Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1623: General visits (1)

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Poles like to drink soup. No, it’s better to eat soup than to drink soup. To put it bluntly, it is a variety of stews, and then add staple food, such as pasta or dumplings.

Yes, Poland also has dumplings, which are similar to Italian ravioli, similar to ravioli in country Z.

It may be due to historical reasons. Polish cuisine has both German flavor and polar bear characteristics. For example, Poland also has roasted pork feet and sauerkraut soup, which are very similar to German cuisine~

But there are also classic polar bear delicacies such as red vegetable soup and black bread.

Of course, the taste is hard to explain in a word, and it is not unpalatable. It is just a newcomer and it takes some time to adapt.

Yang Cheng kept frowning just after eating the few bites, but in order to fill his stomach, the more he eats, the more delicious he eats. Let alone, it really has a different taste.

After eating, before leaving, I did not forget to invite the daughter slave to drink a glass of beer, and accepted the advice of the other party, and decided to go to the Chopin Museum if I had time.

But before that, they passed through the center of the Old Town Square and saw the Warsaw Mermaid statue holding a sword on the right and a shield on the left. The mermaid is the patron saint of Warsaw and a symbol of Warsaw. Yang Cheng asked Hansen to leave a landmark for himself The clock-in photo was sent to Luo Yue, who is studying ancient buildings in Como.

Naturally in exchange for a series of "eyes~"

"So disgusting~" Yang Cheng replied.

"Yeah, I just hate it, so I can't stay with me for a while, and the world is always chaotic~" This tone was both acting like a baby and complaining.

Yang Cheng self-examined, and it was indeed a bit too much. He promised to accompany her on vacation, but ended up in Poland by herself.

But there is no other way. It's all here, so you have to finish the business, right?

So he replied to finish things as soon as possible~

Luo Yue was either really angry, or she complained, she was very sensible and quickly said, "Don't worry, work is important, I have Manman with me, don't worry!"

With a smile, he put away the phone, and suddenly there was a kind of ‘getting a wife like this is a great blessing in life’.

After packing up my mood, I followed the road signs and passed through several magnificent churches. My eyes widened suddenly and he asked without looking back, "Where is this?"

"Boss, this is the castle square~" Hansen immediately leaned closer.

Yang Cheng saw the conspicuous pillar, which was the Sigismund Column. It was King Sigismund III who moved the Polish capital to Warsaw and gave Warsaw a new historical mission.

And to the east of the square is the old palace, which was completely destroyed by Uncle Xi like stepping on ants. In order not to forget the glorious history, the Poles rebuilt a palace based on the remaining paintings and materials.

After the war, someone said that the beautiful Warsaw before the war would no longer exist, and the Polish people spontaneously provided ZF with photos, paintings, postcards, albums and memories of the past, and worked together to miraculously restore the old look of Warsaw.

From a certain perspective, this means that Warsaw is destroyed and not destroyed, not only the reconstruction of historical buildings, but also the rebirth of the national spirit.

This kind of perseverance is worthy of the shameless people to study hard. Anyway, the tree will die without the skin, and the shameless people are invincible. Just look at the "gang of Asia" and you will know the profound meaning of this sentence.

When the time came in the afternoon, the breeze stopped, and Warsaw suddenly felt a scorching heat, and finally found a bit of scorching summer feeling.

In such weather, Yang Cheng is going to see an old friend~

Of course, this deceased Yang Cheng knew him, he certainly did not know Yang Cheng.

When I was young, the parents of Chinese families always hoped that their children could master more talents, especially for families like the Yang family that didn’t cost money. They filled him with a room like piano, violin, and guitar. Unfortunately, Yang Cheng was not interested in these things. It can't be said to be annoying, but his talent has been honored in sports, and the door of the art field has rejected him early.

The piano can only be played, the violin can be played, in short, the level is not as good as the cotton.

But this does not prevent him from appreciating great art, such as Chopin's piano music, which he could always hear at home when he was a child. Because Lin Sen is fake art and likes to listen to concerts at home by himself, he is not used to going to the scene.

He also renovated a separate music room at home. The audio equipment inside can be replaced by two Bugattis, both of which are his treasures. Yang Cheng still remembers that when he was a child, the music room was a forbidden area at home, and Lin Sen was afraid he would go in He broke his equipment.

Anyway, many early mornings as a child, Yang Cheng listened to Chopin's piano music and slowly opened his eyes.

Therefore, to Yang Cheng, Chopin can definitely be called a deceased person. Although they have never known each other, there is a saying that is particularly good, "Friedrich-François-Chopin, born in Warsaw, his soul belongs to Poland Talent belongs to the world."

Undoubtedly, Chopin is fully qualified to exist as Poland's business card!

Pushing the door of the Chopin Museum, the life of the "music poet" turned into a piece of music, slowly playing in front of Yang Cheng.

The inspiration of musicians is indispensable from the stimulation of rich emotions. In fact, most of the inspiration of all artists comes from feelings. In the summer of 1837, Chopin met the French female writer George Sand at Liszt’s house. They often wrote together, one writing novel, One plays the piano.

Chopin once wrote in his diary, "...I would like to bow down under your skirt, I love everything about you, and give everything I have to you! When I am tired, I need your eyes, your caress, Your smile, for you, I will play a soft melody."

Facts have proved that the musician's writing style is not bad, and the sentiment is not numb, but it conveys a strong sense of love.

It was also during this period of time with George Sand that Chopin's music creation reached the peak of his life.

It is a pity that a talented and talented person can never die well. The good times are not long. Chopin was diagnosed with lung disease. Only twelve years later, the self-proclaimed "Polish orphan wandering in France" went to sleep.

The Madeleine Cathedral in Paris held a grand funeral for Chopin. At Chopin's request, his heart was taken back to his motherland and buried under the second pillar on the left of the Church of Santa Croce in Warsaw.

The Church of Santa Croce, located at the southern end of King Street, is also famous for its buried heart of Chopin.

Of course, there is also a great figure on King Street—the Polish astronomer. The seated statue of Copernicus who proposed heliocentric theory is here. Behind him is the Polish National Academy of Sciences, which is under repair.

Diagonally across from the Holy Cross Church is the famous Chopin Conservatory of Music. The daughter of the middle-aged father who is proud of will begin her artistic career here. If not, a great female piano will be born here. Where is the performer?

. . . . . .

After wandering in Warsaw for a whole day, Yang Cheng took the bodyguards back to Zagan by train until the sky was like black ink. On the way, he slept firmly because of fatigue.

When I got off the train and was blown by the cool night breeze, I was instantly awake. As soon as I returned to the wood cabin, I saw McCoff sitting on the sofa alone, sitting tightly with his big bald head, really a little majestic~

It’s just that Yang Cheng didn’t take it seriously at all. When he came in, the cabin owner asked nervously, “This general said it’s your friend, so I just let him in and wait~”

Yang Cheng smiled and nodded, "He is my friend, don't worry, you can go busy~"

The boss is amnesty, the general's momentum is so strong, he has said a word since he entered the door, but it seems that he has been sentenced to death, and people can't breathe.

Hearing Yang Cheng's words, the boss ran out of sight.

Yang Cheng waved his hand casually to disperse the bodyguards. Only Hansen and Leiden followed Yang Cheng forward, "Good evening General, did you have a good time yesterday?"

McCoff looked at Yang Cheng like a dead person, and said in a negative test, "I drank too much yesterday, and it was almost evening before I calmed down and thought about it. Isn't that Aphrora your employee?"

Yang Cheng held back a smile, how long is this guy's reflex nerves?

But he didn't mean to hide it, and nodded frankly, "Yes, I hired it for money~"

McCoff squeezed a sentence from his are looking for death~Do you know the consequences of threatening a US Army brigadier general? "

Yang Cheng lifted up Erlang's legs Shiran, "I don't know what the consequences are, what I know is, once this goes out, your major general who is about to get it, I am afraid it will be completely out of play~"

McCoff snorted, "Why? Just let me go to chuang with a woman?"

Yang Orange shook his head, "No, no, to correct you, it's forcing. People don't voluntarily have a relationship with you beyond the scope of friendship~"

McCoff did not give up, "Do you think the military court will listen to your words?"

Yang Cheng pointed to Hansen, "Of course I have evidence~"

"Don't get excited~" Seeing that McCoff was about to rise up, Yang Cheng stopped and continued to point to Hansen, "The evidence is on him. He once served in the Delta. Are you sure you can grab the evidence from him and destroy it? "

Hansen licked the corner of his mouth very cooperatively, showing a bloodthirsty smile.

"You can try it, my brother hasn't done it for a long time, maybe it's rusty?"

McCoff's chest was violently ups and downs, and even his bald head was red, which was angered.

"what do you want?"

Yang Cheng opened his hands, "Don't pretend to be a white lotus. You are not as innocent as you think. I am not a bad person. Everyone is a **** in a society of interest. What I pay attention to is equal exchange. Coexist peacefully, do you think I am right?"

He is not in a hurry, he is not in a hurry, anyway, the handle is in his hands, the initiative will not run to McCoff, if you want to pass the test safely, you have to be honest and obedient, otherwise you don’t know how to die. How wrong?

"Do you want a tank? Yes, I won't set up a block anymore, is this okay?"


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