Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1700: Caring cousin

Bastian hurriedly left the company. Yang Cheng stood by the glass curtain wall, looking down at the crowds, and sighed deeply.

Turning around slowly, he found Liu Junyu standing in a daze at the coffee table, and couldn't help asking, "What's the matter? What's the daze?"

Liu Junyu lowered his head awkwardly, pretending to be packing the coffee cup, "Sorry, I'm just packing the coffee cup~"

Of course she would not admit that when she first walked in, looking at Yang Cheng's back, she had the illusion of being a stalwart. This illusion deeply caught her eyes and sank in.

Yang Cheng didn't doubt that he had him, and sat down and asked, "Don't rush to pack things, how is your brother?"

Liu Junyu was stunned. This seemed to be the first time Yang Cheng asked about his brother's situation. Since she was rescued by Yang Cheng from the casino, she thought her brother was already on Yang Cheng's blacklist.

"He~ okay~"

Yang Cheng's tone couldn't hear the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and was very plain, as if she was saying something insignificant, "Have you returned home?"

Liu Junyu's expression was a bit complicated, "When I returned to China, my family felt ashamed that he was not allowed to stay in New York."

"You don't blame me?"

"Of course not. I know this is the best ending. My parents didn't blame you. They are very grateful for your care for me."

Only then did Yang Cheng smile, "I should take care of you. Anyway, you are my cousin who is not in the fifth server, and you are related by blood."

Liu Junyu smiled faintly. Although he has changed a lot, his cold temperament is born from his bones and cannot be changed overnight.

"Thank you~"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Don't be polite to me. We are relatives in private. Don't be cautious. By the way, you are chased by so many people at school, why don't you have a boy you like?"

Liu Junyu was still thin-faced, and he couldn't help lowering his head when he talked about relationship problems, and he didn't dare to look directly into Yang Cheng's eyes.

Yang Cheng laughed, "Why are you still shy? Forget it, you don't want to say that I will not force you, your own feelings are the masters, but I am willing to give you a check. If you meet a boy you like, just bring it to me. ."

"Got it~" Liu Junyu murmured.

. . .

After Liu Junyu packed his coffee cup and went out, Yang Cheng spent a long time thinking about it alone, and called Beatrice. He had to give the other party an explanation about Alitalia. Of course, the other party had to give himself an explanation, obviously. Talking about ZF, the Borromeo family came forward to public relations, but it was useless for Luan. This made Yang Cheng had to doubt Beatrice’s sincerity. He did not believe in Borromeo whether she did this with her heart. The strength of the family can't even do this.


After the call was connected, Beatrice's tone was slightly surprised. It seemed that she had not received the news yet?

Yang Cheng cleared her throat and said, "I regret to inform you that the negotiation broke down~"

"What?" Beatrice raised her volume.

Yang Cheng was too lazy to repeat, "You heard it right, the negotiation broke down, and ZF in Italy privately contacted the large companies in your country, hoping to keep Alitalia in the country. Unfortunately, we learned the news. Since then, we didn't talk about it. It’s necessary, wasting each other’s time."

Beatrice sighed and cursed in a low voice, "Damn zheng guest~"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Hey, pay attention to the image, you are the princess~"

Beatrice didn't make a difference, and instead said, "I haven't received the news yet. It seems that the Italian ZF does not want me to know about it, and deliberately concealed it. Give me some time and I will give you an explanation."

"Forget it, I just called to tell you that the failure of the negotiation has nothing to do with me. I am already very sincere. As for it is not necessary to explain, I have nothing to lose. Besides, I am too lazy to care about your relationship with me. too much."

Beatrice thought of that charming person, and suddenly felt an itchy throat, and said in a deep voice, "Do you have any plans to go to France recently?"

Yang Cheng thought with a smirk, "Miss me?"

Dayangma never bothered to hide his emotions, "Well~I don't know why~"

"There are some things for no reason, don't waste brain cells thinking too much~"

"I know~"

"But I just returned to the United States, if you have time, you can come to the United States to play, I will send a plane to pick you up~"

"Let me think about it~"

"Don't think about it, aren't you going to play in France? Alone? I'll send someone to Paris to pick you up~"

What he said was a reminder, telling Beatrice how to make excuses to come to the United States.

Not to mention, it's really exciting, just thinking about it, the heart is beating hard, "OK~"

. . .

It may be because of the old age. After sitting for a long time, the lower limbs are a little sore and weak, um~ this is not driving~ listen seriously!

I stayed in the office until the sun went down before I walked out stretched out, followed by Susu with Tai Chi steps under my feet, let alone gossip with high heels.

When Liu Junyu saw this scene, he couldn't help taking a sip, "Smelly hooligan~"

Yang Cheng had to hear it or not, otherwise it would be embarrassing?

Susu was told to leave work early, and he stepped onto the elevator first, and made an appointment to pick up his mother from get off work. This was the time of traffic jam.

He didn't know, after the elevator door was closed, Liu Junyu took Susu's hand and said concerned, "Are you okay?"

Su Suxiu blushed, and she didn't expect why Yang Cheng was so excited today, and she didn't know how she was stimulated~

Nodded slightly, "Very good~"

"That's good~"

An unnutritious conversation, but hidden mystery.

As soon as Yang Cheng got in the car downstairs, she received a call from her mother, telling him not to go to the flagship store, but to pick her up at the hotel. He just went to the hotel temporarily to attend a party in the circle and listened to her attitude. Someone seemed to be angry.

"Andrew, go to the Park Hyatt~"

Park Hyatt Hotel is located next to Central Park and very close to home.

After arriving at the hotel, no one answered the phone Yang Cheng waited in the car for a while and felt bored, when she heard the car window knocking, she turned her head and looked, she was wearing a wine red Bishav in evening dress.

Push the door and get out of the car, sending a warm hug, "bee, why are you here?"

Bi Xiafu retorted, "I should ask you, why can't you get in when you sit in the car?"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I'll pick up my mother from get off work~"

Bi Xiafu suddenly said, "Go in for a drink? It can't be over half of the time, how boring to stay here?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Forget it, I didn't wear a dress, let alone invitations. I don't know a few people in your circle~"

"Comeon, are you still scared? Go away, I will take you in. Besides, it's not a formal reception. You are not embarrassed~"

Everyone said that, Yang Cheng naturally refused, "Okay, but it's been a while since the party? Why did you come here? Are you late?"

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