Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1681: Red Nose Festival

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"Charity? Of course, New Era Media’s annual charity efforts in the UK reach 5 million pounds, isn't it small?"

"A lot, but still not enough~"

"Then how much do you need? 10 million?"


"How many?"

"20 million! Every year!"

Yang Cheng laughed angrily, "Man, I think you are joking. If it is true, you might as well sell my assets for cash and distribute them evenly to the British, so that everyone benefits, as long as I sacrifice myself. Just fine~"

William heard the anger in Yang Cheng’s words, "Listen to me, this 20 million pounds only lasts two years after you get the title. In addition, the money you want to invest is targeted and you can’t just look for it. The people are not interested in doing a charity project."

Yang Cheng meditated, "What do you mean? Can't invest in the Animal Protection Foundation or the Wanderers Foundation?"

"Yes, you have to pay attention to what is the charity project that is really cared about by the British. If you invest money in it, the effect will be doubled~"

Yang Cheng was a little confused, "What project should I invest in?"

William said helplessly, "First of all, you have to separate charity and public welfare, not to be confused~"

Yang Cheng certainly knows the difference between the two. In China, people often confuse doing charity with doing charity and call it a charity cause.

But in English, charity is charity, public service, these are two completely different words.

The British understood charity as "a way of giving people voluntarily to help disadvantaged groups in cash or in kind."

Of course, they think that public welfare is also charity, but instead of donating cash and in-kind gifts, they don't count on remuneration to contribute their time.

To put it simply, those who have money are called charity, and those who have no money are called charity!

In fact, this is a realistic portrayal of the confrontation between the two classes. The capitalists moved their mouths and paid for charity. In fact, the common people did not feel deeply. The cancer foundation, the heart foundation, and the wanderer foundation are all tall. Wait, for ordinary people who are not sick and have no empathy, even if all the accounts of the Foundation are open and transparent, they will not waste time to check it out. They would rather do something for those in need.

Thinking of this, Yang Cheng seemed to understand what William meant.

"So, those nonprofit organizations, not charitable foundations, I need help?"

William snapped his fingers, "Exactly right, this is the fastest way to stop the mouth of the people in Britain~"

As soon as I figured it out, Yang Cheng’s thoughts became clear, “I understand what to do, Carson, please collect public welfare organizations across the UK for me, and give me a list of organizations that urgently need help with a wide audience. The sooner the better~"

"Yes sir~ I will give you the list tomorrow~"

William waved his hand, "In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, do you know the Red Nose Festival?"

Yang Cheng shook his head and nodded again. He had heard of it, but he hadn't understood it in detail.

Carson helped explain, “Red Nose Festival is the oldest charity festival in the UK. It has a history of 28 years since its establishment in 1988. The Comedy Relief Foundation has always advocated the transmission of positive social energy through entertainment, aiming to create a poverty-free World of justice.

This festival originated from the creativity of comedians. Since its inception, it is still the most dedicated event for all comedians throughout the year in the UK.

As for the way of participation, it is also very simple, but it is not lacking in interesting and highly maneuverable. "

Yang Cheng came interested, "You mean, we can also hold similar festivals to attract the attention of the whole people? Even their spontaneous participation?"

"Yes, but the Red Nose Festival has today's results, which are the result of decades of continuous development. If you want to become popular, you have to think of some tricks. It is not enough to spend money." William Say~

Yang Cheng had some thoughts, "Carson, please elaborate, for example, how do people participate in the Red Nose Festival?"

"The way to participate is not cumbersome at all, as long as you wear a clown's red nose.

Of course, every year the Comedy Relief Foundation will design several or even a dozen different styles of red noses, and people can collect all styles of noses through exchange or fundraising.

And some celebrities, Internet bloggers and social celebrities use various methods to make fun. The audience and fans raise money by way of rewards. These donations will be used to improve the world's poverty.

On the official website of the Red Nose Festival, corresponding fundraising goals are also given for different needs. For example, to support children in poverty-stricken areas, you only need to donate $1 for a meal, and to improve local medical services you need to donate $10, etc. , I have logged in, the interface is clear and clear, anyone who knows how to use a computer can operate it. "

He paused, "But people are more forgetful, and they love the new and dislike the old. If they continue to use the past, they will get bored after a few years. Therefore, the Comedy Relief Foundation often introduces new ideas and encourages people to adopt their own unique ways of participation. , But wearing a red nose is the foundation and a symbol of this holiday.

Just like last year’s Red Nose Festival, some parents encourage children to make their own cakes and sell them along the street, or take out toys they don’t want, and the money they sell will also be invested in charity.

There are also people who initiate the ‘Magrant Challenge’. In short, everyone can design their own small fundraising activities to initiate fundraising for the Red Nose Festival.

Today, the Red Nose Festival can basically achieve the effect of all people participating and having fun. "

William followed, "Because of the growing influence, in addition to the United Kingdom, the Red Nose Festival has also entered the United States, Germany, Ireland, Iceland and other countries, attracting thousands of celebrities around the world, including Mr. Bean, David Beckham, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson, yes, Bill Gates also participated last year. Hollywood stars and American pop music stars can all see them in this festival.

At the beginning, you can invite celebrities and friends from the business community to participate in the event by virtue of your contacts, but you must think of a model that can quickly become popular in order to make this event long-term. "

Yang Cheng began to imagine the day of the Red Nose Festival. The British, who are considered to have always lacked a sense of humor, had a childlike heart. All of them dressed up, dyed their hair red, put on a funny red nose, or painted their noses red. Without the usual seriousness at all, he felt funny when he thought of this scene.

But I have to say that the effect is also leveraged. Every family and every school takes this opportunity to educate young people with love, and organize small amusement fundraising activities, so that students learn to help others while playing and laughing, and wait for these children to grow up. They will encourage their children in the same way, passing on from generation to generation, and this charity activity has truly achieved the effect of helping others.

Carson added, “In the past 25 years, the Red Nose Festival has raised more than 1 billion US dollars in charity, which is far more meaningful than one person directly spending 1 billion for charity. The charity projects generated by the fundraising benefited more than 2.6 million children in impoverished areas."

Yang Cheng sighed, "This event is indeed very valuable. It seems that I have to prepare for a protracted battle. If you want a festival or event to truly have a big impact, you must accumulate for several years. That's all right."

William shrugged, "Anyway, the review of the medal will take a few years of inspection, and neither will delay~"

"I see, the key is to think of a simple, convenient for all people to participate in, and have continuous playability activities, otherwise it will soon be forgotten by people."

"Yes, this is the key, so you need to find a professional event design team, and everyone will work together to find a way~"

Yang Cheng told Carson, "Go find a professional team and let them make a plan. I will see them at the manor tomorrow~"


Carson never frowned because of Yang Cheng's request, even if it was difficult!

"Okay, I'm going to rest, but today I was exhausted~"

William yawned and went back to the room to rest. Yang Cheng didn't get any better. After drinking for so long, he just kept on thinking and talking~

. . . . . .

The next day, William and Hugh Grosvenor talked about forming a company together at breakfast. Hugh Grosvenor was very interested, but he asked very gentlemanly, "This is a project that you have been preparing for a long time~www. Am I not sincere in participating now?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don’t think too much. Although we have been thinking about this for a long time, we have not acted on it. If it weren’t for you, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to remember it. In the end, we will be forgotten. Thank you~"

Hugh Grosvenor smiled shyly, holding finger sandwiches and eating small bites. He still maintains good aristocratic dining etiquette. Compared with him, Yang Cheng behaves more vulgarly, but this is in his own home. There are no outsiders, so why bother to pretend, William is the same, looking at his way of eating, he doesn't look like a prince.

"I will be friends from now on, don't be so polite~"

After breakfast, William and Sugar Grosvenor left the North Sea Manor and agreed to go hunting together on Christmas Eve.

Leisure time is always short. Yang Cheng accompanied Susu and Liu Junyu to the garden for a while, and the professional event design team that Carson found has arrived~

At this time, the five team members sitting on the battery car were very nervously tidying up their clothes. Two of the women took out the mirrors and kept taking pictures, carefully checking whether their makeup was flawed.

It’s no wonder that they are so nervous. This young team that has just been established is the first time to receive a big order, and the target is the world-renowned billionaires. In their eyes, they are the same big people as the Queen. They were lucky enough to find them. ,what is this? This is the opportunity God has given them. If you can’t catch it, just disband and go home to play in the mud~

The leader is Thomas Robinson, a high-achieving student from the University of London who came out of the poor. Facing the majestic North Sea Manor, he actually developed a sense of inferiority in his heart. This is what he had encountered before even the richest generation A feeling that he had never had before, and that feeling made him nervous. . .

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