Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1688: Messi as a guest

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Ian Al’s words, Yang Cheng did not blindly listen to it. In fact, in the United Kingdom, in the entire United Kingdom, there is a monster called Thames Water Group on his head. If you want to get a foot in the field of British water resources, the chance of success is not The limit is close to zero. If you just want to make a small amount of money, or just give yourself a reputation and raise ZZ status, there is really no need to waste energy.

Extracting gold in the sewers sounds like a new resource or economic source has been developed, and compared to traditional mining operations, "mining" in the sewers can eliminate the processes of mining and crushing ore, which will reduce The cost that people need to pay to obtain gold, but after so many years, there is still no industry, but only sporadic reports, which shows how difficult it is.

In order to make his own words more convincing, Ian Ayre also inquired from a friend that Far Away RB already has a mature sewer extraction system for gold. The operation method is to burn the sewage sludge and process it. Through this In one process, about 2 kilograms of gold can be collected per ton of sludge ash, and in RB's most productive mine, only 40 grams of gold can be found per ton of ore.

If according to this statement, there is no need to move the global gold mines, everyone should go to develop sewers.

Data is data, and whether it meets your investment needs is another matter.

If Yang Cheng decides to invest in a sewage treatment plant, then it must not be because of profit, because the profit of this area is no higher than that. It is indeed its advantage for long-term stability, but he already has a garbage recycling plant in his hand, and it is better than For its own part, Yang Cheng pays more attention to waste recycling and power generation technology, which is a new energy investment and is different from sewer mining.

Yang Orange shook his head and said, "I don't know how to do it myself. If you are interested, you can invest in it~"

"Wait, where are the two sewage treatment plants in Jenkins?"

He suddenly remembered the matter of buying a knighthood. The sewage treatment plant is an industry beneficial to people's livelihood.

Ian El didn’t know why Yang Cheng’s attitude changed so quickly, "I only know that it’s in London, and I’m not sure where it is~"

"Do you want me to check it?" Ian El tentatively asked.

Yang Cheng thought for a while, "It's okay to check it out~"

Soon fifteen minutes passed in midfield. As soon as the second half started, Liverpool changed the schedule and did not press on. Instead, they played a game of monkey walking in the backcourt. At first, Swansea's players did not dare to come out because of tactics. But after a long time, the athlete's temper was hard to bear, and he was mobilized unconsciously, the defense line was on the whole, and then he was over.

Liverpool scored an exaggerated 6-0 score at halftime, probably because of the suppression of the first half and confiscation of hands in the final stoppage time, so that although Liverpool won the game, it lacked the hearty feeling. Including Messi, who scored a goal, there was no smile on his face when he left the field. Maybe he played too depressed in the first half.

After returning to Liverpool, Yang Cheng stopped Messi who was about to drive home, "Leo, should the team have a vacation tomorrow?"

Messi smiled shyly, "Yes, take a day off tomorrow~"

"It happens to be a guest at Beihai Manor tomorrow, and I will let the helicopter pick you up and your wife~"

Messi will of course not refuse something that has been said good, "No problem, see you tomorrow~"

. . .

At noon the next day, a helicopter sent by Yang Cheng took the Messi couple to Beihai Manor, and he personally greeted them near the apron.

Messi rarely wore formal attire, and his wife Antonella also wore a black long skirt, which made Yang Cheng a little rude in home clothes. "Are you attending the Golden Globe Awards ceremony? It's too grand~" Yang Orange quipped.

"The first time I come to visit, I have to be more serious~this is my wife Antonella~"

"Hello, should I call you Mrs. Messi?"

"Just call me Anton, friends call me like that~"

Antonella and Messi are also childhood sweethearts. The two are of the same age, and they are definitely regarded as gods and goddesses in the football circle, and her appearance conforms to the aesthetics of the Oriental.

"Hello Anton, are you still used to life in the UK? Except for the **** weather!" Yang Cheng's complaints made Messi and his wife laugh. Although they had been in the UK for half a year, they heard countless people say that. Hearing it from Yang Cheng's mouth was still very fresh. I didn't expect that people with such a high net worth would also like to complain about the weather.

"Thank you, everything is fine for us. The team was very considerate to help us find an Argentine chef. Liverpool can also buy Argentine-specific ingredients and seasonings. Leo and I are very satisfied."

Compared to Messi, Antonella is undoubtedly more eloquent.

"That's good, I've been worried about your lives, please come in, and have a cup of tea, English black tea, it tastes different from mate holds the plum Xi's arm was about to follow into the castle. At this moment, the sound of the helicopter propellers went from far to near, and Yang Cheng heard the sound and looked at it, "It should be the Beckhams who are here, should we wait for them? "

Of course Messi has no objection. Taking this opportunity, looking at the vast pastures and endless grassland of the manor, he couldn't help but ask, "I think buying a ranch in the UK should be very good~"

Yang Cheng nodded and said, "Yes, there is plenty of rain in the UK, which is very suitable for pasture growth, but the Pampas is undoubtedly more suitable for pastures than the UK, the key is cheaper~"

"Of course, but I think it must be fun to take care of a ranch personally after the game. I am going to play in Liverpool until I retire and have enough time to run a ranch."

This is equivalent to showing determination in disguise, Yang Cheng said gratifiedly, "Let my butler look back for you and see if there are suitable pastures around Liverpool."

While talking, the helicopter had flown over the tarmac, and the helicopter that picked up Messi had flown away, just leaving a place.

The whirlwind rolled up by the helicopter propeller was very uncomfortable. After getting off the plane, the Xiaobei and his wife ran straight to Yang Cheng.

"Hey, Leo, it's been a long time since I saw you~"

"Yeah, how are you?

The two couples exchanged cordial greetings. Yang Cheng invited everyone into the castle. Beckham and the others had been here many times, but it was the first time Messi came, so Yang Cheng took them around, focusing on the back garden. , Watching Antonella's eyes full of small stars, can't wait to copy a back garden in his castle immediately.

However, when this idea was born, it was ruthlessly extinguished by Messi. Before he came, he asked specifically that this back garden of Yang Cheng cost tens of millions of pounds to build, and the annual maintenance cost would be millions. His salary is not enough!

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