Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1626: Plan for Alitalia

Don't underestimate the free stuff. The amount is small, but the taste is okay. The small meatball on the left is filled with cheese. When you bite it, the cheese has melted into a liquid and melted in your mouth. The middle is pumpkin jelly, and the bottom is secret mushrooms. Sauce.

After eating, it made people feel a little unsatisfied, and successfully aroused the appetite of diners.

The appetizer is a lasagna composed of autumn seasonal vegetable salad and Italian caviar, cod and Roman broccoli.

The seasonal vegetables are very fresh, embellished with olive oil. The sweet and sour sauce completely opens the valve of the taste buds. At this moment, the right taste combination of the lasagna satisfies the appetite and makes people immersed in the food. .

Because it is a set meal, the combination of dishes is rich, and the chef will arrange the meal time very well, so that you will not rush to fill your mouth, nor will you wait for too long to hang your appetite.

Most importantly, diners can use the food break to chat.

"I will try to lobby for ZF~" Pierre gave a positive answer.

Yang Cheng was very satisfied, "This will be easy. As long as ZF can withdraw, I believe Alitalia under Delta Air Lines can regroup as soon as possible and resume its glory days as soon as possible."

"I hope so, but jason, it's not my doubt, I want to hear your plan, the future arrangements for Alitalia~"

Yang Cheng put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and tidied his mouth in an orderly manner. Then he said, "I am going to transfer the person in charge of Delta Air Lines Asia Pacific to Alitalia as CEO. He knows country Z and the Asia Pacific market well. My first step in the adjustment of Alitalia is to raise the country Z market to Alitalia to a strategic level."

"Z country market?"

"Yes, after Beatrice told me, I went back and did a detailed study on Alitalia. I found that in the recent period, among all the routes owned by Alitalia, only the route to country Z has been showing steady growth. The rest of the routes are either squeezed out or simply lost.

Doesn't this question explain anything? "

The princess and the prince looked at each other, what can they say? Could it be that the current management of Alitalia is a group of clubs?

Although they are indeed clubs, they can't speak ill of others behind their backs. The prince still has to be prince-like.

Yang Cheng continued, "Since Alitalia opened its first direct round-trip route from Rome to Beijing in July last year, it currently has 4 flights a week, providing nearly 1,000 seats, and its performance has been improving steadily.

With the continuous improvement of business with China, the income of the Z country market will soon exceed the contribution of the Atlantic route, and it will continue to survive the sluggish Italy!

My plan is that in the future, Alitalia will increase from 4 flights per week to once a day. At the same time, Alitalia will take advantage of the opening of the new terminal in Rome to attract more passengers from country Z to Italy for travel and transit.

In addition, it will increase investment in direct flights to Beijing, such as refurbishing flight seats, adding entertainment programs related to country Z on TV, improving on-board Chinese services, catering services, improving Italian Airlines’ Chinese official website, and upgrading business class and There are so many changes that can be made in the comfort of ordinary cabins, etc. I will not give examples one by one.

In short, as the country's economy continues to grow steadily, country Z will soon become the world's largest outbound tourist country.

This is a rare opportunity for airlines all over the world. Does Alitalia want to miss it?

Even, I totally use this as a condition to ask for more resources from Italy ZF. It is important to know that the total number of outbound tourists from country Z will exceed 100 million this year, and the number of people from country Z who travel to Italy will exceed one million. Will increase, there is no doubt about it.

In the face of such a huge tourism market, as a veteran airline in Italy, Alitalia can only rectify the internal chaos as soon as possible, continuously improve and improve its own business capabilities, in order to take the lead in market competition and reverse the current decline. ! "

Yang Cheng's words seemed to open a door to a new world for the princes and his wife. Before that, they were confused and could not see the way forward, and even the investment company was about to go bankrupt. At this moment, it became clear, Pierre I even believe that under the leadership of Yang Cheng, Alitalia's prospects are bright.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. Does he want to sell Alitalia's shares?

Luo Yue stared at Yang Cheng with the most admired husband's eyes. Serious men are the most handsome, serious and talented men are handsome.

But Beatrice calmly put forward his own opinions while being excited, "Jason, you have to know that Alitalia’s current operating conditions are very poor. After you take over, you will experience a period of cruel labor, such as layoffs. , Management reorganization, etc. After this painful period passes, will the opportunities you mentioned still exist?

Yang Cheng waved his hand. If he was the former novice who knew nothing about aviation, he would naturally ask the same question as but not anymore. Delta Air Lines is flourishing in his hands. Every plan he put forward has been implemented in Delta Air Lines, and the effect is needless to say.

Of course, Yang Cheng doesn't dare to recognize the expert level, but at least he dares to call himself an insider, and he has his own understanding of the airline's operating model.

"Don't worry, Beatrice, the airline is different from other companies. It has its own set of operating modes. Even during the transition period, Alitalia can do business as usual. As long as the funds are sufficient, it will not encounter any problem.

And I will also transfer a team of cadres from Delta Air Lines' European branch to Italy as soon as possible to help Alitalia through the painful period. I believe this time will be compressed infinitely with the joint efforts of all of us! Get on the right track with the fastest speed.

If all goes well, my plan is to complete the acquisition process at the end of the year and start the transformation, and start the plan of rebirth in the second half of next year. For example, as I said before, increase investment in medium and long distance routes, especially to stabilize and strengthen the Z Investment in a large market such as China will raise the business in country Z to a strategic level. "

His words are full of passion and appeal, let alone ordinary employees, even the well-informed prince and princess can not help but be moved, especially Pierre, there is a kind of hearty feeling after the disaster.

But the reality is that Yang Cheng has just agreed to the acquisition, but all the processes have not yet started, let alone whether the Italian ZF will accept the lobbying as desired, this is the first hurdle before him.

However, after listening to Yang Cheng's insights, Pierre strengthened his determination to lobby ZF and would never let this stumbling block become an obstacle to Alitalia's turnaround.

Because he has made up his mind, he will take another gamble on Yang Cheng!


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