Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1624: General visits (2)

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"Do you want a tank? Yes, I won't set up a block anymore, is this okay?"

Yang Cheng touched the back of his head with a pure face, and said ‘ashamed’, “General, you see, I’m a reasonable person. I really didn’t take you to get rid of it. Is this condition really outdated?”

McCoff barely spit out a mouthful of old blood, gritted his teeth and said, "What the **** do you mean?"

Yang Cheng explained patiently, "This is the way it is. If you agreed before, our transaction ended with tanks. But now, the situation has changed. I hold your handle even if you want to take it back. According to my analysis, you don't even have a 1% possibility.

Don't even think about sending soldiers out to surround me. As long as I just shoot a video, your McCoff's name will be popular all over the world, do you believe it?

So the conditions change as the situation changes. Before, I only wanted tanks, but now it’s different. I want more, and you have no room for bargaining! "

Although McCoff didn't want to admit it, Yang Cheng was right. He really couldn't send soldiers to surround Yang Cheng. Once he took the video and posted it on the Internet, God knows how much saliva he will drown?

The most important thing is that he still doesn't know what evidence Yang Cheng holds. Video? recording? The damage caused by different evidence is also different, and he dare not bet.

"Just say, what do you want?"

"I haven't figured it out yet, do you want to talk about it later?"

McCover stood up immediately, then drew out his gun, pointed at Yang Cheng and shouted, "I can kill you now~"

Yang Orange didn't move. It was not that he could not move because he was afraid, but the other party didn't even open the insurance. Who would scare him? Really think he has never played with a gun?

Compared to McCoff's "unprofessional", Hansen and the others are much more professional. Almost at the same time, everyone drew their pistols and loaded the bullets.

Although the types of guns are different, at a distance of up to ten meters, with the marksmanship of these bodyguards, it is estimated that closing your eyes can turn McCoff into a hornet's nest~

"Hey, I advise you to calm down and draw your gun at every turn. This is a civilized society, not the age of duel in the Middle Ages~"

It’s the most irritating words in this tone but with hidden sarcasm. McCoff felt that his forehead was congested and it was about to explode~

Yang Cheng suddenly looked at the wall clock on the opposite wall, and said playfully, "It's 8 o'clock, is it time for Isha? Would you like me to help you get a blanket?"

A pious*, prays five times a day, and the time is clearly defined:

The first time is called the morning ceremony, which is the morning prayer. The period from the first dawn to the end of the sunrise starts from about 4:30 to 5:00 in the morning. Although you can pray from dawn to sunrise, the most Fortunately, pray after dawn, which is more religious and requires silent reading of two Qurans;

The second time is called Sheli, which is an afternoon prayer. When the sun descends from the highest point until the shadow of an object is equal to the size of the object, it starts at about 12:30 noon, and four paragraphs of the Quran should be read silently;

The third time is called Puri, which is a prayer before the end of the afternoon. From when the shadow of an object is equal to the size of the object to before the sun sets, it starts around 4:00 pm, preferably before the sky turns yellow, although It is also allowed to pray after turning yellow, but the Prophet Muhammad does not like to really pray at this time. He thinks this is the time for those who make mistakes to pray, and they also need to read four Quran silently;

The fourth time is called fascination. It is a prayer after the sun has set. From just sunset to just after dark, starting at about 6:30 in the afternoon, three passages of the Quran are to be read, the first two passages are read aloud, and the second paragraph is silently read;

The fifth time is Isha, a prayer in the evening. From dark to before midnight, around 8:00 in the evening, you need to read four Quran silently. The first two paragraphs are read aloud, and the last two paragraphs are read silently.

The scriptures of each prayer are the same, only the difference between reading and not speaking.

It's 8:15 in the evening, and according to the time, we should start praying!

Yang Cheng is using this way to remind McCoff that your little secret is no longer a secret.

He said lightly, and it could be heard in McCoff's ears like a thunderstorm. This is the deepest secret in his heart, was he discovered?

The most terrifying thing was discovered by Yang Cheng!

"You~you~you~" McCoff stuttered, you haven't spoken for a long time~

"Don't you, isn't it *? You are not the only one in the army. Don't worry, I won't tell this matter. The premise is that you are obedient~"

It's ridiculous, a young man under 30 wants a middle-aged man around 50 to be obedient, how interesting the picture looks~

With a bang, the gun in McCoff's hand was attracted by the gravity of the earth and fell to the ground. The cold iron lump lost its majesty at this moment!

"General, I still said that. I have no intention of offending. All I want is mutually beneficial cooperation. A win-win situation is the realm I pursue!

You see, I bought your tank, and you got a portion of the cash to distribute it to your soldiers to increase your prestige in the army, and I made a lot of dollars, so I must not hesitate to give you a portion.

In the words of our Chinese people You call fame and fortune. "

"Damn it, shut up~" McCoff was about to collapse, burying his head in his hands, he needed a quiet space to smooth his thoughts.

Yang Cheng knew that it wasn't appropriate to be forcing, so she had to shut her mouth and signaled Hansen and the others to step back, not to put pressure on each other.

After a while, McCoff raised his head, his eyes red, "I am a *, but I am not sent by al-Qaeda, I am an American, I love the military, I am not a traitor~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "I can't tell me, it's useless if I believe it, and I don't have the right to deprive you of your military status, right?

Well, even if I have this qualification, I will not believe what you say. Many cases in history have proved that there are indeed spies among soldiers who believe in*."

McCoff shook his head. "It doesn't matter anymore. As long as you keep a secret for me, this matter won't go out, right?"

Yang Cheng nodded very happily and firmly, "Yes, you know this thing, I know it~"

McCoff glanced at Yang Cheng's bodyguard, "Where are they?"

Yang Cheng shrugged and sarcastically said, "Should you not let them write you a letter of guarantee, who will be fined $100 for leaking the secret?"

A few bodyguards couldn't help but laughed, such an obvious ridicule, fools could understand.

McCoff's face was red in sauce.

Yang Cheng stared at the bodyguard fiercely in front of him, "What are you laughing at? I'm serious!"

It's okay not to say this, it's even more cola when I say it. One laughed, as if he was infected, everyone laughed, and instantly, the whole house was filled with laughter.

In the end, Hansen stood up, clapped his hands, signaled everyone to go out, and retreated to the door of the room, so that in the event of a crisis, he could rush out the fastest~


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