Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1690: Regal's 1 day

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It took almost 3 hours to rush from North Sea Manor to Scotland Yard. The rain was still falling, and the raindrops the size of stones hit the ground, crackling.

"Bad weather~" Helen complained, holding an umbrella.

Instead, Yang Cheng said with relief, "I'm used to it. In the UK, I'm ready to get wet at any time~"

"You look more like an Englishman than me~"

"Yes, I don’t feel tired after eating fish sticks every day~"

"Speaking of which, I haven't eaten fish sticks for a long time~"

"I will invite you at noon~"

In the next morning, Yang Cheng showed off the quality of an outstanding entrepreneur in front of the camera. Various meetings happened one after another. It was originally just an ordinary departmental meeting. Because of his joining, the board meeting was held. Sense of sight.

He was so busy here that he suffered from Helen and the photographer. There was really nothing to photograph, and they were forced to start interviewing ordinary employees working in Scotland Yard.

Fortunately, Yang Cheng did not make restrictions on this aspect. The employees also said that the company’s benefits are very good, and they did not squeeze their ordinary labor force too much. There is really nothing to criticize, so let's blow it~

99% of the video tapes that have been filmed now are boasting Yang Cheng. This is not enough. If the program wants to have ratings, it must have a hit point, and if it wants to have a hit point, it must create contradictions and conflicts. Row?

Therefore, when Helens Kelton interviewed an employee, he asked unkindly, "Did Jason Yang deprive you of your basic human rights?"

The employees were asked, "What do you mean? Our work is very free, no one oppresses us~"

"I mean, did he ask you to say something about his positive side?" Helen tentatively asked further.

Fortunately, this employee who came from the planning department was flexible enough to catch the core of the problem and shook his head violently. "Your interview was very sudden. We had not received any news before, and it was impossible to be asked to say or not to say anything. , You think too much~"

His remarks directly blocked Helen's next problem, and even the editing was not easy to edit. In desperation, he could only let the staff leave.

At noon, the company began its lunch break, and Yang Cheng finally had time to return to the camera. Helen was still deliberately trying to dig a hole for Yang Cheng. When facing Yang Cheng, he returned to a harmless smile.

"Mr. Yang, your employees speak highly of you~"

"Thank you, it seems that my salary is satisfactory~"

"Yes, they said the same, where are we going next?"

"Restaurant, I promised you to eat fish sticks in the morning~"

Yang Cheng took Helen and the photographer to a snack bar near Scotland Yard. It was overcrowded. It seemed that most of them were employees working in Scotland Yard.

Helen seemed to have discovered the New World, his eyes flashing, "Mr. Yang, does the company have no canteen?"

"Of course, the cafeteria was not built when I first moved in, so I could only wrong everyone to eat out. Now more than 90% of the employees will choose to eat at the company. The restaurant offers a wide variety of meals, and the price is only cost price. Almost no money, there are additional expenses.

Maybe they are tired of the company's meals and want to change their tastes? For example, if you haven't eaten fried fish sticks for a long time, you will miss it. "

In fact, he is also quite puzzled. According to the standard of the company canteen, these ordinary employees should not come out to eat lunch and waste money and time. Of course, the British themselves do not have the habit of eating lunch. Most of them bring sandwiches from home. .

But Helen doesn't think so. In her opinion, this is a place where contradictions can be created. "But everyone seems to be not satisfied with the restaurant. So many people come out to eat."

Seeing that she was eager to interview, Yang Cheng simply stopped the person and asked, "You work in Scotland Yard?"

The other party was a little unhappy at first, but when he saw the camera and the beautiful hostess, he suddenly slowed down and said, "Yes~"

"Then why not eat in the company cafeteria? Are you not satisfied with the food in the cafeteria?"

"Um~ You are talking about the cafeteria of New Era Media, right? They are not open to the public. Only people from their company can go in and eat with their work permits~" This tone was full of envy and hatred.

Yang Cheng was stunned, but also relieved, "So you are not an employee of New Times Media?"

"Yes, our company just rented a floor of Scotland Yard~"

Yang Cheng remembered the report in the briefing. In order to use Scotland Yard as much as possible, he rented out the temporarily unused floors. Now the Scotland Yard building is not only used by New Times Media.

Helens Kelton couldn't hide his disappointment. The microphones that he had raised were all put down. If he is not an employee of New Times Media, he has no interview value.

I bought a few snacks and brought Helen and the camera crew to the nearby park. After the rain stopped, the ground was washed by water and the air was very fresh. "Mr. Yang, what do you think of the investment environment in the UK~"

"The overall situation is pretty good, except for ZF's slow work efficiency~"

Helen's voice changed, "Have you ever thought of emigrating to the UK?"

Yang Cheng narrowed his eyes. This question is not easy to answer. If the answer is yes, he will definitely be scolded by people outside the UK after the show is broadcast, but if he says no, he will be scolded by the British again, and he hopes to make a nobleman. As for titles such as medals, if you say that you don’t intend to emigrate, wouldn’t it be a slap in the face to get someone’s medals?

This Helen didn't feel at ease at first glance. If it wasn't for the camera, she really wanted to go crazy.

I suppressed my dissatisfaction, and ate the fish sticks and thought, "In fact, if possible, I would rather immigrate to Antarctica~"

This is how he avoids the most important, and uses a relatively novel answer to divert attention.

Sure enough, Helen was stunned and asked, "Why do you want to immigrate to Antarctica? It's not suitable for long-term residence~"

Yang Cheng began to pretend to be 13 again, "I am a pure person by nature, so I like a pure world. This world is mixed with too many dirty things because of my interests. If possible, I would like to live in a pure white that is uninhabited. The world, with penguins, seals, and whales as company~"

Helen didn't know how to answer the call for a while. Is this what a world-class rich man said?

Upon seeing this, Yang Cheng emphasized, "I'm serious, I'm not kidding, if I can, I want to build a manor in Antarctica, which will not damage the local ecological environment, but also ensure that I have a comfortable living space!"

"This is really a great idea~"

"Yes, and for this plan, I have taken the first step bravely~"

"What does Mr. Yang mean?"

"I entrusted a Dutch yacht manufacturer to build an expedition yacht for me that can sail freely around the world. After the yacht is built, I will embark on a round-the-world Bring my family and friends together. If you want to, the BBC can track and film the entire trip. I believe this is the greatest experience in my life."

"Oh my god, I~ I don't know how to describe it. If my body permits then, I must ask you to send me a ferry ticket. This is really fantastic~"

Yang Cheng sneered inwardly, "Just deal with the problem that you just concealed evil intentions. From now on, it's better not to meet~"

Of course, he answered hypocritically, "Of course, it's my honor~"

After the lunch break, Yang Cheng took the helicopter and flew the program team to Liverpool. He first inspected the construction sites of several projects, and then went to Anfield to inspect the team’s recovery training. Because of Messi’s accidental entry into the scene, Helen temporarily released After Yang Cheng, I took Messi to interview him about his experience after coming to the UK.

Being pushed by the boss to block the gun, even Messi has no capital to refuse. He can only stand in front of the camera and answer questions that have been said dozens of times.

Yang Cheng could finally take a break and stand aside and chat with Loew, "Pay attention to the players' injuries. We almost suffered a loss last year."

Loew nodded solemnly, "Yes, so before the start of this season, we have done more adequate physical training, and we have a set of the latest monitoring system.

Boss, look at the black vests on the players. The equipment is called Viper. The front is a vest, but there is a black technology device on the back, placed in the middle of the shoulder blades, which can be used to detect the player’s heart rate, distance, speed, and pace. , Pressure load and other indicators are presented in the form of data on the iPad in the hands of the coaching staff. This allows us to track the players’ physical conditions all the time. We can now target the hidden injuries that we did not notice in the past. open. "

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