Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1625: White peacock

"General, it's not that I said you, you have to learn to control your emotions, get angry at every turn, and you can't express your anger, so you can hold back yourself~"

Yang Cheng swore to Deng that he really cared about each other with the attitude of making friends.

It's a pity, sometimes when you say good things, others may not listen to them~

McCoff quickly jumped over, seeing that he was about to give Yang Cheng a hug, only to find that Hansen was standing at the door, nailing his body with two guns in the air, like playing a game of time. ~

Yang Cheng stretched out her hands helplessly, "Look, what am I talking about? Don't be angry, it hurts you so much~"

He didn't know, the more he said this, the more angry people became, and the bald heads burst into blue veins, like a dragon elephant who had practiced Tantric Buddhism.

Yang Cheng was afraid that if this continued, McCoff would burst his blood vessel and die. The scene of the fountain of blood on his head was spectacular, but it was not clear where he died.

So he rushed to the back and shouted, "Hansen, come on, send the general back to rest, if you have anything to talk about after calming down~"


Hansen wanted to go up and help, but was thrown away by McCoff, "Go away~"

Pointing to Yang Cheng, "You'd better say it now, when I step out of this door, there will be no need to meet in the future~"

If you change someone, you might just recognize it like that. After all, you have already got what you want, so there is no need to push people to death~

But Yang Cheng is obviously not an ordinary person, and he didn't worry about the other party's words at all. "There is really no need to meet. I will contact you by phone in the future? Should I get you a confidential mobile phone? I will call you after the conditions are determined~ "

Commanded coldly, "Hansen, see off~"


This time Hansen used his strength, regardless of how McCoff struggled, he was no different from a mouse in Hansen's hand, almost carrying it out the door~

Immediately afterwards, he shouted outside the door, "Leiden~"

Leiden rushed in quickly, "Boss, I'm here~"

"From now on, you pierce me here, where are the tanks and where are you? I want to make sure these tanks are delivered to Oman with a lot of screws, and then watch the Omani transfer the money to me, understand?"

Leiden said sharply, "Understand, if anyone dares to move my tank, I will kill him~"

"That's right, whoever moves the tank is equivalent to moving your wallet~"

He is now back home. Since McCoff has become a fish on the chopping board, he doesn't need to stay here anymore. He should go back to accompany Luo Yue earlier.

Meimei fell asleep, turned around, and returned to Milan by private jet.

The manor on Lake Como is as quiet and peaceful as ever. The bright sunshine illuminates every corner of the manor. The neatly built flowerbeds are brightly colored and elegant. Yang Cheng is walking along the path, and suddenly two walks out of the corner. Only white peacocks, with their graceful posture and arrogant eyes, they looked at Yang Cheng with a sense of gaze.

Yang Cheng looked at the peacock a little hairy, not afraid, but subconsciously thought that he had entered the wrong house, and it was impossible to think about it. He remembered it wrong, Hansen and the others did it too?

After being relieved, he couldn't help muttering, "Where is the peacock?"

At this time, old Carson followed the peacocks, greeted Yang Cheng, and explained, "At this time, the two peacocks sent from Madre Island are one male and one female~"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, "Island Madre?"

Old Carson gave a vague reminder, "It is the largest island in the Borromeo Islands~"

Yang Cheng suddenly, a gift from Beatrice at this time?

Looking at the peacocks, his eyes softened a lot. "Take good care of them and raise them here. I guess they are also adapted to the Italian climate~"


Compared with the common blue peacocks and green peacocks, the feathers of the white peacocks are undoubtedly more beautiful. However, the male peacock usually does not turn on the screen after the aging period. After walking gracefully by his feet, he said to Carson, "When they are in a good mood, remember to call me~"

It is rare to see the white peacock on the screen~

Entering the villa, Luo Yue wore home clothes and sat sleepily on the sofa in a daze~

Yang Cheng walked over and gave his fiancee a bear hug, "Why don't you sleep in the room?"

Luo Yue was taken aback. Fortunately, she was already familiar with the taste of Yang Cheng's body and the temperature of her embrace. After a surprise, she immediately fell into her arms, "Isn't it to wait for you to come back?"

As soon as the voice fell, she suddenly patted Yang Cheng's hand excitedly, "By the way, did you see those two white peacocks, super beautiful~"

"I see, you can choose a gift to the princess when you turn around~"

"Wang Hao?" Luo Yue asked in confusion.

"Before I met Princess Beatrice at Beckham's party and had a good chat. I didn't expect that she would directly send a pair of peacocks over~"

After listening to Yang Cheng's explanation, Luo Yue didn't think much about it, and immediately began to think about what gift it would be better to return.

Yang Cheng took out his mobile phone and called Beatrice, in front of Luo Yue, open and honest.

"Hey, Beatrice~ Good morning, thank you peacocks, they are so beautiful~"

His tone was like treating an ordinary friend, Beatrice on the phone said very cooperatively, "No thanks, just a meeting ceremony~"

Luo Yue lay down beside Yang Cheng and listened to a few words, and felt that it was meaningless, so he pointed to the upstairs and prepared to go back to the room to wash~

After a few small talks, Beatrice asked, "How are you thinking about Alitalia?"

"Why? Pierre can't hold it anymore?" Yang Cheng's tone changed, like a gangster who molested a good woman~

Beatrice coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment, and said secretly, "Are you not afraid of being heard by Pierre?"

Yang Cheng's heart shuddered, and she quickly reduced her joking tone and pretended to say, "It's just a joke, of course I am not afraid of being heard, but about Alitalia, I do have some ideas, why don't I meet?"

"Okay, let's meet and talk, where is the appointment?"

"I'm not familiar with this side, or go to Milan, choose a good restaurant, let's have lunch together, I will bring my fiancée~"

"No problem, but you don't have to go to Milan. There is a Michelin restaurant in Como. I will arrange it. I will send you the address later. See you later~"

"See you later~"

. . .

The restaurant is located on a quiet road in the town of Como. In one of the quiet and hidden courtyards, there are several benches outside the restaurant with scented candles for customers to use for parties.

As it may be one of the best restaurants in Como town, there are not a few people who come to dine, especially during the summer vacation, when the town of Como ushered in the peak of tourism, restaurants are almost full all day.

Beatrice booked a box with a small area. The walls were made of wooden boards with decorative paintings hung on them. The retro chandeliers gave off just the right light, and the glass on one side directly faced the entire courtyard.

The environment is not good, not worthy of the picturesque Lake Como.

As soon as Yang Cheng and Luo Yue took their seats, they heard footsteps outside, the door was not closed, and soon they saw Beatrice carrying an unexpectedly thin but tall handsome man with long hair. He was the Prince of Monaco. No doubt~

"Good day, jason~ I didn't expect you to be here first." Beatrice's acting skills are good, in front of her husband and Yang Cheng's fiancée, no flaws were revealed.

Yang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was confident in his acting skills. Before he came, he was afraid of Beatrice's mistake. Now it seems unnecessary to worry.

His eyes quickly collided in the air, and after exchanging their hearts, Yang Orange smiled and said, "Let’s get close, sit down~"

At the same time, he reached out and shook his hand with Pierre, and introduced Luo Yue to the couple, and everyone was seated.

The waiter who was similar to Pierre presented the menu respectfully. The men's and women's menus were roughly the same. The difference was that the men's menu had prices.

Because the two parties had to talk about things and it took a long time, they didn't bother to order at all. They ordered the set meal. The two men ordered the meat set meal, and the two women wanted to protect their bodies, so they ordered the seafood set meal.

Normally, one set meal is enough for the whole table, but Yang Cheng and the others are not bad for money and can eat better, so they simply ordered two sets.

Before serving, it is the staple bread sticks and crispy bread for the bottom, as well as the yellow-green lobster slices. They are fluffy and crispy, and the quantity is not large. They are purely for stomach filling. Yang Cheng tasted a black bread stick. With cuttlefish juice in it, it tastes okay with the cream, which is worth the price, but that's it.

Before the appetizer came up Beatrice asked, "You said on the phone that you had a new idea?"

Yang Orange nodded, "I think Alitalia is not hopeless. The chief culprit that can hinder the development of the company is ZF Italy, so as long as ZF does not withdraw, I will never implement the acquisition plan. This is the major premise of everything. Therefore, I also want to confirm with you whether you can persuade ZF to withdraw from Alitalia's operations, and I can leave ZF with a 10-15% dividend and corresponding supervision rights."

The Beatrices glanced at each other and Pierre said, "Jason, you have to understand that Italy ZF used to save Alitalia, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, at a considerable price. If ZF is not allowed to recover some of the losses, I I think they would rather choose to let the company go bankrupt. At least Alitalia’s remaining fixed assets such as airplanes can withdraw part of the funds."

Yang Orange nodded, "I understand, but the withdrawal of ZF is the prerequisite for me to start the acquisition plan. I don't care what they think or how much they lose. That is not what I should consider. You can regard this as the only issue. condition."

Pierre gave a bitter smile, "Jason, this condition is too embarrassing~"

Looking at Beatrice, Yang Cheng said again, "For the face of Beatrice, I am willing to buy Alitalia at a premium of 10%. You should see my sincerity~"

Now Alitalia has to lose one day's money for every day it exists. In addition to the debt accumulated over a long period of time in the past, there are still people who are willing to buy at a premium. ZF can also explain the past.

At this time, the waiters lined up to serve the dishes. The first one is a small appetizer presented by the chef, which is free~


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