Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1685: Deposit gold bars

(In the past few days, the workload has suddenly increased, and the number of words has not been updated enough, (.??_??.)?? I’msorry~)

Why did Carson's face change drastically after hearing Yang Cheng said that he wanted to deposit gold bars? If he just keeps dozens of pieces, he won't have any opinions at all. Instead, he will help to give an idea as to which bank to buy gold bars is more appropriate. It can be seen that Yang Cheng's posture does not satisfy his appetite at all.

For a good British butler, investment and financial management is one of the skills they must master. What's more, for a butler carefully trained by the royal family like Carson, the assessment of investment and financial management is always excellent. From a certain perspective, in terms of how to ensure the stability and appreciation of assets, Carson's ability exceeds that of most financial company managers on Financial Street.

Therefore, he is very clear about the disadvantages of storing physical gold. Of course, there are still many advantages if you store a small amount.

Reminding the owner to manage money in a more reasonable way is also one of his duties, "Master, do you think now is a good time to buy gold?"

Yang Orange pointed to the gold price trend chart on the computer screen, "Look, there is at least two months of decline, but I estimate that by the end of the year, the price of gold will reach the bottom, so you must control the time and strive for the lowest price. The time to complete the transaction, the next two years will be the harvest time!"

Carson persuaded, "Paper gold and account gold are also fine, why insist on physical gold?"

Indeed, from the perspective of financial management, physical gold is a lot more expensive than transactional gold such as account precious metals and gold Td. After all, it also involves a series of fees such as taxes, transportation fees, management fees, etc., so It is also said that as an investment or asset allocation, buying account gold is enough, and even more extreme, physical gold is useless.

But existence is reasonable. Nowadays, many people still buy physical precious metals in banks. Not only do they buy, but they also buy more and more holdings year by year, because from the perspective of long-term investment and asset allocation, buying physical gold is definitely the most valuable Investment method, especially when you have determined that the price depression appears.

Yang Cheng smiled, "Carson, you are professional in investment and financial management, and you should know the benefits of investing in physical gold~"

Carson does not deny this, "I know, first of all, in the allocation of household assets, the role of gold requires long-term investment to play well. There is a general saying that gold is the insurance of assets, and 5-10% of household assets should be allocated. gold."

What is asset insurance means that when an extremely significant risk event occurs, all your assets may be annihilated, and the remaining gold will be all of your assets. The insurance effect of gold on assets is very important for the inheritance of wealth. Importantly, this is particularly evident in the perfect capitalist world.

As the saying goes, there are only three generations to be rich. Three generations need at least a hundred years. How long is a century? Anything can happen. Don’t talk about houses or stocks. It’s very possible that a random earthquake will turn you from a winner in life to a social cancer. And no matter how strong a certain currency is now, 100 years have passed. Can it still be strong?

You know that the U.S. dollar and the British pound also claimed to be the strongest currencies in those days. Look at now, the crazy printing of new money, the inflation rate remains high, and the licking of the face and shouting to be strong? But gold has an anti-inflation effect. Of course, this effect is not obvious in the short term, but in the long run, this anti-inflation effect does exist.

In 1972, the Bretton Woods system collapsed and began to float freely. The price of gold went from US$35 to US$1,330. Simply pressing the calculator has provided an annualized rate of return of 8.3% for nearly 45 years, which is slightly higher than the average inflation level. What does surplus mean self-evident?

But again, the short-term fluctuations of gold are relatively large. If this is for short-term speculation, buying physical gold is purely wasteful, and the profit may not be enough for you to pay taxes and fees, and it will not be able to exert gold's anti-inflation and asset insurance. effect.

Carson added, "Secondly, buying physical gold can play a role in the long-term allocation of gold. I believe that the master also took a fancy to this feature before deciding to buy physical gold?"

Yang Orange nodded and expressed affirmation, and Carson took the opportunity to say, "But now with the safety factor of paper gold, the same effect as physical gold can be achieved."

Regarding this, Yang Cheng stood up, shook his shoulders and smiled, "Carson, you forgot one thing, yes, according to what you said, paper gold has sufficient safety factor, but long-term investment must be considered. Thoughts fluctuate."

Carson didn't turn the corner, looking blank.

Yang Cheng leaned on the table with his hands in his pockets, like a university lecturer, "Think about it, what will be the biggest obstacle to a successful long-term investment? Is it a misjudgment trend? Obviously not, you have to judge gold in a year. Whether it is up or down, none of us can guarantee it, but 20 years from now? 100 years from now? The answer is obvious. As long as the earth does not explode, then it must be up.

No matter what kind of financial product, as long as human beings are progressing and the economy is developing, its long-term trend must be rising. As long as it is long enough, the probability of being wrong is very low. Such a judgment has no technical content at all, and basic common sense is enough. "

Carson nodded instinctively to express his approval, and Yang Cheng spread his hands, "Since the judgment is not the biggest obstacle, what is the biggest obstacle? Just like Apple's stock, I believe that when it first went public, many people bought it. But why are only a few people able to enjoy today's dividend? Because many people sold it halfway can't stand the bumps halfway!

Therefore, the biggest obstacle to the success of long-term investment is not to judge the market or not to participate in it. It is the long term itself. To put it bluntly, it is persistence. Persistence is simple, but it is difficult to achieve, because it is completely human. On the contrary, especially in a long-term investment process, we will experience various tests of greed and fear, but if we keep a batch of gold at home and leave it alone, as long as we ensure that it will not be lost, then the value of physical gold will be reflected. Out.

We don't always think about selling it, because it's too much trouble!

Just let it stay in the warehouse and take it out when we really need it, and you will see how great today's decision is! "

Finally, Yang Cheng stood up straight and said bluntly, "Moreover, the cost of making mistakes in buying gold is the lowest. Collecting antique calligraphy and painting is a very professional job. It is difficult for us to succeed alone. Once we buy a fake, we will lose a lot, but There is no possibility of making mistakes in gold, as long as the gold bar content is high enough."

After listening to Yang Cheng's words, Carson took a deep breath, "Master, you are more professional than me~"

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