Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1678: Noble Member

After Yang Cheng listened to the romantic love story, the only thing she felt was the lyrics: The unreachable is always in commotion!

Regardless of whether a man or a woman, what he can't get is the best. The food he robs is always more delicious than the one in his bowl. To put it plainly, people are cheap!

The amorous Duke and Chanel have been well for ten years. Although he divorced and married others during this period, he had no wife for 4 years. Chanel who did not want to marry him became the eternal white moonlight in his heart.

What is a goddess, the big beauties who can't be seen and touched are the goddesses. When you really live with him every day, you will find that the goddess is nothing but this, and then you can't suppress the throbbing heartbeat, go out to find the next goddess.

This is why ordinary people always watch the entertainment news and find that male stars and female stars are married, obviously married to such a beautiful goddess, and go out to steal fishery, but they are found to be less beautiful than their own wives.

Such as Chen XX and Yaya!

It's so utterly conscience. I guess the men who eat melon are thinking, if I marry such a beautiful woman, I would like to tie it at home and watch it in person every day, and go out to steal the fishy.

But in the eyes of men who are accustomed to seeing beautiful women, the goddess is just a woman who wants to chase but can't chase. Once the freshness is over, isn't that the case? No matter how beautiful the peaks and mountains are, they are nothing more than the accumulation of fat. After thinking about this, do you want to bend yourself in an instant?罒ω罒

To say that Hugh II is infatuated enough, he never forgets Bai Yueguang, for this reason, he engraved the Chanel brand logo on the street lamppost in central London, and at the same time engraved the family crest of the Duke of Westminster in capital. "W", to commemorate the white moonlight in my heart.

At that time, that area was owned by Hugh II, so there was capital to play romance, and there was no need to worry about the defendant sabotaging official duties. In the end, it became a century-old story. Try it for you as an ordinary person? Fines you thousands are light.

The reality once again proved the truth. It is wrong to breathe without money. If you have money, you can hear the melody of lovingyou.

Yang Cheng joked, "Hugh, turn around and lend me the lamppost of your house. I have to engrave the letters of my fiancée's and me's surnames on it. It is not possible that after a hundred years, our descendants will also make fun of this story. ."

Everyone laughed, and Xio even said in cooperation, "No problem, as long as you want, every public brick can be engraved with your representative letters."

After chatting for a while, I felt that the atmosphere was going to be silent. Everyone brought the topic to football tacitly. In the UK, as long as you think the topic is gone, you can talk about football and the weather.

"I bought a member of Liverpool~" Sugar Grosvenor said.

"Because of Messi?" Yang Cheng asked.

"Not all. I like the way Liverpool have played in the past few seasons. It is very advanced and gorgeous. Especially after Messi joined, the cooperation in front of the big penalty area is more. It is a bit like Barcelona at the peak, but not exactly the same. , Not as sluggish as Barcelona, ​​the offense is very purposeful."

Yang Cheng gave a big finger, "You know the ball well~"

"I'm an Englishman, I have played football since I was young~"

"I have the opportunity to invite you to watch the game. Believe me, the atmosphere of Anfield will make you fall in love there for a second~"

After a pause, "Should you not be a fan of Villa? Like William~"

Hugh Grosvenor's smile increased, and the grief of losing a loved one should be temporarily seen.

As the team most supported by the British upper class, Villa has always been a magical existence. Of course, this is only for people now. After all, the results of the Villa team in the past 20 years are like shit, and they are not worthy of so many big names. supporter.

But in the past, Aston Villa was a giant.

Achievements are on the one hand. The history of the Villa team can also be inseparable from the royal family. Look at the team logo of the Villa team. The golden lion in the team logo is widely seen in the United Kingdom. On the banner, Vera's nickname is also called Lion, which shows that Vera is inextricably linked to the royal family. However, in recent years, Vera has become famous because of the father and son of Prince Charles and Prince William. With the blessing, Vera was inevitably put on a sacred veil.

The most important thing is that 98% of the Villa fans are now white, which is extremely rare in England where Ahsan, African Americans and Arabs are flooded.

And compared to other giants, Manchester United and Manchester City are both workers’ clubs, Liverpool is the world of dock workers, Arsenal is also called the Arsenal, needless to say, and Chelsea’s giants are completely piled up with rubles. , The Blues were almost abandoned by London, shivering at Stamford Bridge, not a giant at all.

Regardless of their performance, the above-mentioned clubs, the British Jazz, who are somewhat self-reliant on their status and status, can be regarded as the middle class farmers in their eyes. They naturally disdain to support the same team with them, so they use the lions. Aston Villa, which has a long history and good results in the team emblem, has slowly accumulated such a group of "high-quality" fans in the history of more than 100 years.

And the British fans are all inherited from his father's business. I took my son to see what team I like since he was a child. Over time, his son became a fan of that team and passed on from generation to generation.

Therefore, Yang Cheng subconsciously thought that Grosvenor was a fan of Vera.

"My father is, but I am not. I don't have a team that I particularly like. But now, I am a Liverpool fan. You have to manage the team well, or I will lead the members to rebel."

The **** British humor is not funny at all, but William and the others laughed together. It seems that this sentence has made them laugh.

After a few awkward laughs, he said perfunctorily, "Don't worry, I won't give you a chance to rebel. By the way, since you are a Liverpool fan, are you obligated to promote the team you support in your circle of friends?"

Yang Cheng has always wanted to develop high-end members of the team, and the main factor is to increase the number of to expand their contacts in the UK is the main factor.

William is Vera's iron, he is not easy to pry, and he has no way of other nobles. He didn't expect Hugh Grosvenor to take the initiative to send it to the door. He can't miss this kind of good thing.

"You mean, let me get some friends to join the Liverpool membership?"

"That's right~ your noble friends, as long as they don't support Villa, they can pry it over. Anyway, they are idle. They carry the title of Liverpool member together, and they can also help you sort out your network of contacts~"

Harriet covered her mouth and smiled, "His friends are ordinary people. He had a party at Eaton Manor, but he scared those friends. It turned out that there was a super rich second generation sitting next to him~"

"Comeon, dear~"

"Whether they are ordinary people or nobles, Liverpool welcomes them, and through your relationship, I can permit them to purchase season tickets as new members. You must know other new members, regardless of their status, who want to buy season tickets honestly. It’s possible to line up for five or six years."

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