in front of the audience, which is of course also a kind of romance!

Yang Cheng took a group of bodyguards and stopped for a moment in front of the street artist. A narrative poetic art and romantic fantasy Polish dance music ended. Yang Cheng presented a 100 zloty with a face value of 100. The pianist of difficult works applauded.

After leaving the city wall, Yang Cheng walked with his bodyguards in the alleys of the old city. Bars and restaurants, large and small, were hidden in every corner. They were completely different from the tranquility of the outdoors. He just found a restaurant and opened the door. The waiters inside were very busy, and the band played joyous music.

Looking at some of the slightly drunk guests, it is estimated that they were woken up by vodka in the Good luck, there are two tables next to the window facing the street, and Yang Cheng took them directly. As soon as I was seated, I heard a middle-aged man at the next table holding a large glass of beer and chatting with the opposite man who looked like he was in his prime. They were talking about their children. It seemed that the middle-aged man’s daughter was admitted. To the famous Chopin Academy of Music, this makes men proud.

Yang Cheng and his party attracted the attention of the middle-aged man. Turning back, they didn't care about the coercive feeling brought by the bodyguards. With rosacea, they asked drunkenly, "Hey, friend, are you RB?"

No way, it seems that RB people are more popular in Europe. Yang Cheng held down the bodyguard who wanted to warn the opponent, and casually said, "No, I am Chinese~"

"Chinese? Well, Chinese are good too, man, do you know the Chopin Academy of Music? The world's top art palace~"

Yang Cheng felt funny and nodded, "Of course, anyone with a little bit of common sense knows~"

The middle-aged man became excited and raised his wine glass and said, "My daughter was admitted, isn't it great? I invite you to have a drink, I want to share my joy~"

Yang Cheng did not refuse, smiling and thanking, "Congratulations, thank you for your beer, I will leave a good impression on Poland because of this beer~"

"Ha~ Of course, my daughter is as beautiful as this country!"

Unexpectedly, this eldest brother is still a standard daughter slave, look, three sentences are not far from his daughter.

Yang Cheng received other people’s beer, so naturally he wanted to vote for it, and said to the waiter, “Give this table a sausage set meal. How can you drink beer without sausage?”

The middle-aged man became more excited, and said, "Chinese, great~"

Naturally, I can’t forget to bring his daughter, "As great as my daughter~"


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