Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1680: Possibility of buying a title

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Let’s talk about returning to the title, Carson said, "In fact, all titles can be bought and sold now~"

After finishing speaking, I seemed to be afraid of William being angry, and I took a cowardly glance at William. Seeing that he had no reaction, I continued boldly, "I remember there is a website that specializes in selling knighthoods. You can pay tens of pounds in Scotland. If you buy a piece of land in the wilderness, you can get the title of'Lord', and a series of packages including a purchase certificate, a map of the purchased land and surrounding environment, and the land purchase number.

Of course, the titles of nobility and land obtained through this kind of website have little practical use, and are more of a memorial to foreigners. "

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Surely what William said is not like this? If it is, I can wholesale a whole box and sell it in Africa~"

"Of course this is not the case, but don’t underestimate this business. Many foreigners, including Chinese, will get a land certificate and title back. I am embarrassed to use it in the UK, but in their country, it is still very useful. ~

Among them are some high-end customers. They are all social elites, including businessmen, financial professionals, doctors and retired officials.

For a small price to get a title, the benefits and subsidies you can enjoy are not many at all. "

"For example?" Yang Cheng asked.

"For example, if you are knighted, you can get ZF allowances for food, clothing, housing and transportation, and you can be respected and favored by others throughout the UK.

Imagine a free upgrade to a hotel suite, a free business class upgrade on a plane, and countless VIP services. For ordinary people, this is definitely a huge attraction. "

Yang Orange wondered, "Are you sure that the title you bought with money can get the same treatment?"

William hesitated for a while and looked at Carson, "It should be possible?"

This question is really too much to ask him a superior prince, it is not within the scope of the information he contacted.

Carson was not sure, and said vaguely, "I only know that 195 pounds can get any title, lifelong, and 995 pounds can get any hereditary title and a piece of land.

As for whether you can get subsidies and benefits, I can't guarantee. I only know that the titles sold on this kind of website have nothing to do with the British ZF or the royal family.

Of course, this is also permitted by the current laws in the UK. In fact, it is to let the client buy a small piece of land and then go to the land registry to register it.

Therefore, this title can be understood as being issued by the relevant land registry. "

William nodded, indicating that he had nothing to do with the royal family.

Yang Cheng understood, and said uncomfortably, "It's just cheating foreigners with money, it's not really a knighthood at all~"

Carson echoed, "Yes, it is useless to spend money on a title awarded by the Queen herself, but as far as I know, you can buy a Scottish baron for £1 million, a real title, but the operation is very cumbersome. You must also find the right talent~"

"Well, William, I know the status quo of the nobility, you can just say, if I want a title, I mean the real title, what needs to be done?

I just listened to what you said, it’s not impossible to be a hereditary baron~"

William affirmed, "It is indeed possible to operate, but you have to seal the mouth of the British nationals and nobles~"

"You mean, my title must be recognized by the people?"

"Yes, this is a prerequisite. In fact, my suggestion is that the baron is enough, and the baron can also be hereditary, but it's not really a nobleman~"

Yang Cheng shook his head, "You know that hereditary is not the point. Since it is possible to obtain the title, then it must be equal."

He said this because of the particularity of the title of the baron, which is unique to the United Kingdom. It is not equivalent to the title of the baron in continental Europe. The status is below the baron and above most knights.

After being canonized or inherited hereditary title, the baron’s name can be preceded by Sir, which is the title of “Jazz,” followed by the title of “Bt.”, and females can be preceded by the title of (female knight). With the title of'Btss.' after the name.

However, the title of secondary baron is basically created for men, and it is generally passed on from male to female, only the eldest son. There are only three female secondary barons in history.

But the reason why it is said that it is under the baron and surpasses most of the knighthoods is because there are three knighthoods that have higher status than the baron.

The knighthood is handed down from the medieval knight system. There are two ways to obtain it. One is to obtain a knight medal at the knight level, and the other is to obtain a lower-level knight.

Those who have received the Knight Medal can also precede their name with the honorific name of Sir/, followed by the abbreviation of the medal, such as Sir*Youde, MBE.

The highest ranks of the Order of Knights are: the Order of the Garter in England, the Order of Thistle in Scotland, and the Order of St. Patrick in But the last Order of St. Patrick has been abolished, and the status of these 3 Orders of Knights It is higher than the baron, but it is extremely difficult to obtain.

The last class of the Knights' Medal is the Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire and the Order of the Lord Commander. These two can basically be smashed with money, and there is no luan.

Yang Cheng’s goal is the Garter Medal. What Beckham wants to get the most is also the Garter Medal, but as mentioned earlier, the Garter Medal can only be obtained by a very small number of people, except for the king, who are fixed as 24 living and a few special members, the royal family With the exception of members and monarchs, unless they are deprived of crimes, once the life-long entitlement is granted, the by-election can only be re-elected after the member's death or withdrawal.

This basically cuts off the possibility of Yang Cheng getting the Garter Medal. Just kidding, there are hundreds of people in the UK waiting to get the Garter Medal. How could it be Yang Cheng's turn to be an outsider.

William persuaded, "In fact, you only need to get the Noble Commander's Medal. It is enough to add Sir before your name, plus a baronial status to ensure that you can be treated with the same status when facing European nobles.

Bill Gates and Spielberg are the winners of the Knight Commander Medal, awarded by the Queen. "

Yang Cheng is also more nervous about drinking too much, but if his thinking is normal, he will not ask for a baron unless he decides to immigrate to the UK or Commonwealth countries~

"Well, I listen to you all, I don't understand anyway~"

The happiest person here is Carson. He is the butler from Windsor Castle. Serving the rich and the nobles are completely two concepts.

He didn't expect Yang Cheng to get the title of Baron. The Knight Medal plus the Baron is enough, know that he is a foreigner!

"What you have to do now is to increase charity. Charity has always been the best way to brush your reputation!"

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