Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1703: Mommy girlfriend

(Mourning for the heroes, cherishing the memory of the dead, and wishing the living to work hard and be safe~)

Yang Cheng also talked about some nutritious dry goods at the beginning, but as he talked, he found that he meant something to play with donkeys. A group of people who only knew what to wear and how to wear 13 all day long, expect them to understand energy mining. thing? I am afraid until now, they have not understood what shale oil is, but they know that it is definitely not a fun thing.

Then, Yang Cheng started to talk nonsense. From air pollution to the ozone hole, it was almost impossible to say that shale oil mining would pollute Martian soil.

Anyone who understands him knows that he is taunting nonsense, such as Liu Yun and Bi Xiafu, these two people have already laughed together, especially when they saw Yang Cheng's serious nonsense on stage, they couldn't help but laugh.

Anna Wintour is also concerned about face, how can a devil laugh so presumptuously?

No way! Can't laugh! MMP, what if I can't help it?

In terms of her temperament, she can't help it~

The Queen Mother asked herself if she hadn't convinced anyone in the field of pretending to be 13 bullshit, but today she has seen what is called the Outer Building of Qingshanlou, and she can bear to have someone behind it!

She regretted it so much that she couldn't wait to chop off her paws, why did she have to keep this kid, and make a good speech on environmental protection, which was held by this kid for a while.

"Thank you, thank you for your speech, let's stop here for the time being~" In the end, she couldn't stand it. The Queen Mother interrupted Yang Cheng's words and tried to **** the microphone.

Unexpectedly, Yang Cheng didn’t linger and didn’t mean to grab it at all. He threw the microphone directly to the Queen Mother, stepped off the stage and returned to the seat. Bi Xiafu threw on Yang Cheng’s back and laughed, "Jason, look at Xi The face of the queen mother will eat you~"

Yang Cheng shrugged, "I don’t blame me. I wanted to step down a long time ago. She wanted to keep me behind, so I’ll talk about it. Fortunately, she interrupted early, otherwise I have to get involved in the origin of life. No."

Liu Yun said strangely, "If you don't want to say it, just explain it, why use such a trick to see the popularity."

Yang Cheng didn't care, "I'm still mad, I didn't hire anyone and didn't provoke anyone, right? You have to call me up and show my eyes~"

"In fact, the Queen Mother of the West is pretty good, but some behaviors are puzzling~"

"Forget it, let's go if there is nothing wrong?"

"Wait, after a while, I will take you to officially meet the Queen Mother~"

"You can stop, why do I know her? Continue discussing environmental pollution?"

He didn't want to talk, but he couldn't help the Queen Mother to catch up.

After the banquet, everyone was ready to leave. Only a few distinguished guests were sent off by the Empress Dowager. Even if she is maverick, she will count on others to join her in the future. Face is definitely to be given.

When it was sent to Liu Yun, several people took the opportunity to chat for a while, mainly the two female demon introduced their children to the Queen Mother.

"Mr. Xiao Yang is very talented. What you said on stage is worthy of my study~"

It's really rare to hear such a humble statement from the Queen Mother West, but why add a small one? It makes people uncomfortable to listen.

She smiled perfunctorily and did not answer the conversation. When Liu Yun talked to the other party for a few words to leave, the Queen Mother suddenly said, "Mr. Yang, if you can, I hope you can join the environmental protection community. We as the public People, successful people, should do something for this society."

This is the first time Yang Cheng has heard someone call himself a successful person. Shouldn't it be said by others?

As for environmental protection, he himself does not reject it, but he does not want to be with the Queen Mother.

Wan refused, "My family and company have charitable environmental protection foundations. This is what I have been doing."

Without speculation, she finally walked out of the hotel. Yang Cheng was just like spending an hour in the sauna, showing signs of collapse.

After getting in the car, Liu Yun said helplessly, "As for?"

"As for! It's too hard to chat with the wrong people~"

"By the way, what do you think about shale oil is true?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "What's your opinion? I was talking nonsense just now, I forgot it now~"

Liu Yun pinched him fiercely, "I knew it~"

Yang Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "Mom, why are you suddenly concerned about shale oil?"

"Don't care why I care, answer me first~ What is the prospect of shale oil?"

Yang Cheng couldn't help but wonder, "You won't be brainwashed by anyone, are you? Investing in oil fields?"

"No, how is it possible, I am not short of money~" Liu Yun firmly denied.

Yang Cheng watched his mother's eyes calmly, confirming that she was not hiding her emotions, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Mom, you should recruit, otherwise I will not worry~"

My mother, who has never cared about economic issues, actually cares about energy prospects. Can Yang Cheng worry about it?

The hotel is not far from home, and the car has arrived downstairs before my mother can give an answer.

Getting off the car and entering the empty lobby, Liu Yun suddenly sighed, "It's not that I was brainwashed, it was my girlfriend who was brainwashed~"

Yang Cheng dumbly said, "Beauty? Who?" There are several of my mom's best friends, Yang Cheng knows them, and of course they may be new friends who have not had time to get to know them.

"Your Aunt Qiu~"

"Aunt Qiu?" A very delicate little woman appeared in Yang Cheng's mind. Aunt Qiu is a typical Jiangnan woman. Her soft words from Wu Nong always make men fascinated. This is a bit like her mother, nonsense. Unlike it is impossible to become a girlfriend.

In the early years, he immigrated to the United States with her husband, but because of physical reasons, she never had any children. However, the husband and wife were as respectful and affectionate as each other, and they never had any disputes over offspring.

It’s just that Aunt Qiu feels ashamed. As a traditional Oriental woman, raising her husband’s offspring seems to be her own genes. Over the years, she has made various attempts in secret and test-tube babies. It was unsuccessful. Aunt Qiu, who was about the same age as her mother, had already passed the optimal fertility period. Even if she was barely pregnant, it was a great threat to her own life.

In the past two years, thanks to her husband’s love and persuasion, she finally gave up her obsession. The couple’s life is also enviable. Aunt Qiu’s husband is a university professor, and she was a writer and prose writer before she retired. In the early years, I wrote articles in magazines and were often sent letters of love by fans.

Both of them are intellectuals, who came from Wenqing and lived like scenes that can only be seen in TV dramas.

It stands to reason that such a couple should not have problems with money matters. Although they don't have much wealth, they are definitely senior middle-class people envied by ordinary people. This is the kind of people who are more than enough to say.

But how could this happen?

Yang Cheng has unconsciously thought of Aunt Qiu and her husband falling into the clutches of a MLM organization, lost a lot of money, and forced to seek help from his mother.

The facts are almost the same, but it is not a pyramid scheme.

"Isn't your Aunt Qiu's husband teaching in school? A student recently approached him, hoping to partner with him in a business related to shale oil mining and transportation. I don't know the specifics.

In the end, he couldn't resist the temptation to invest a lot of money in it. "

Yang Orange wondered, "Then lose it? Will it affect their lives?"

"It's not only as simple as the loss, but the partner was his student who ran away and left him with a mess. Now he is in a dilemma ~ ~ shale oil cannot be mined and no income can be generated. Sooner or later, it will bring down your Aunt Qiu’s home. After all, their home is not solid enough to withstand too long a toss.

But if he is not responsible for leaving, he might still get a lawsuit. "

Yang Cheng was speechless, "So they bought a piece of land? They wanted to extract shale oil to make a lot of money, but the oil was not produced and the book funds were not enough. The partner ran away, and Aunt Qiu’s husband did not want to go to court, so Keep holding on?"

Liu Yun nodded, "That's it~"

After hesitating for a while, he pulled Yang Cheng onto the elevator and asked, "What do you think? Is it necessary to persist?"

Yang Cheng laughed, "Mom, I don't understand, he is also a university professor anyway, shouldn't he find out if there is oil in the ground before investing?"

Liu Yun looked like a fool, "If you know there is oil underneath, do you think they still have a chance to intervene?"

Yang Cheng's tone was stagnant, and it made sense~

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