Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1686: Swan Hayswansea

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Yang Cheng looked up to the sky and laughed, "Carson, you are too humble, this is the knowledge I learned from the elders in my family, I am just a porter~"

Carson bowed, "No matter what, what you say, sir, is likely to let us escape a great crisis in the future. I will contact the bank now, but sir, how much gold do we want to deposit?"

"First deposit 50 million pounds, remember that we only need standard gold bars, not gold bricks!"

"Understand, I will contact the bank now. Such a large gold bar transaction will definitely cause an uproar~"

"Don't worry, the media won't report this, remember to insure the gold bars!"

"Of course I won't forget~"


It is not a whim that he wants to save a batch of gold bars. The price of gold drops to a low point. Even if he doesn't buy physical gold, he will buy the bottom. But saving the gold bars is for the future. Once he loses the advantage of the prophet, this gold bar can also guarantee himself. Overcome difficulties.

Thinking about it this way, 50 million does not seem to be enough, or 100 million?

Save a small goal at home to be confident, isn't it?

Forget it, take it easy, buying such a large amount of gold bars at one time, it is estimated that the bank is also crazy~

. . . . . .

In the next few days, while Carson was busy contacting the bank to buy gold bars, he was also responsible for docking with Eaton Manor. With the participation of the two dukes of the British Empire, the company procedures were specially handled, and the process was quickly completed, of course. , The holding company is placed in the Cayman Islands, and the tax avoidance is still to be avoided.

The office was located in London, and Hugh Grosvenor directly took out an office building as the office space for the new company. The next step was to complete the recruitment work.

Carson's work is more than that. Every day he has meetings with Thomas Robinson's team to study the details of the activity plan. He must understand everything in detail. Otherwise, if Yang Cheng asks him about it, he will be negligent.

Compared with Carson’s busy schedule, Yang Cheng is much more laid back, taking two beauties on the streets of Shoreson, or driving to London for shopping spree, resting in the manor when tired, fishing, horse riding, golf, watching movies, and then You can go to the ranch to milk the milk if you don’t have money. Anyway, the huge manor and the rich entertainment will definitely not let the time pass by.

In midweek, Liverpool expedition to Apennines. Faced with Maradona’s home team, Messi was uncompromising. While contributing two goals, he also used his excellent scheduling ability to help the team defeat the opponent by a big score of 5:0. , This big victory allowed Liverpool to continue its excellent state, but also focused the attention of global fans on the Red Army.

Liverpool this season is really terrifying. It’s nothing if you don’t lose a game, or even a draw. Except for the first game against Arsenal, there was a huge hole on the defensive end. The other games only lost at most one goal. The crazy offensive firepower completely obscured the credit of the back line.

At present, the whole of Europe is studying the Red Army, especially the rich teams that may face the Red Army. They spare no effort to think about tactics and countermeasures. There is no perfect offensive tactics in this world, not to mention Liverpool just completed the run-in. Far from reaching the point of ease.

Now a series of victories are just because everyone doesn't understand enough. As the season deepens, losses are inevitable.

Back in the league, on the first day of October, Liverpool was a guest in Wales to accept the challenge from Swansea.

Bored and bored, Yang Cheng took two young beauties with the team. If it were other cities, he had never been to Swansea before. This city is also called Swan Sea because its English name is Swansea. It sounds very romantic, but in fact it is true. As the second largest city in Wales, Swansea’s tourism industry is very prosperous, but the entire city has no relationship with Swansea, but the Swansea club’s team logo is a black swan.

The origin of this name has something to do with the Viking pirates. At that time, Britain had not yet completed the unification. The Vikings from Northern Europe took advantage of the chaos and occupied many places on the island. The coastal areas were even more affected. This place in Wangxi became a trading post for the Vikings.

There is a saying that the Norwegian "entrance, bay" is called "Sweyn\'sEy", because Swansea is at the mouth of a river called Tawe into Bristol Bay, and then the name slowly evolved It is Swansea in English, and the Welsh name in Swansea means "Tawe Estuary".

By the time of the Industrial Revolution, Swansea was still an important port, but the cargo had become coal transported from coal mines in inland Wales.

In addition to coal, Swansea also has developed metal smelting and pottery manufacturing. At that time, people gave it a nickname called "City of Copper". With the booming metal industry, the population of this city has also increased rapidly. , And even at one time the same level as Cardiff, the capital of Wales.

However, in the 20th century, the local heavy industry began to show a downward trend. However, because it was an important port city, it received the key care of Uncle Hsi during World War II. After the bombing, most of Swansea was bombed, and it was similar to Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Almost, now Swansea is almost a rebuilt new city.

Once used as a strategic hub to guard the now as one of the few old buildings in Swansea, Swansea Castle stands in the center of the city and is also a symbol of Swansea.

As a tourist city, Swansea has enough natural landscapes, the majestic limestone cliffs of the Gower Peninsula, one by one beautiful beaches, and forests everywhere. Many British people will drive to Swansea on weekends. Wonderful weekend.

The straight-line distance between Liverpool and Wales is only more than 100 kilometers. There is no need to take a plane. The team bus is more convenient. Instead of taking the team bus, Yang Cheng took the chairman's car of Liverpool and arrived at Swansea first. Coincidentally, The driver's wife is from Swansea, although they have settled in Liverpool and rarely come back.

From the city to the Gower Peninsula, there is a five-mile coastal corridor with Victorian piers, small and sophisticated gift shops, and countless restaurants and cafes. Yangcheng and the others stop and go, all afternoon Time passed quickly.

It wasn't until the evening came, when the game was about to start, that it was late.

This summer, Swansea was acquired by a consortium from the United States. It is said that one of the bosses is still the vice chairman of the NBA Memphis Grizzlies.

"Boss, here~"

Coming to the hallway of the VIP box, Ian El stood in front of a box and greeted people, and saw Yang Cheng beckoning.

"Boss, this is Swansea Chairman Hugh Jenkins~"

"Mr. Yang, I have heard of the name for a long time~"

"Good evening, Mr. Jenkins, Swansea is such a beautiful city~"

"Ha~ I think so too~"

Yang Cheng turned around, "When I came, I saw an open space between the coastal corridor and the city center. Can I know what the land is for? Does the land have an owner? "

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