Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1676: Real 2nd generation

Southampton, a battleground for military strategists since ancient times, is also the most important port city in the UK. In a sense, it is even more important than Liverpool.

Since the Middle Ages, Southampton has frequently traded with Europe. In 1620, the Mayflower set off from here and sailed to the United States with a group of British immigrants; in 1912, the legendary Titanic was released from here; in 1936, The largest cruise ship in the world, the floating sea palace Queen Mary set sail here.

Today, it has become the cruise capital of Europe.

Because of the upcoming International Boat Show, Southampton, a small and quiet city, ushered in the annual hustle and bustle. There are simply too many rich people who transfer through London. All the hotels in Southampton have shown In a saturated state, urban traffic has also become blocked.

This small town with an area of ​​only more than 50 square kilometers is still in order in the face of the sudden increase in the flow of people, even if the peace of the past is broken.

Sitting in a temporarily rented Jaguar, Yang Cheng listened to Carson's recount of Southampton's history, "Southampton is famous for port trade and shipbuilding, and the shipbuilding industry has flourished in Southampton since the 13th century.

Today, as the most important port in Europe and the headquarters of the cruise giant, there are multiple luxury cruise routes and multiple container terminals. To some extent, Southampton plays the role of London's trading port.

Therefore, here is a gathering of global maritime talents and high-end individuals, and Southampton's land prices and housing prices have always remained high. "

Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning, "So, there is not much room for bargaining?"

Carson hesitated, "In my opinion, Southampton has a superior geographical location and a well-developed transportation network, which can be said to extend in all directions. The M27 highway runs through the east and west cities of Hampshire, and the M3 highway goes directly to London.

Basically important cities in the UK can be reached by an hour’s train and are also rich in tourism resources. To the east is the British naval port of Portsmouth; to the south is the royal resort Isle of Wight, with beautiful white cliffs everywhere; to the west there are famous Stonehenge, the ancient capital Winchester, and the National Forest Park, Bournemouth with the most beautiful beaches; Needless to say, the north is next to London.

Coupled with superior educational resources, one-fifth of Southampton's permanent population are college students, so I really can't see the scene of the collapse of Southampton's real estate. "

Yang Cheng did not answer, looking out of the car window, his eyes were green. Although Southampton was bombed and destroyed in World War II, the vicissitudes of life in decades have already restored the thriving, quiet and leisurely atmosphere of this city. .

If there is no yacht show, it is difficult for people to see the hustle and bustle of the traffic, nor can they feel the bustle of feasting, just like the ancient city walls and the calm sea in the city, it is so quiet that people sigh that the years are quiet, and it makes people calm.

Sighed, "So we came here for nothing~"

After saying this, I can't help but regret it. It seemed impulsive last night. Although the scenery of Southampton was worth his trip alone, he always felt like he was losing money when he went out once and didn't make any money back.

Carson thought for a moment and put forward a suggestion, "It's better to allocate a portion of the funds and buy a few apartments near the university to rent to international students.

It can provide us with stable income while also achieving the effect of asset preservation. "

Yang Cheng didn't pay attention to the profit brought by the apartment leasing at all. It was too little, but it was better than nothing. This trip finally received a bit of goods.

It took only half a day to buy two adjacent apartment buildings near Solent University. Yes, they bought the two buildings directly, the price is not expensive, 20 million pounds, of course they did not pay the full amount. Instead, they used a loan, half of the down payment, using the money in the manor fund, and it didn't cost Yang Cheng an extra dime.

When Yang Cheng was about to get on the train to the train station, Carson answered the phone, and then said to Yang Cheng with a sad expression, "Master, just received the news that the Duke of Westminster passed away in Eaton Manor. His only son, Hugh Grosvenor, will inherit the title of Duke and the Grosvenor Group."

Yang Cheng was taken aback, and then sighed, "It's really regrettable news. You are going to attend the funeral of His Royal Highness the Duke on behalf of Beihai Manor. You are more familiar with what you need to prepare. The etiquette is good. After all, we have no contact with Eaton Manor. "

"Understand, I will be ready~"

When the car started, Yang Cheng suddenly thought that the duke’s son was a proper winner in life. If he remembered correctly, the other party seemed to be three years younger than him, inherited tens of billions of property, and even got the title of Duke. He was on an equal footing with William in aristocratic gatherings.

Therefore, people have to be compared with others, and goods have to be thrown away. Look at others, and then look at yourself, and you have a good dick!

Don’t look at other people’s apparent wealth is similar to Yang Cheng, but the foundation is definitely not comparable to Yang Cheng or the Yang family. Let alone the largest landlord and the largest real estate giant in the UK, the Grosvenor family owns real estate throughout. Not to mention the five continents in the UK. Both the city center and the suburbs have their homes. The land area owned by their homes accounts for 0.22% of the entire UK, which is 7 times that of the Queen of England.

Especially the properties in Mayfair and Belgravia, two luxury high-end areas in London, are already worth billions.

There is also a landmark building named after their family in central London-"Grovner Square".

By the way, the location of the famous Buckingham Palace is that is his fief!

A little exaggeration, no, no need to exaggerate, that Grosvenor Grosvenor inherited half of London, but the London of every inch of gold!

Look at people, and they became the richest person under the age of 30 in the world without doing anything. This is called being born with a golden spoon.

This family has broken the curse of being rich for only three generations. By the generation of Hugh, he is already the seventh Duke of Westminster, and he has inherited the title of the richest man. This is something that people can’t even envy. , Ordinary people imagine that a lottery will be scolded and talked about dreams, dare to dream of becoming the heir of the noble and richest man?

On the way back to the manor, Yang Cheng also received a call from William. The premise was that the news of Yang Cheng's return to Liverpool had been spread throughout England following the team's massacre. William knew that it was not unusual.

"Man, if you don't rush back, I want to take a friend to the manor to play with you. He has just lost his relative and is very sad. I want to take him to your place to relax."

Yang Cheng thought, "It's not Grosvenor, is it?"

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