Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1656: Qiao Mei

Tonight is Bong Joon-ho’s birthday party, a star in the Korean entertainment industry. Almost all those invited are present, even if they are abroad, they will fly back as much as possible to participate.

The big national goddesses of South Korea were even more dressed up. They were fighting for beauty at the moment, but because of the identities of Bong Junhao and Liu Jianjun, they did not rush forward to bother them.

Seeing that there are more and more people around him, Feng Junhao said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yang, it's not a coincidence today. We have time to eat together someday, and then we will talk slowly."

Yang Cheng could also understand, got up and shook hands with him, "Okay, I'll do something next day~"

As soon as Bong Joon-ho left, the side immediately became deserted. Kim Go-eun, who had been sitting quietly before, suddenly said, "I can only join BH Entertainment until my contract expires next year. Will I still have the opportunity to participate in the new project directed by Bong Joon-ho?"

Unlike other girls who are reserved and reserved, Jin Gaoyin knows how to fight for her own opportunities, and her hearty smile will not make people feel offended.

Liu Jianjun said, “Of course, anyone in the company has the opportunity to participate in the audition. The final decision is in the hands of Director Feng Junhao. We can only play a role of recommendation and advice.”

"I understand that one audition is enough. I believe in my acting skills."

Such a confident girl, Yang Cheng said in his heart.

"Let's go, get something to eat, I'm starving~"

. . .

Liu Jianjun is now also a big figure in the circle. Compared with Yang Cheng's deliberately low-key, he can't keep it low even if he wants to. After all, he is the president of CY Entertainment, and now he is the only Big Mac in the circle.

"President Liu hasn't seen him for a long time, do you remember me?"

"Of course, the beauty of Song Hye Kyo xi is unforgettable at a glance~"

As soon as Yang Cheng picked up the plate, she heard someone say hello to Liu Jianjun, Song Hye Kyo? Is this woman here too?

Before he could think of why Song Hye-kyo didn’t slap Bong Jun-ho’s flattery, but when he came to his side, Liu Jianjun came over and introduced, “Boss, this is Miss Song Hye-kyo. She recently starred in "Descendants of the Sun" which is very popular. All of Asia."

Yang Cheng smiled politely, "Miss Song is still so beautiful back then."

"Mr. Yang is polite. I have heard of Mr. Yang's name a long time ago. I finally saw him today. We must have a drink." Song Hye Kyo, who is a long-sleeved dance, quickly got in touch with Yang Cheng and the others. , Began to lean on Yang Cheng.

But she grasped the scale very well, not only igniting the small flames in Yang Cheng's heart, but also not making people feel deliberate. Every touch is an inadvertent behavior, and she has a perfect score.

Yang Cheng was unmoved by this, and of course he didn't reject it either. No matter what, he didn't suffer.

However, I have long heard of Song Hye Kyo's gossip. When I saw it today, there was no wind and no waves. It seems that the rumors in the arena are true.

But no matter how difficult she is outside, how she likes to play big cards, in front of capital bosses like Yang Cheng, she is proud of her little capital, or the gold master behind her is not enough to see, this tough woman knows very well. Know what they want.

Is it a chance to star in Bong Joon Ho's movie?

No, with her current status, she doesn't need to prove anything by starring in Bong Joonho's movie.

Her status in the television industry is unshakable. Although the film industry has not produced decent results, she has never lacked the network of top directors throughout Asia.

Does she still need to be obsessed with Bong Junho's movies like this?

Obviously it is not needed. In that case, why didn't she take this opportunity to get to know Yang Cheng?

It's just that she was a little miscalculated. The tried and tested tricks of slapstick have lost their effect on Yang Cheng. Seeing that he is unmoved, people who don't understand really think he is a gentleman.

But there has never been a real secret in this circle. With Song Hye Kyo’s contacts, Yang Cheng has played several female stars in the circle. She knows a lot. Because of this, she feels surprised that a man who likes female se is actually right. I'm not tempted by such obvious hints, is it because I am old?

Song Hye Kyo couldn't help but doubt her charm, but she said with a calm expression, "I heard that Mr. Yang has a good relationship with Kim Tae Hee?"

Yang Cheng leaned on the table and drank a drink, "Not bad~"

"I and Tae Hee are also friends, she often mentions you to me~"

That's the case. South Korea is such a big country, and the resources of the entertainment industry are even less pitiful. Usually, for an endorsement, several top female celebrities can't make friends. How can they become friends and often meet in private?

They are almost in the state of not seeing the king. Yang Cheng would rather believe that they meet and fight, than that they can sit down and chat quietly.

Of course, you can’t say that, “Is it? It’s my honor.”

Song Hye Kyo is really not tall, even if she is wearing high heels, she is standing very close again, she can only look at Yang Cheng with her neck up, and she can only endure the pain.

"I heard Tae Hee say that Mr. Yang gave her the resources for "Travel to Busan"?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback. Is this asking for resources from himself?

"All friends help~"

Song Hye Kyo was just about to delve into this topic. Song Zhongji, the little boyfriend she just met, came over from nowhere, stretched out her hand and gently stopped her waist, and said softly, "You drink less, fortunately I am following you today, otherwise you will have to Got drunk."

As expected to be a good actor, Song Hye Kyo changed her face and said to Yang Cheng, "Mr. Yang laughed, this is my boyfriend Song Zhongji~"

"Zhongji, this is Mr. Yang, the president of CY Entertainment. We have something to talk about. Could you help me get some food?"

Song Zhongji didn't think much, smiled and bowed slightly to Yang Cheng, "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Yang, please don't let her drink too much."

Yang Cheng had a good impression of Song and Song CP in his previous life, but unfortunately, the more you learn about this world, the more you will discover the beauty of the past life, but it is just a mirror image.

For example, the two seemingly loving couples in front of them, judging from Yang Cheng's understanding, there is no simple character.

One was given to a big man by his boyfriend in his early years to enjoy, and later became a famous socialite in the circle. One was favored by Park and became the'king man'. Now it is the hottest young actor at the moment. If Park does not fall, I am afraid it is another Li Bingxian.

Can't bear him to think too much, smile and nod, "Don't worry, I can't drink anymore~"

After Song Zhongji left, Song Hye Kyo explained specifically, "My relationship with Zhongji is very free~"

By implication, you guys are playing differently?

Yang Cheng felt a little bit interesting. Song Hye Kyo rushed to promote herself and affirmed that his purpose was impure. Yang Cheng knew that Song Zhongji, although it seemed harmless to humans and animals, could grit his teeth and serve Aunt Park, just for this perseverance. It is not something that ordinary people can persist.

With the two characters coming together, they have yet to share a common interest, so it doesn't seem like a fairy tale with a perfect ending.

"Miss Song has a good relationship with SK Group?" Yang Cheng suddenly attacked Song Hye Kyo unprepared.

Song Hye Kyo's face changed slightly, but he calmly used Tai Chi, "My brokerage company has shares in SK."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Do you know that SK and CJ joined forces to cause trouble for CY Entertainment?"

"Uh~ I haven't heard, is there any misunderstanding? I have some contacts with the top of the SK Group. Why don't you let me come forward and invite both of you to sit down and have a good talk to solve the misunderstanding?"

Yang Cheng stared at the childlike face for several seconds, feeling that the other party really didn't know, and then declined, "No, it's just a little trouble, we can solve it by ourselves."

Song Hye Qiao sighed, "That's good, if there is anything I can help, please feel free to call me. By the way, this is my personal phone number, which is online 24 hours a day~"

Yang Cheng took the card with the fragrance, glanced at it, and nodded, "Thank you, I came out in a hurry without my business card."

"It doesn't matter, there must be a chance to meet again in the future."

When Song Zhongji came back, there were some things that were hard to say, Song Hye Kyo was not disappointed, and politely bid farewell to Yang Cheng.

Liu Jianjun immediately stepped up and asked, "Boss, what does Song Hye Kyo want to do? Do you recommend a pillow?"

Yang Cheng also couldn't give an answer, "I also find it inexplicable, but this woman is a little docile. If you come into contact with her, you have to be careful. Don't be fascinated by the vixen. You don't know if you are sold.

Liu Jianjun smiled bitterly, "Boss, am I so weak? Will I be fascinated by a woman's play?"

Yang Cheng smashed her mouth, "You really don't underestimate this Song Hye Kyo, you are her, can you accumulate such a huge network of contacts in the East Asian entertainment industry?"

Liu Jianjun disagrees, "It's all actor~"

"You forgot SK?"

"I don't believe SK is willing to work hard for her, she is just a **** in SK's hands~"

"But you can't deny that she used SK's resources and protection to win her current status. She really started from scratch. I have seen her background information. It is really not easy to have today."

Liu Jianjun curled his lips and suddenly said with a smirk, "Boss, are you interested in her? Or I will tell her, just by looking at her attitude and knowing she is absolutely happy."

"Fuck off, can there be something serious in my mind? I seem to be so hungry?"

Liu Jianjun pleased him with a smile, "Of course not, boss, your vision is so I can only admire my old Liu."

Yang Cheng smiled and cursed, "You are getting better and better with your flattering skills? Even if I find a woman, can I shoot one, two or three?"

Liu Jianjun retorted righteously, "I'm just telling the truth, never deliberately flattering, boss, please trust my character."

"Come on, your character is not worth a few dollars."

Putting down the wine glass, Yang Cheng stretched out. She was really exhausted this day. She looked around, but didn't see Jin Gaoyin, and asked, "Where is Jin Gaoyin?"

"She's going to socialize with people. If she doesn't know a few seniors in such an occasion, wouldn't it be for nothing?"

"Well~ then don't stare at her, don't let her be bullied."

"No, I know she is my person~"

As soon as she finished her voice, she saw Yang Cheng's expression on her playful face, "Small, it didn't escape the little master's eyes at last, is it exposed?"

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