Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1689: BBC documentary

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"David, I invited you to give Antonella some advice. She opened a high-heeled shoe store and plans to enter the fashion field. You and Victoria are experts in this regard."

As an intermediary, Yang Cheng is enough to act as a matchmaking bridge. As for whether the two sides can reach cooperation, he will not be held responsible.

And in his opinion, the business of these sports stars is a trifle. At the beginning, they bought shares in Beckham's fashion company, half out of love, and half to expand the share of fashion companies. Making money requires capital operations. After the listing, A lot of banknotes are waiting for him to pick up. Can you care about the money for clothes?

After talking for about an hour, the two ladies became more excited and talked about their experience in using skin care products. Yang Cheng looked at the sleepy Messi and Beckham and simply said, "Go, let's go golf~ "

Victoria immediately said, "Let's go too, go out to bask in the sun, it's rare to have such a good weather~"

When the British encountered a sunny day, it was like chicken blood, and they wanted to take off their clothes and sunbathe by the pool.

Several people got on the battery cart and came to the golf course. Although Yang Cheng is rarely used, the lawn is very well maintained and can be used as a playing field at any time. The sun is shining and the breeze is very suitable for outdoor activities.

Yang Cheng carried the club, wearing a peaked cap and big sunglasses, standing on the teeing ground very chicly, and said to the two stars who also put on professional equipment, "Shall we play casually? Or bet something?"

There is no one in the room who is short of money. Pure fun is not interesting. Of course, it needs some excitement. Beckham suggested, "The loser is responsible for the cost of the next party~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I have no objection~"

Messi also nodded, "Yes~"

Victoria and Antonella looked like they were watching a play and waited for the kick off. Victoria suddenly asked in a low voice, "Has Jason invested in your brand?"

Antonella didn't react. "What?"

"I thought Jason invested in your brand before introducing you to us~"

Antonella hooked his hair tossed by the breeze, "No, he should look down on my little shop, right?"

"This is not good. Many industry experts commented on Jason's investment style and used the word weird to describe it."


"Yes, look at his investment history. It is very complicated. From the Internet to the entertainment industry, traditional energy to new energy, most investors do not only specialize in a certain field. The most important thing is that he invests in almost all of the projects. It was a success. Have you heard about his recent acquisition of Westinghouse Electric? No one is optimistic about his acquisition of a sunset company, but he did so and hired a very powerful manager.

By the way, he also cooperated with the Borromeo family in Italy a few days ago. "

Antonella didn't know how to be fierce, and at the same time asked a little dazedly, "What do you mean?"

Victoria smiled meaningfully, "Hold this thigh tightly and don't let go, it's not shameful~"

If Antonella was not Messi’s wife, she would be just an ordinary girl, but following Messi would be her greatest luck in her life. The native chicken jumped into a phoenix, and followed Messi to meet some high-class figures. She has gained a lot of knowledge, even if she is simple, it doesn't mean she is a fool, let alone she is not as simple as paper.

As Victoria's voice fell, she looked at Yang Cheng's back, and her eyes revealed an inexplicable taste.

After Beckham and Messi left, Yang Cheng was exercising in the swimming pool. Carson came over with a bathrobe and squatted by the pool and said to Yang Cheng, "Master, the BBC has sent an invitation. I want to make a film about you. 'S documentary~"

Yang Cheng panted and took off his swimming goggles and threw it away, "Documentary? Why film me?"

Carson handed over a towel, "This is a brand-new project of the BBC. They are going to follow up and interview the rich foreigners who invested in the UK. They will make a series of documentary programs, including Mr. Abramovich. Invitation, and members of the Saudi royal family."

Yang Cheng wiped her face, "I'm not interested, please push it away~"

"BBC people said they can help us publicize for free, I think this is a good opportunity to publicize charity activities~"

Yang Cheng put his hands on the shore, Carson immediately put the bathrobe on him, and followed behind, "It won't be too long. As long as one whole day, they will send out two cameras and a follow-up host. People, if there are places that are not convenient for display, you can cut them off."

"You suggest me to participate in this show?"

"I think this is a good opportunity for the British to learn about you~"

Yang Cheng thought, "It's not impossible, but don't let them enter the castle. I don't want my residence to be made public. That will make me feel that my privacy has been violated."

"Understand, I will communicate well~"

"Well, then tomorrow, I will go back to America the day after tomorrow, let them hurry up~"

"Okay, I will reply to them~"

Facts have proved that the efficiency of the British can rise quickly as long as they think about it.

Early the next morning, Yang Cheng changed his clothes after breakfast and went out. He saw the BBC interview van parked behind his Rolls-Royce. Two photographers carrying cameras covered him with the lens, wearing a suspender skirt. The hostess greeted her with a bright smile, but unfortunately the gods were not beautiful today, and the gloomy weather overshadowed her well-dressed style.

"Good morning, Mr. Yang, I am the host Helen Skelton in charge of this follow-up~"

Yang Cheng was originally reluctant to accept this documentary filming. If it weren't for buying the title, he wouldn't expose his privacy.

He was unhappy, and his face was naturally not pretty. Of course, his disguise was pretty good, and his unsmiling appearance would only be regarded as serious, and would not say that he was playing big cards.

"Hello Helen~"

Helens Kelton handed over a document and said, "This is today's interview plan. Mr. Yang has a look. If there is dissatisfaction, we can modify it at any time~"

Yang Cheng took it and looked through it, "No big problem, let's get started~"

"Thank you, then Mr. Yang, wait a minute, I'm going to make the opening remark first~"

Immediately afterwards, Helens Kelton faced the camera and introduced Yang Cheng with a strong voice. With the majestic castle as the background, waiting for the show to air, it immediately aroused people's appetite.

It's a pity that Yang Cheng didn't agree to open the inside of the castle for BBC shooting material. It was tolerant enough to let them in here.

"Mr. Yang, let's go~"

Yang Cheng nodded. In order to enrich the content of the filming, there was nothing to do before, so Carson was asked to schedule a full day's schedule. When the audience saw the show, they would see him who was busy and hardworking!

"Let's go, let's go to Scotland Yard first, where is the British headquarters of New Times Media, you should know?"

Helen nodded in cooperation, "Of course, the news about your acquisition of Scotland was very popular at the time~"

Rolls-Royce started slowly without a trace. Helen, who was sitting next to Yang Orange, continued to talk, "After you come to the UK, do you have to go to the company every day?"

"Almost, in fact, the British side is already on the right track. There are not many things that require me to do it myself. I only need to sign every time I go~"

"So simple?" Helen asked in surprise.

“Of course it’s not that simple. I have to read each briefing carefully before signing. If I want to, I can sit in the office 24 hours a day and sign. The report will never be finished.

But I'm too busy to sit in the office forever. You can see the schedule today, and there is almost no time to rest. "

Helen didn't know that these itineraries were made forcibly, otherwise he would play without eating, and the documentary should be renamed ‘show off wealth’.

He got up very early on purpose. At this time, the highway to London was particularly congested. Yang Cheng said helplessly, "If it weren't for your interview, I should take a helicopter, it would be faster~"

What can Helen say, she can only apologize, "sorry, will it delay your work?"

Yang Orange shook his head, "I can't say that it was delayed, but my schedule is arranged and must be strictly implemented."

With a camera hanging on the back of the front passenger, Yang Cheng couldn't make his face look good. Although he didn't have a human body, he still had to pay attention to his image.

When approaching London, the car had already started to travel at a fast speed. No need to pretend this time. He was on the verge of an outbreak. What's more, a downpour fell from the sky. The dense rain covered people's sight and the visual range was very low. , Many cars are afraid to move, the wipers can't be brushed at all~

Helen said with shame, "I didn't expect this to be the case."

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