Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1687: Sewer golden

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Before coming, he heard that Swansea Zf was planning to rebuild the old town. It was actually a gathering place for the homeless after World War II. It can be said to be a refugee camp. The area turned out to be a small residential area, but next to the beautiful coastal corridor, it is really unsightly.

The local zf has always wanted to develop that residential area, but there are too many people and it is difficult to reach an agreement on the interests, so it has been undeveloped.

But now, there are fewer and fewer open spaces in the urban area of ​​Swansea that can be changed freely, and that area has to be moved, even if it pays more for this, it will not hesitate to pay more. Besides, if it is really impossible, it can be demolished violently. The whole of Great Britain is doing this.

Yang Cheng’s question is definitely intentional. Compared with London, Wales’ economy is more stable, and with the development of Wales in the field of tourism and education, more and more outside population will come to this country in the future. To survive, investing in real estate in Wales now has a promising future.

It's just that Hugh Jenkins may be a qualified club chairman, but he is not a qualified businessman. He didn't know about such a big business opportunity, and Yang Cheng was helpless.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yang, I'm afraid I can't help you, I don't understand that land~"

"It's okay, let's focus on the ball game~"

Yang Cheng shrugged and said that it didn't matter, but he was already thinking carefully about waiting for the team to win a few goals.

Compared to Jenkins's ignorance, Ian Ayer has something to say, no wonder he is deeply loved by Yang Cheng. Don't get me wrong, it's just the boss's love for employees.

Entering the chairman's box, Ian El pulled Yang Chengtuo behind and whispered, "Boss, I know a little bit about the land, and a real estate developer in Liverpool seems to want to intervene."

Yang Cheng was surprised, "Do you know that real estate agent?"

"I met at the reception, but I don’t know him well. Before he came to Anfield to watch football, I talked to him a few words. He was very excited to reveal to me that he was going to do a big game in Wales. Asked a few words."

Yang Cheng nodded, "Tell what you know~"

"I only know that this real estate developer, in conjunction with the local Liverpool consortium, is planning to invest 1 billion pounds to take the land, renovate the old city, and plan to build a mid-to-high-end community around the coastal corridor~"

Yang Cheng nodded. Originally, he wanted to do it by himself. Now Ian Ayre knows and just let him take care of it. "You can participate in the investment in the name of Liverpool. I think this is a trade that won't lose money~"

Ian El said nothing, "I understand, I will contact the other team when the match is over, I believe they don't mind having a stronger partner to join."

Yang Cheng patted him on the shoulder, "Look at the ball first~"

He recently discovered that one of the benefits of raising a team is to facilitate business talks. Just like some bosses like to talk about business on a golf course, they can negotiate tens of billions of dollars in business while playing golf, and work without delay.

Raising a team is a very good thing, especially in a country with a strong football atmosphere like the United Kingdom. The owner of a football club is not inferior to a nobleman in the eyes of the people.

Of course, Yang Cheng does not need to rely on the football club to raise his status. He just likes to talk more and more in such occasions. It is better than the two negotiating teams sitting in the conference room for a few months and finally making a big fight. More?

Hugh Jenkins is a typical Englishman, a gentleman, especially his tone of voice, very aristocratic, of course he did not deliberately imitate, should have been said since childhood.

"Mr. Yang, Liverpool is really good this season~"

Hugh Jenkins couldn't help sighing as he watched his own team being rubbed by Liverpool at halftime.

Yang Cheng is also not modest. "It is determined by money. If you can spend money to bring in big-name players and find a coach with good strength, Swansea's performance will not be any worse than Liverpool~"

Hugh Jenkins said helplessly, "It's incomparable. Even if I have money, the market can't support so many stars. The highest attendance rate on this stadium is less than 20,000. Swansea is too small~"

Liverpool’s offensive on the field was higher than the waves, but today Swansea’s goalkeeper didn’t know what medicine he had taken. It was as if he had been hit with blood, and he resisted. At halftime, at least three Liverpool must be saved After scoring a goal, Messi, who had just completed a high-quality free kick, saw that the football that went straight to the dead corner was hit by the opponent's goalkeeper with the tip of his finger. The whole person was not good.

The teammates are not getting better either, a few young ones are about to collapse, is this Nima broken? Did you let people play?

Thanks to the excellent performance of the opponent's goalkeeper, Swansea kept the score tenaciously at 00. Fortunately, Liverpool have experienced big scenes in the past few seasons, and they can stand their temper, otherwise they will not be able to attack for a long time. Fortunately, he will be successfully attacked by the opponent.

In the chairman's box, Yang Cheng and Hugh Jenkins chatted one after another.

Suddenly, Jenkins asked, "Mr. Yang, I heard that you bought a garbage recycling plant in the UK?"

Yang Cheng was taken aback, did not understand what the other party meant, "Yes~"

"Is the income pretty good?"

"Um~" Yang Cheng hesitated. The British seldom ask the other party directly about financial issues, but the other party is obviously not to inquire about the profit, so he had to say vaguely, "Generally, no money was lost~"

"It seems that Mr. Yang prefers to invest in people's livelihood infrastructure."

"No, it's just about adjusting the asset structure. What does Mr. Jenkins want to say?"

"Nothing, if Mr. Yang wants to expand investment, you can contact me~"

Yang Cheng looked at Jenkins and then at Ian El. Seeing his thoughtful look, he should have guessed something.

In the first half, the two sides drew and the ball possession rate reached 8713. Liverpool simply did offensive and defensive drills in the opposing half. Unfortunately, the score was still zero. The effect of this drill was not ideal.

But Yang Cheng's attention was obviously not on the game. Jenkins found a reason to leave the box. Yang Cheng quickly asked, "Do you know what Jenkins means?"

"He has two sewage treatment plants under his name~"

Yang Cheng blinked, "What then? Can't continue to operate? It's not a problem, it's all stable income~"

Ian El shrugged, "Who knows, maybe he needs money for other things. Anyway, every year a sewage treatment plant fails to operate and goes bankrupt. Everything is possible."

Yang Cheng said, "So he wants to find me to take over? It's a pity, I'm not interested~"

Ian El said with a smile suddenly, "Boss, don't underestimate the sewage treatment plant, if you do, the annual profit is not less than that of the garbage recycling plant, or even more~"

"Huh? There are hidden benefits?"

"Of course, there is gold in the sewage~"

"What?" Yang Cheng thought this guy was joking, she was really courageous.

Ian El nodded affirmatively, "I'm serious, it's real gold, not a metaphor!"

"How could it be~" Yang Cheng didn't believe it at all, but the conversation between the two of them also attracted the attention of Susu and Liu Junyu. When the two little beauties looked over at the same time, ordinary men couldn't bear this kind of beauty.

"Boss, you think about countless people washing their hands and bathing with tap water every day, with jewelry on their bodies. This causes a lot of precious metals to be washed into the city's sewers every day, most of which are gold.

I remember hearing an insider talk about the content of precious metals in sewers, even higher than those found in some mines. "

Yang Cheng finally believed that Ian El was not joking, but it still sounded weird.

Ian Al sat over and found a piece of information from the Internet for Yang Cheng to see, "Boss, the metal content in sewage is really very high, and the gold content in it ranges from one part per million to three parts per million. , You must know that for a gold mine, this content already has economic value for mining."

Yang Cheng's face was ridiculous, but she had to believe, "Where did this all come from? Only extracted from jewelry worn by people?"

Ian El shook his head, "Of course more than that, but a considerable part of it is due to human inadvertent behavior, that's for sure.

For example, when people wash their hands, the friction between their fingers and rings or jewelry causes traces of precious metals to enter the sewer along with the water flow. The same situation also happens to people who wear gold teeth. They are cleaning dentures. , It will also cause the trace elements in the gold teeth to be discharged into the sewer with the domestic water.

In addition, as precious metals are increasingly added to shampoos and detergents, the remaining metal components will also be discharged into the sewer along with wastewater.

By the way, the data says that the catalytic converters used by automobiles to reduce exhaust emissions also contribute to increasing the content of precious metals in sewers. The wastewater discharged from them also contains precious metals such as platinum.

According to the data, the total value of the precious metals washed into the sewers of the UK each year is estimated to be about 15 million pounds. In fact, this can still be refined and converted into actual value estimates. Most of them are difficult to extract due to imperfect technology and were lost for nothing. .

Moreover, not every sewage treatment plant has the extraction capacity. If you divide it evenly, it is entirely possible for a family to earn more than tens of thousands of pounds a year.

This is definitely a windfall for a sewage treatment plant with a fixed annual profit~"

Yang Cheng asked dumbfoundingly, "So you suggested that I buy it? Just for hundreds of thousands of pounds of profit per year?"

Ian El didn't think there was anything wrong, "This is stable income. With the advancement of extraction technology, profits will definitely push up further, and if we make arrangements in advance, we can definitely grab the biggest piece of cake.

The most important thing is that sewage treatment and garbage recycling are major issues related to people's livelihood. It is hard to imagine what London would look like without a sewage treatment plant, and the Thames might become a stinking gutter.

Boss, you already have 6 garbage recycling plants in London. If you add a sewage treatment plant, it will play a vital role in improving your zz status. "


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