Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1713: There are more amazing remarks

The most attractive thing about fly fishing is the movement of the fishing line flying in the air when throwing, as if you can catch fish without paying attention.

In fact, the process of throwing is the most difficult to master, including the position of the station. The coach led the three people into the cool water and pointed to the calm flowing river. “Fly-line fishing or stream fishing, you should stand Throw a rod upstream in the water.

First, release the main line twice the length of the fishing rod, and slowly swing the fishing rod back and forth in the air with one hand to unfold the fishing line and remove the moisture on the feather hook.

Pull out a section of the main line from the wheel with the other hand while throwing it out. When the fishing line is thrown out for a certain length, the fishing line should be drawn in a rhythm in the air, but the speed cannot be accelerated.

When the fishing line is thrown out of sufficient length, the hand holding the rod gently forwards the fishing rod to make a throwing action, and the fishing line will slowly fall into the water. This is the basic throwing method for fly fishing. You can master it with more practice. Don't use too much force. "

After introducing the basic points, the coach signaled them to step back a bit to avoid accidental injury, and then personally demonstrated it. The main difficulty lies in the movement of drawing circles in the air. If the circle is not well drawn, the hook that is thrown out has no power.

The coach throws the hook very gracefully. After the fishing line enters the water, he holds the rod in one hand, and the other hand slowly moves towards the recovery line. At the same time, he uses the fishing rod to pull the fishing line together so that the feather hooks lightly jump on the surface of the stream. Only drowning insects are dying and struggling to attract fish.

"Don’t pull the thread too much. If the feather hook moves too much on the water, it will startle the fish. When the fish is hooked, you can see the waves formed by the fish on the water surface, and the hand that takes the thread will tremble. a feeling of."

After waiting for a while, the coach continued to pull the line, as if an insect was making the last fight for its own life.

Suddenly, the feather hook sank, and then ripples appeared on the surface of the water, and the originally loose fishing line became taut. Yang Cheng knew that a fish was hooked, and couldn't help holding his breath.

The coach immediately explained, "The fish bit the hook. Remember, you can't take up the line at this time. Instead, you should hold the line tightly, raise the rod hand quickly, and then pull the line back with your hand, like this..."

I saw the coach raised his left hand, the stretched fishing line raised splashes, and a 20 cm long trout leaped into the air and drew an arc in the air and fell to the shore.

The instructor stepped on the water back to the shore, slapped the fish on the ground, took off the hook in his mouth and threw it into the bucket to keep the fish alive.

The whole process seems very simple, but no matter whether it is choosing a position or throwing a hook, it is not an easy job to throw the fish ashore in the end. Only practice makes perfect to make everything easy.

After the coach has done the demonstration, the rest is up to the students' performance.

Yang Cheng has a very strong comprehension ability, and his natural motor nerve allows him to master the sport quickly. After standing aside and trying it a few times, he has mastered the trick of throwing a hook, which is a bit similar to swinging before a horse on the grassland. action.

Not to mention, at first I felt that the novelty was nothing, but after throwing it a few times, it was a little strenuous and my arms were sour. It is hard to imagine how the people in Alaska who depend on them for survival do this every day?

With the rise of his play, Abu and Conrad, who have old arms and legs, are no longer able to do it. After a few shots and nothing, they gradually lost patience. Conrad complained, "Coach, are you sure you chose this position? Why didn't you fish for so long?"

Yang Cheng said irritably, "If you are to blame, blame yourself for your poor skills. Didn't you catch the fish on the first rod without seeing the coach? You have to hold on tight. If you can't catch the fish, the sashimi will not be yours for a while. Serving~"

Conrad refused, "Why, I did my best too~"

Yang Cheng was about to continue to fret, Abu suddenly tightened his fishing rod, "Stop talking, I'm biting here~"

The coach quickly reminded, "Slow down and don't try too hard~"

For beginners, the technical requirements for throwing fish are relatively high. If it is temporarily impossible, it is easy to decouple the fish. The best way is to use the net to copy~

The coach handed the net over, and Abu cautiously dragged the fish in. With a strong lift, a fuchsia trout fell into the net and struggled, and he could clearly see the wide and bright red rainbow band on its body.

Yang Cheng recognized it at a glance, "Good luck, it's a rainbow trout~"

With a smile on his face, Abu is probably happier than he earns millions. After all, making money is not worth mentioning to him, but using the skills he just learned to catch fish by himself will undoubtedly feel more fulfilling.

The coach is also very pleased, this class of students is very worry-free, except for Conrad!

"Fly fishing is a fishing method often used by experienced anglers. You are really talented to master it so quickly."

Well, this is a bit of a suspicion of flattering. It's easy for a novice to play mahjong. Everyone has the talent to play mahjong?

Abramovich seemed to have used up everyone's luck, and for the next half an hour, not to mention Conrad, even the coach did not catch a single Mao.

But the coach is not surprised at this, "Actually, this is not the best fishing spot. If you come back tomorrow, we can go to the nearby mountains, where there are more frequent predatory fish in the stream or water.

And the best time for fly fishing is early in the morning and at dusk every day. At this time, predatory fish mostly swim in groups on the upper layer of the nearshore water body, preying on floating insects and mosquitoes that lay eggs on the water. It is a bit late now. Up. "

Yang Cheng was a little disappointed and carried the fishing rod on his shoulder, "Removed, I have no fun~"

Conrad rubbed his sore arm and muttered, "It should have been withdrawn long ago~"

Back at the hotel, the hot-air balloon journey of the ladies continued, and Yang Cheng and the others did not urge them. They will have to return tomorrow.

A total of two fish were caught, and the kitchen made sashimi as a main course for lunch, supplemented by a few specialties of Utah. Yang Cheng was on the terrace looking at the magnificent view of Red Rock while eating and chatting.

"Jason, I thought about the Permian oil field for a day~"

Abu tasted the delicious sashimi and was full of admiration.

"Any thoughts?"

"can do!"

Yang Cheng raised his wine glass, "A wise decision, step back ten thousand steps, and when we notice something is wrong, we can still give it to the next family to take the order~"

Rough words are not rough. For capital, the reason why they can stand up is because there are too many retail investors willing to take over. Of course, they may not all be retail investors. Some ambitious upstarts are also good takers. .

Abu agreed, "I think so too, and we already have North Sea Oil and Nigeria's owowo oil field. If we are taking a shale oil field, we don't have to worry about the giants encircling and suppressing them."

Conrad followed, "In fact, there is no need to worry now. We have become a climate. With the strength of the three of us, even ExonMobil has to weigh whether it is worth fighting with us for a few oil fields."

"Don't be too optimistic. We should be grateful that ExonMobil is not paying attention. This is also related to Ms. Burns. Our oil field also has her interests."

"Yes~ I almost forgot~" Conrad said, patted his forehead.

"Let me say that Essen Mobil is not that scary. After all, they are not the dominant family. We jumped to Chevron and confronted Essen Mobil." Abu said this a bit pissed.

Yang Cheng laughed and said, "Chevron can't protect itself, and there is still time to fight against ExonMobil? Judging from the current situation, the major oil giants in the United States may eventually become one family and form a super Big Mac."

"How do you say this?" Abu and Conrad thought Yang Cheng's words were a little weird.

In their opinion, this is completely impossible.

Although Yang Cheng did not experience what happened after 19 years, some signs had already emerged in 18 years.

No, no, to be precise, as long as Donald comes to power, he must make a big move with the ability of this shit-chucking stick to take the brunt of the attack on the Middle East. This is also a problem that the previous general tongs must solve after they come to power.

Where is the problem in the Middle East? Ilak? yi~lang? All of them are gunpowder kegs, can you have a good life with Donrad?

The war is about to start!

"I think the oil war is likely to recur in the future, and the crude oil price war may break out at any time. At that time, everyone must report to the group for warmth. It is too difficult to survive the winter by individuals!"

"What? The oil war?"

"Price war?"

The two elders panicked suddenly. If someone else said this, they would definitely laugh off. After all, everyone has the right to express their own opinions. It doesn't matter how you say But it comes from Yang Orange Mouth, they couldn’t help but not take it seriously. With Yang Cheng’s current record of almost victorious battles, even if he fart, these two goods have to get together to taste the taste, and have to follow the taste Where.

Yang Cheng sighed, "Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Tangrad will counterattack the upper position. Can't you deny this?"

Although the folks have been hyping up Mrs. Zipperton, the upper class, especially those who have access to more insider information, have farts in their hearts, and Donald might really have the last laugh.

"Yes, but what does it have to do with the price war?"

"You haven't watched his speech during the speech? I'm sure, he will definitely take the Middle East after he takes the stage, and the first to bear the brunt is Yi~Lang!"

Abu nodded thoughtfully. "What Jason said is reasonable. After Donald takes office, he will definitely overthrow the previous policy. This is what all previous presidents will do. And Comrade Guanhai’s greatest achievement in his tenure is probably Is it "yi~nuclear agreement"?"

In 1979, with the outbreak of the Yi~Lang* revolution, the United States also transformed from a hard-core ally of Yi~Lang into a mortal enemy.

On the surface, the reason is that the newly born Yi~Lang* Republic was extremely anti-American and overthrew the pro-American Pahlavi dynasty, but fools know that this is actually just the fuse.

The U.S.-Iraq alliance was built on the basis of common national interests with the two countries. This community of interests should logically not be affected by the change of dynasties, and the close alliance between Saudi Arabia and the United States also proves the extreme conservative consciousness. The form is not a reason to hinder the good relations between the United States and the Republic of Iran.

In the final analysis, the U.S.-Iran fallout was due to the fact that Yi~Lang was too strong at the time, which aroused the worry that the American dragon would not crush the snake~

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