Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1702: Weird environmentalist

"So she came to the United States to appeal not to mine shale oil. Is it to raise money for charity? Or?" Yang Cheng asked.

"No, she just appealed, and did not ask everyone to donate." Liu Yun explained.

Yang Cheng didn't understand what the Queen Mother wanted to do. He didn't plan to stay longer anyway. After the speech, he went home with his mother.

However, people are not as good as the sky. I thought that I could hang up high on the ground. Who would have thought that the Queen Mother on the stage suddenly began to ask people to come on stage to accept her interview, and the second name was Yang Cheng.

At that time, Yang Cheng was facing the stage with his back, and did not notice that the Queen Mother was referring to him.

"Hey, the young man in a casual suit, can you say something?"

Queen Mother West is also domineering, her tone is full of unquestionable toughness.

"Young man?" The Queen Mother called out again, and Bi Xiafu patted Yang Cheng's arm. "Jason, what did she call you?"

Yang Orange asked subconsciously, "Who?"

"Queen Dowager West, on the stage, telling you to go up~"

Yang Cheng was completely unprepared, turned around and saw the Queen Mother on the stage beckoning to herself.

Looking at his mother speechlessly, Liu Yun was gloating, and there was no one to cheat his son.

He got up and walked onto the stage unhurriedly. Looking at the hundreds of guests below, he didn't feel nervous, but felt absurd. He was only temporarily pulled in as a driver, so why did he get on the stage?

"Good evening, Ms. Westwood~"

"Hey, good evening, don't call me madam, call me Vivian~"

The other side's appearance declined to comment. After all, it is rare for a 75-year-old to maintain such a good skin condition.

"Okay Vivian~"

"Are you Chinese?"


It seems that the Queen Mother doesn’t know Yang Cheng, and it’s normal. This woman is full of strange thoughts. She either painted paint on her face, or she wanted to eat tender grass with the old cow, or simply find the true meaning of love with the little meat. May be free to watch business news or sports news.

"Then you answer my question, how do you think about shale oil extraction?"

Yang Cheng suddenly got a big head. This question is not easy to answer. He also invested in energy. Both traditional energy and new energy are involved. If his answer is not optimistic, how can he get involved in the circle in the future? But if the answer is good, will the Queen Mother be prevented from coming to Taiwan?

Seeing him hesitate, Queen Mother West encouraged him, "Speak up boldly, no matter what you say, it only represents your personal opinion~"

Yang Cheng heard this and said helplessly, “I don’t know much about shale oil, but in the absence of energy in the world, discovering new types of crude oil is a good thing for mankind. Of course, mining requires Pay attention to methods and methods. Environmental protection is an issue we must consider."

He said this as if he didn't say it, but it was the best answer he could think of right now.

After speaking, he will step down and step down. God knows that if he stays any longer, the Queen Mother can ask him any questions that would make him vomit blood.

Unfortunately, his speed is not as fast as that of the Queen Mother. The old lady grabbed his arm and continued to ask, "Young man, since you have come to the banquet, you should know my character, and don't want to go off the stage without leaving anything behind~"

The audience laughed, and some had already recognized Yang Cheng, and even took out their mobile phones to shoot at the stage. Today this period may become Yang Cheng’s dark history.

Yang Cheng was really helpless, crying inwardly, "I just came to be a driver, not an environmentalist~"

"Let's talk about it, you should know that the hydraulic fracturing technology commonly used in the shale oil and gas extraction industry does cause drinking water pollution under certain conditions."

Yang Cheng is really convinced. As a fashion designer, if you don't study the punk spirit, you go to study shale oil mining. Isn't it a bit too unfair?

But after thinking about it, he said that he must have said something, and he had to put out some work, otherwise he would be really choking off the stage.

Shen Yin said, "Hydraulic fracturing refers to the process of using high-pressure liquids, sand and chemicals to forcefully open underground rocks to extract oil or natural gas. In recent years, the US energy industry has been using this technology, but it is not It may cause groundwater pollution and air pollution, and even cause earthquake doubts. There is no clear evidence to prove it. I can only say that many activities are necessary for humans to live. The advantages of shale oil extraction outweigh the disadvantages. As long as we do a good job in environmental protection Will suffice."

These remarks can be regarded as a statement, but the very professional explanation also made the guests and the Queen Mother on the stage look at them.

"You are not in the fashion circle?" The Queen Mother questioned.

Now that he has made his position clear, he is too lazy to talk nonsense. Anyway, the two parties have interests and are not afraid of offending, "No~"

"He is Jason Yang~" someone booed in the audience.

The Queen Mother was at a loss, "Who?"

"Chairman of New Era Media~"

"Young Chinese tycoons~"

The people in the audience, you said a word to me, stripped Yang Cheng's background.

"Wait, since you are not in the fashion circle, why did you receive my invitation letter?"

The Empress Dowager West is the Empress Dowager West, questioning others without regard to affection, she asked in a straightforward manner.

Yang Cheng pointed to his mother's direction, "I will pick up my mother from get off work~"

The Queen Mother looked down her fingers, and saw Liu Yun smiled and nodded to herself. She suddenly suddenly said, "You are Liu's son, no wonder~"

Yang Cheng didn't want to stay here anymore, "Can I step down?"

No one can understand the brain circuit of the Empress Dowager West, and grabbed his sleeve again, "No, I haven't finished speaking yet, what's the hurry?"

Yang Cheng was about to collapse, and she used her eyes to ask her mother for help, but Liu Yun pretended to drink water and turned a blind eye. She looked at Bi Xiafu again. This woman was even more ruthless. She directly took the phone and took pictures of him, and signaled to him. Smiles make you look good on the mirror.

"What you just said was very professional. It seems that you have a good understanding of shale oil extraction?"

"No, just read the relevant news~"

He now believes what the Queen Mother said, she was really coated with crude oil and the smell was too strong~

"You continue to talk about it~"

Yang Cheng can't laugh or What do you want to know? "

"Regarding shale oil mining, the media have different opinions. I personally visited the mining site. I don’t know if it will pollute the water, but there is an unpleasant smell in the air. People breathe such air for a long time. How can it be harmless to the body?"

There was a sudden silence on the scene, and everyone had a herd mentality, especially if a big man said a word, there must be countless people willing to agree.

Yang Cheng secretly sighed unlucky, what is all this, he is not a shale oil producer, why should he stand here to speak for them?

"The smell you smell may be greenhouse gases or sulfides. I don't deny that it will harm the ozone layer. But at present, the emergence of shale oil has had a huge impact on oil prices, and ordinary people can enjoy low prices. The welfare of oil, from this point of view, the discovery and exploitation of shale oil is quite beneficial.

But again, everything goes too far, and environmental protection measures must be taken. No matter how harsh it is! "

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