Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1677: The little duke arrives

"It's not Sugar Grosvenor, is it?"

William was surprised, "Do you know him?"

"I don't know, Carson just received news that the Duke of Westminster has passed away, it's a pity~"

"Yeah, poor Hugh~"

Yang Cheng opened his mouth, and did not say what he said. Some things are scored in two ways. The sinking of the Titanic is a tragedy for the people on board, but for the lobsters and live fish in the restaurant, it is not the birth of a miracle. ?

It’s the same for Hugh Grosvenor. It’s inevitable that the death of his father will be sad, but there will be such a day when he grows old. Isn't it a joy to be the envy of everyone?

Of course, this can't be said clearly, it would appear that he is too unkind, and because of the relationship between the Windsor family and the Grosvenor family, Yang Cheng's words may cause dissatisfaction with William. The mother is William's godmother, and Hugh Grosvenor is the godfather of Prince George. The two have broken bones and connected tendons.

How could he not know the truth of misfortune?

So he said, "Then you will bring him here, but Beihai Manor has nothing to play with, at least not as good as his Eaton Manor."

"It's mainly to show him to meet new friends. It doesn't matter what he plays, I guess he is not in the mood to play either~"

"OK, I am now Southampton, I can go back in more than an hour."

"Wait for us~"

. . . . . .

Beihai Manor will once again welcome a duke to arrive. The most excited is undoubtedly the old Carson, this old-fashioned butler. His biggest wish in his life is to receive the queen with the most traditional and highest standards of aristocratic etiquette. Unfortunately, this hope is more. Vague, but it would be nice to receive more dukes as an alternative.

The poor show, Grosvenor, didn't know that he had become the queen's substitute.

But excitement returned to excitement. Old Carson controlled his expression very well, using a kind of sadness with a little welcome, welcome with a little sorrow, and sorrow with a respectful compound expression, and respectfully treat Sugar Grove. Na and his girlfriend greeted him into the manor, and of course William and Kate. Recently, their relationship between husband and wife has been heating up. They walked together everywhere. After being photographed by the media, they were naturally called the celestial couple.

"Good day, honorable Duke~" Yang Cheng does not have a noble title. It stands to reason that facing a nobleman, especially a hereditary duke, should be treated with the most humility and respect.

However, the present is different from the past. Everything is about wealth and status. Even his father, the previous Duke of Westminster, saw Bill Gates and Buffett and didn't consciously put down his posture.

Similarly, with Yang Cheng's current status, there is no need to flatter a Duke, even if the other party is the richest person in Britain.

Except for William, this one wants to inherit the throne in the future, and face is still to be given.

Hugh Grosvenor waved his hand and barely raised the corners of his mouth, "You are welcome, everyone is the same age, call me "Hugh", this is my girlfriend Harriet, we are high school classmates~"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but took a high look. He didn't know the other party's love history, but the girlfriend who could bring out to meet William and Yang Cheng had the hope of becoming a duchess.

"Hugh, I heard about your father, please be sorry~"

"Thank you, I will~"

William didn't want the atmosphere to be too low, so he hurriedly said, "Jason, take us to your back garden for a stroll~"

Turning to face Sugar Grosvenor, "The back garden of North Sea Manor is very beautiful~"

"I heard about it, I have always wanted to appreciate it~"

The back garden is built according to the four seasons, one season and one scene. Autumn in the northern hemisphere is the best season, and the United Kingdom is no exception~

Everyone is walking among the colorful chrysanthemum bushes, the air is filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, and the ears are the clear sound of the water from the bridge, because there is an echo wall specially created by the designer on the small rockery waterfall. Give people a sense of sacredness, let go of their worries unconsciously, and enjoy the beautiful music played by nature.

"It's beautiful~" Sugar Grosvenor's girlfriend, Harriet, couldn't help closing her eyes. If it was her own home, she would want to lie down on the lawn and be completely immersed in it.

Sugar Grosvenor also enjoys this close contact with nature. He has liked outdoor activities since he was a child, riding horses, surfing and even parachuting. He is also a person who is not willing to be calm.

"Yes, jason, can you give me the phone number of the garden designer? I think the garden of Eaton Manor has also been redesigned."

"No problem, let Carson get in touch with you~"

William smiled with relief, "You two can communicate more. The Grosvenor family is the largest real estate developer in the UK, and the Yang family’s Yuanshan Capital is one of the world’s largest real estate capital management companies. You are also half of your peers. ~"

Hugh Grosvenor's spirit has improved a lot, at least now his smile is not so reluctant, "I just accepted the family business, everything is still in the groping stage."

"Have a chance to cooperate~"

The two of them didn't rush to finalize anything, they just expressed each other's willingness to cooperate. As for whether the trip can be made, there are many factors that need to be considered, and they are not in a hurry.

Compared with the descendants of the famous aristocrats in Britain, Hugh Grosvenor’s appearance is quite different. Although a little bit of a cute little Zhengtai, he is really not handsome, but he has wealth and titles. Added value, he is now the fifth diamond king among girls from all over the world, but it's a pity that he has a name, and his love for Harriet is still very persistent.

However, Ting William said that the two broke up some time ago, but because Hugh's father had just passed away, Harriet decided to stay by his side to tide over the difficulties.

After listening to it, Yang Cheng's opinion was that he had no opinion. It is impossible to expect them to be devoted to a woman or a man forever because of the urinary **** of these European nobles.

Good debauchery is the genes in the bones of these nobles in Europe. It cannot be changed. Just like the afternoon tea loved by the British, no matter what predicament he faces, as long as a rich afternoon tea, it seems that no matter how difficult things are Can be solved easily.

For example, now, having just experienced the sorrow of his father's death, in front of the afternoon tea carefully prepared by Carson, Hugh Grosvenor forgot all his troubles and concentrated on the rare peace of mind in the past few days.

"Actually, you can really consider cooperating. Both of you make your fortunes based on real estate. In this industry, you have an advantage far beyond others.

In the UK, if you two can cooperate, you will definitely be invincible. "William agitated while drinking black tea.

Yang Cheng smiled, "I know the Grosvenor family has a long history, more than 300 years ago, but I don't know much about the history of the family."

William put down his teacup, "This must be for me. The Grosvenor family dates back to the 17th century, that is, the ancestor of Hugh, Baron Thomas Grosvenor. In the second half of the 17th century, he married a special Qian's wife, Mary, brought a large dowry, including 500 acres of land in the west of London and north of the Thames and a manor.

Except for the 500 acres that were sold in the last century, what remains is Mayfair and Belgravia, the two richest districts of London today.

With land, real estate development is just a matter of course. After all, land is dead, and it can only be developed to make money.

In the early 18th century, Thomas’ son, Sir Richard Grosvenor, developed Grosvenor Square in the Mayfair district where his mother’s dowry was given. This was also the family’s first real estate development project, which also made their home His wealth expanded rapidly.

After tasting the sweetness of land development, the Grosvenor family frantically acquired land in the United Kingdom, and gradually became the British landlords, and their wealth grew more and more like a snowball.

As the power of the Grosvenor family continued to grow, it successfully attracted the attention of the queen.

At the end of the 19th century, Queen Victoria conferred the title of Duke of Hugh Grosvenor, the head of the family at that time, and that’s right. The first Duke of Westminster was also named Hugh, with the same name as the Hugh in front of us.

There are actually three Hus in their family. Except for the first Duke and the one in front of us, the second Hugh is the most famous. As the grandson of the first Duke of Westminster, the second Hugh became the richest man in Britain. Can buy the entire London. "

At this time, Hugh interrupted, "William, believe me, one of his most famous things is that he has been married four times."

William smiled and said, "Well, since you don't mind, I'll just say it right. Getting married four times is one aspect. The most popular thing for us descendants is the lover relationship with Coco Chanel."

Yang Cheng was greatly surprised. He knew that he was right, it was the luxury brand Chanel that women often talked about.

Unexpectedly, there is still such a good story.

"If you go to central London today, you can still find the testimony of their love."

Kate said with eyes full of little stars, "I have also heard of this story, no woman can resist such a romantic man~"

With a faint green light on his forehead, William said disdainfully, "The story is very romantic, but the methods are too outdated~"

Hugh Grosvenor looked at William with a speechless How could it be outdated in that era? Back then, high heels and perfume were all new things, and it was difficult for ordinary women to own, let alone chase. Girl's means too. "

Seeing the confusion written on Yang Cheng’s face, Xio said, "The two of them met at a Monte Carlo party. At that time, the moment Xio met Chanel, he decided to pursue her, send flowers to the house, and sit down. Playing around the world on a yacht, well, it sounds very old-fashioned now, but in the era when entertainment was scarce, this way is definitely what all women yearn for~"

Kate nodded again and again, "Now also yearning~"

Hugh spread her hands, "But as far as I know, Ms. Chanel was also a very individual woman at the time. She only wanted to be a lover, but she didn’t want to marry as a wife. The reason seemed to be that she didn’t want to be **** in the family life, so she refused the marriage proposal and said A classic quotation that has been handed down to this day:'You have many wives, but Coco Chanel only has one'."

Harriet and Kate screamed at the same time, these words are too sultry, even women feel that the bones are crispy, and today, this sentence is fashionable enough!

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