Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1704: Crazy shale oil

(Mourning for the heroes, cherishing the memory of the dead, and wishing the living to work hard and be safe~)

As soon as I entered the house, I found that Yang Sen was eating dinner at the table. Liu Yun still felt very sorry for her husband. She could not tell Yang Chengduo and said with concern, "Why did you eat so late?"

Yang Sen swallowed, "Don't mention it, after a day's meeting, I didn't eat anything."

Liu Yun sighed, "So are you, our family is not short of money anymore, why are you working so hard?"

There was a complaint on her mouth, but she kept putting vegetables in her husband's bowl in her hand. Yang Cheng couldn't help smiling when she saw this harmonious and loving scene.

In fact, when they entered the door, Yang Sen had almost eaten it, but his wife had to eat the vegetables, so he had to swallow it, taking the time to change the subject, "What shale oil did you say when you entered the door?"

Yang Cheng’s mouth was quick, and he exploded about Aunt Qiu’s affairs in one breath. After listening, Yang Sen raised his eyebrows and asked, “What does Lao Tan think? I have been indifferent to fame and fortune for most of my life, and suddenly remembered that he had made money in business? Still so unreliable. Spectrum project."

Liu Yun was anxious, "Is shale oil not reliable?"

Yang Cheng only then remembered Aunt Qiu’s husband, Tan~

"No, no, I'm not saying that shale oil is unreliable. I mean that the project itself is unreliable. Even if you don't investigate, you must at least understand if there is any possibility of oil production?"

Liu Yun took out the rhetoric of Yang Cheng, but Yang Sen's counterattack was much sharper. "To put it bluntly, I just want to take a gamble. That's okay. The key is that Lao Tan didn't want to think about it. One piece has never been developed. Is it so easy to produce oil in the wasteland of China? This is the United States and not Saudi Arabia. I really think people are sitting at home and the oil is sprayed from the ground?"

"Look at your mouth, I don't know the specific situation, anyway, because of this, Lao Tan took out all the cash at home, and a few financial management money was also put into the project. Now it is lost. He still owes close to 1 million in salary and has not been paid.

When Qiu Ying asked me for lunch today, she almost cried~"

Yang Sen sighed, "Then you lent her money?"

"That's not true, she didn't speak either, but hoped that I would ask you for help and see if I could take the plate."

When Yang Cheng heard this, she objected fiercely, "No, no, absolutely no, what a joke~"

Yang Sen actually meant the same thing, but after all, he was his wife and girlfriend. He refused to be too blunt, embarrassed, "Although our family has invested in the energy sector, we have never personally exploited oil. It is also a very sensitive shale oil recently. My opinion is either borrow money or just leave it alone~"

Seeing that her husband and son were both opposed, Liu Yun couldn't help but feel worried. This is her best girlfriend. But then again, a girlfriend is a girlfriend. You can't make the whole family unhappy because of your girlfriend's feelings. In front of the family, no matter how deep your feelings are My best friend is shit.

On this point, the three members of the Yang family had basically the same idea, and it was just that they had been answered, it was not that the family did not enter the house.

Just as Liu Yun was about to speak, her phone rang, and she took it out of her bag to see that it was Qiu Ying.

After a few words, Liu Yun said helplessly, "She asked me out~"

Yang Sen got up and loosened his waistband, and he was a little supportive. "Should I accompany you?"

"No, she might not be able to say something if you go, let me go there~"

Yang Cheng said directly, "Let Andrew go with you, it's too late to be safe~"

This time Liu Yun did not refuse.

After his mother went out, Yang Sen asked Old John to roast a cigar, half-laying on the sofa and asked Yang Cheng, "Now the whole world is hyping shale oil~"

Yang Cheng chicken thief, when Old John finished roasting, he snatched it by himself, and started to smoke it bit by bit.

He said, "U.S. shale oil has increased by almost 500,000 barrels per day since the end of last year, and it is estimated that it will continue to rise. Is the market demand really that big? Maybe there is, but the instigator behind it is still Wall Street. Mining, Wall Street made at least 50 billion.

The huge investment has led to a sharp rise in mining activities, which has led to a drop in crude oil prices. Although private companies hope to attract investors and increase profits by increasing production, the industry as a whole has been dragged down.

I can only say that if this situation continues, shale oil is not far from the collapse~"

Yang Sen finally waited for the cigar and took a sigh, "Some analysts have already given a forecast that the shale oil industry will lose 20 billion U.S. dollars next year, and suggested betting on traditional crude oil, expecting a sharp rebound in crude oil."

Yang Orange pondered, "I'm not optimistic about the crude oil rebound. It is not a wise move to buy bottoms.

Even if Wall Street cuts investment, it will take time to reflect in production.

I didn’t know before, but I invested in Beihai Petroleum. I know that for an oil field, it takes about half a year from the decision to extract to the market. The cycle is too long. In other words, if you decide to increase production, the economic impact will take at least half a year. Can be seen later. "

Yang Sen bit his cigar with a gangster style, put his hands behind his head, and spit out smoke, "If oil prices continue to be low, Wall Street will definitely change the direction of investment. Without the profits of the securities market, it will only rely on mining shale oil. With low profits, it may not take long for the miners to give up."

Yang Cheng stood up with a cigar in his hand, took off his coat and put it on the back of the sofa, "Yes, in fact, not only shale oil, but the entire oil industry is the same. The mining cost is too high. I don’t know if this is not the case. When it exceeds US$100/barrel, I think these oil-driving companies can make considerable profits without any effort.

But now I know that the cash income earned by these oil and gas companies has not been enough to support crude oil extraction activities. "

Yang Sen smiled and joked, "You do what you do and love what you do, now you are also a loyal fan of the energy industry?"

Yang Cheng waved his hand, "Two different things. My fundamental purpose of investing in energy is to make money and rationalize asset allocation. What I am now worried about is the collapse of the entire energy industry.

Insufficient profits force oil and gas companies to borrow to maintain basic production capacity.

The total amount of junk debt for the whole year has soared to 70 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of more than 130%.

It is foreseeable that for at least the next five years, the total debt of the US energy industry will continue to rise, and it will be a sneeze to break through 200 billion, and it will be effortless.

When oil prices were at a high level and continued to rise, large Wall Street investment banks, including Motorola, Wells Fargo and Citigroup, were more optimistic about the credit status of US energy companies and increased their lending to energy companies.

The amount of leveraged loans exceeds 30 billion, and the more you borrow, the more you can repay. This has forced these oil and gas companies to explore wildly. The soaring amount of extraction has depressed the stock price. The increasing debt pressure has almost emptied the cash flow of the oil and gas companies.

As the amount of extraction increases, the cost of extraction will inevitably increase. The cost of shale oil extraction itself is higher than that of traditional crude oil. I am afraid that they will be the first to collapse under pressure.

Then came the collapse of the entire industry.

Unless the oil price soars to help oil and gas companies obtain higher returns and reduce borrowing, the debt will only snowball. Once the debt situation deteriorates to a certain level, the oil and gas companies will not be able to pay their debts, and then they will go bankrupt. Who will pay for these debts?

It looks like a federal ZF, but it is actually an ordinary taxpayer. "

Yang Cheng finished the analysis in one breath and took a breath of cigarettes. The tone was not very certain and said, "Dad, do you say that it is appropriate for me to sell the stake in Beihai Petroleum now?"

"Sell Beihai Petroleum? Will other shareholders agree?"

"Then sell it together with course, not all of them will be sold, but a small part will be kept. After all, Delta also needs to purchase low-priced fuel from North Sea Petroleum.

By the way, Bastian of Delta Air Lines wants to acquire the Philadelphia Oil Refinery, and I agree. This also requires North Sea Oil's low-priced crude oil. "

Yang Sen pondered for a long time, and finally shook his head, "I can’t advise you on this matter. Think about it yourself. From my point of view, oil is still the most profitable industry in the world in the past 10 years. Oil prices may fall into a dilemma this year, but ZF will not allow this situation to continue. Low oil prices mean that the economy continues to slump. No country wants to see such a situation."

Yang Cheng is really entangled. Selling for cash is undoubtedly better for the present, but the future is not good. Once the oil price rebounds sharply, it will lose a lot.

Thinking of this, he was stunned. Just now, it seemed that he was expecting the rebound to be wishful thinking. He didn't expect to slap himself in the face so quickly.

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