Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1655: Parasite

I just heard Feng Junhao introduce the project "Yuzi", which can be regarded as an adventure science fiction film. It probably tells a story of love or friendship between a little girl full of truth and beauty in the world and a mutant pig.

This story is not a story that can be made by millions of dollars. After all, it involves CG special effects, and there are not tens of millions that cannot be played at all.

Bong Junhao also said that at the beginning, he only prepared a budget of 50 million US dollars, but now temporarily adds 10 million, which means that Netflix is ​​rich and daring to make such a big bet on a Korean.

"In fact, I am also very contradictory. I also have a movie theater plot in my heart. I think that only on the big screen of the movie theater can I best feel the emotions conveyed by the color of the picture.

But for the release of this new model, I have installed the Dolby sound system at home, but I used some of the produced clips to play at home, and found that the effect is still not as good as the movie theater, but Netflix is ​​the investor and they confirmed this. I don’t have the power to change this way of distribution. I can only force myself to accept modern trends and try to change.

The same contradiction lies in the shooting method. Before "Yuzi", I always insisted on shooting with film, thinking that the chemical effect of film has a unique texture.

But I know that the era of film has passed. In the future, apart from my personal hobbies, all the films put on the market will be shot with digital cameras. At first I was not used to it, but after using it, I figured it out. It is enough to produce aesthetics that conform to the technology. In the end, these technologies are for the story and characters. There is no need to stick to the habits of the past.

However, if there is a chance in the future, I still want to make another film movie with a sense of preservation of history. This is my last obsession. "

Yang Cheng echoed, "There is nothing wrong with being attached to the past. At most, it is an old and rigid scolding, but it avoids the possibility of failure to the greatest extent. People are afraid of failure, even those with crazy gambling genes in their bones. The same fear of failure. Any effort made to avoid failure is worthy of being understood. Of course, don’t break the law. This is the premise."

This sentence poked Feng Junhao's smile, rubbing the curls on his head, "Mr. Yang is very humorous, but it's a pity that you don't make a movie, otherwise you will definitely create classic lines and scenes."

This great director is really inseparable from the movie.

Yang Cheng could only say, "I originally meant to cooperate with Director Bong Junho on the first project after returning to Korea. Now it seems that we are late."

Feng Junhao hesitated for a moment and said, "I also very much hope to cooperate with you. Actually, it is not without the opportunity. I have a notebook in my hand, which has been continuously improved since 3 years ago. The story is about a family. There are four unemployed people in the family. The family is idle and has nothing to do all day. Until one day the eldest son of this family went to the rich man’s home to apply for a tutor through a forged voucher. Lucky to apply, since then, their family has lived with him. Going to the rich man's house, so many accidents happened.

At the beginning, I wanted to describe the lives of these two families in a symmetrical way, but as the script was perfected, I found that the poor family is more worth writing, so I have the current version of the script. The project was named "Parasite". "

If you didn’t hear the introduction and just listened to the name, you would think it was a disaster film, in which a large number of parasites invaded the human homeland, and then under the leadership of the protagonist, the disaster was overcome and life resumed.

But with the introduction to pave the way, Yang Cheng knew that it was a pun, implying or metaphorical.

Not to mention one-sidedness. The core of this story is not new. There have been films with similar plots in the past, but in Korea, this kind of story about rich and poor can resonate most with the audience, either it is civilians fighting bureaucrats, or It is the common people to the rich people, anyway, the ordinary people can always find a sense of substitution.

Such a story, coupled with Feng Junhao's skill, can't guarantee the commercial box office, but at least it can win a wave of awards.

In the past few years, Korean genre films have become frequent visitors of major European film festivals. It is not how good they are, but they dare to shoot. No matter how ruthless themes, they can write about it. The most important thing is that they understand. The taste of the major film festivals, the right medicine is not the cure?

"I voted~"


Bong Junhao obviously didn't react. This is too sloppy. Just after hearing the outline of the story, he decided to invest?

Okay, this kind of feeling is pretty good, Bong Joonho suddenly felt a little floating~

"If you have not found an investor in this project, then it is better to leave it to us. Needless to say, CY Entertainment's local distribution strength is self-evident. Don't forget that behind CY is the American New Age Films. We have the strength of global distribution, as long as the quality If we are strong enough, we can definitely hit major film festival awards."

Yang Cheng is now more and more adept at drawing pie, and he opens his mouth, but his pie looks easy to eat.

Feng Junhao hurriedly said, "Thank you very much for Mr. Yang's trust, but my current focus is on the project "Yuzi". I am not used to doing two things with one heart. At least I have to wait until the movie is released before I can consider starting a new project. ."

Yang Cheng waved her hand, "I know you have your own shooting rhythm. Don't worry, I won't interfere, but we will settle the matter first and let us help with the preliminary preparations, which can save you a lot of time."

Feng Junhao couldn't help but he was not in a hurry to let go, "This project does not use special effects, so the investment will not be too large~"

Before finishing Yang Cheng was like a rich and self-willed local tycoon, and waved his hand, "Just say a number~"

It’s not that Feng Junhao has never seen a local tyrant, but it’s the first time for someone as fresh and refined as Yang Cheng. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, “10 million dollars? I haven’t made a detailed budget yet, but based on past experience, no Will exceed this number."

Yang Cheng frowned slightly. The production cost of a non-commercial blockbuster film of 10 million U.S. dollars, even if it is not counted as an announcement, will cost at least 50 million U.S. dollars at the box office to return the cost and make a small profit. Of course, Feng Junhao’s online film revenue has always been very high. High, 50 million US dollars should be recovered.

It's just a gift of favor, and it is not weaker than the joining of Liu Jae-shik to win over a great **** in the Korean film circle.

"Yes, that's it. My only requirement is to use the actors under my company's name as much as possible. I mean supporting roles. The protagonist will naturally have to be decided by you."

This requirement is not difficult. Feng Junhao has been in the circle for such a long time and he is not a noble person. This kind of reasonable requirement must naturally be met.

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