Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1654: God of God

"How does Kim Go-eun see the work of Director Bong Joon-ho?"

What is playing on the big screen is Feng Junhao’s first independently directed feature film "Knock the Dog at the Door". This film was released in 2000. The market response at that time was mediocre, probably because he was a newcomer. The reputation is not enough, and the work itself is not so good.

Especially compared with his later works, the plot of this feature film is not ups and downs enough, the character's personality is also slightly thin, and the role lacks tension, but looking back, it is his closest realist style. From the scene design, the story line, and the character image, they are not as dramatic as his later works.

Jin Gaoyin awkwardly hooked her hair on the sideburns. Yang Cheng stretched one hand on the back of the sofa and put one hand on the armrest, with her body facing Jin Gaoyin. From another angle, it looks like she is now Yang Chenghuai. The same, the posture was very intimate and ambiguous, and she could feel the heat Yang Cheng exhaled.

Hearing Yang Cheng’s question, she hesitated for a while and replied, “I think the work of director Feng Junhao is very interesting. He can always reveal a trace of serious and even tragic human and social issues in a relaxed atmosphere. At the end of the film, human nature is stimulated and released in certain social contradictions. How can I say it is like driving a person to a desperate situation in order to truly understand a person’s character."

Yang Cheng looked at Jin Gaoyin unexpectedly. Compared with other female stars who have a face and a body without a brain, Jin Gaoyin's answer proved that she is a thinking woman.

This is indeed the case. As Kim Go-eun said, in Bong Joon-ho’s movies, the protagonist always falls into one thing and falls into a special situation. Then they will have contradictions with the society, and gradually let the protagonist’s image , Together with the surrounding social form becomes fuller, and the audience can discover Bong Joon-ho’s interpretation.

For example, in the movie "Kidnapping a Dog at the Door", in an ordinary apartment, the barking of dogs made the male protagonist who was unsuccessful as a professor more anxious, while the boring community female workers indulged in finding missing dogs in order to be on TV. In addition to the protagonist, there are also single security guards, old women living alone, homeless people with mental disorders, etc. in the apartment.

The stories that happened to them are very common, and they are all things that ordinary people may encounter: the shady of college teachers' promotion, the bickering between husbands and wives, the boredom of community female workers and the mentality of ordinary people, security guards and community managers eating dog meat, Telling ghost stories, old ladies drying radishes, etc., are trivial chores that can't be more trivial, and they are expressed in an extremely life-like tone by the actors.

It seems to the audience that this is not like a movie, but more like a short TV series expressing the parents' love, but it has been accelerated and turned into a movie.

It may also be precisely because this kind of life-oriented expression did not bring strong sensory stimulation to the audience, which led to the box office results not being optimistic, and the word-of-mouth feedback was not so good.

It's just that people are used to holding high and stepping on low. After Bong Junhao becomes a god, he will look back to appreciate his work, even if it is edited, he can make up a bunch of bright spots.

Yang Cheng watched quietly for a few minutes, and suddenly saw a few people standing up in the front row of the sofa area. One of them had a slightly fat back and curly hair on his big back gave a sloppy feeling.

As this person got up, a bunch of people in the front row stood up, not knowing what they were saying, but looking at the posture were nothing more than beautiful words to flatter.

Liu Jianjun also stood up and said to Yang Cheng, "Boss, shall we talk to Director Feng Junhao? I mentioned you to him just now, and he is also very interested in meeting you."

"Let's go, Jin Gaoyin xi too, right?"

Because of her insights into the movie, Yang Cheng looked at her with admiration, and naturally didn't mind giving a favor.

Jin Gaoyin thought that he had just met Bong Junhao to say hello, but even if it didn't come in vain today, she didn't expect to be surprised. Faced with such an invitation, she had no reason to refuse.

"Thank you Mr. Yang~"

. . .

"Mr. Yang, your company is a newly emerging entertainment giant in Korea. Please take care of it in the future~"

Contrary to what Yang Cheng had expected, Feng Junhao did not have the loftiness of an artist, nor did he have the profound concept of opening his mouth. Instead, he was very familiar with Yang Cheng.

"Director Bong Junho is also one of my favorite film directors. It would be great if there is a chance to cooperate in the future."

After blowing a few words to each other, a few people changed to a quiet place and sat down. Yang Cheng took a sip of red wine and said concerned, "I heard that Director Bong Junho is going to return to South Korea for shooting?"

Feng Junhao smiled, "In fact, it is in the final stage. The project is called "Yuzi"."

Yuzi? The name Yang Cheng is very unfamiliar. He hadn't heard of it in his previous life, so his reputation should not be that big.

Since you don’t understand, it’s best not to say too much.

"I am looking forward to it, like many of your fans. By the way, has the publisher of "Yuzi" been confirmed?"

""Yuzi" is invested and produced by Netflix, and we plan to release it on the Internet this time, not in theaters~"

Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Not going to the theater? Can the cost be recovered?"

Feng Junhao smiled bitterly, "I dare not say 100%, but as an investor, Netflix supports this online distribution model. I only support it, and this is not a new attempt."

"Streaming movies are the current mainstream trend, but a movie that has never been shown in theaters is directly online. Can this really succeed?"

"Before the new things become popular, most people are resistant and even instinctively believe that they will fail. But past experience tells me new things are not necessarily adventures.

I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s, when DVD had not yet been invented, and home video tapes had not yet been popularized. Therefore, it was very hard to be a fan. You can’t find the movies you want to watch on the Internet anytime, anywhere, or even directly. You can watch any clips you want.

At that time, going to the cinema was also restricted by money and time. So most of the time, I watched old movies that have been shown for months or even this year on TV. In order to see the movies I want to watch, I would check TV schedule, look at what movies will be shown every week, now I think about that time I am very happy, I can probably watch ten movies a week, but I don’t think it’s a waste of time, since then, I know my The industry you want to work in in the future.

It’s the same now. When people are used to watching movies in the cinema and suddenly pulling them back home from the cinema, they will definitely be uncomfortable, but we must take this step, just like dragging people from home to the cinema. . "

Yang Cheng admires the dedication and innovative spirit of the other party, but he does not comment on the matter itself.

He can only say that Netflix is ​​really rich!

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